All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 20:00
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Review (33)
Level4 2023-11-21
是晚食自己!! 到金鐘PP3工作後本想坐車回家再想想吃甚麼, 將行到電梯時突然發現有一汁一菜, 不剛正好嗎? 因為接近下班時間, 所以已經沒有麵包, 那來個日本米飯吧! 有米飯怎能沒咖喱呢….龍蝦湯更是我的至愛!! 首次那麼快便想好要吃甚麼! 菠菜豚肉梅子拌 $25 ~ 晚餐是該有點蔬菜, 這菠菜很嫩, 豚肉絲沒腥味, 拌梅子酸酸的很開胃! 明太子醬厚燒玉子 $25 ~ 食日式當然得有玉子燒, 明太子醬咸香鹹香的, 配搭玉子的幼滑, 很棒的前菜!咖喱定食 $99, 咖喱、米飯、湯品! 法式龍蝦濃湯 ~ 以龍蝦、新鮮蔬菜製成, 出餐前放上鮮忌廉增加濃厚綿滑味道, 龍蝦肉大大粒, 份量還不少呢! 濃香牛肉野菌咖喱飯 ~ 咖喱超香濃, 日式咖喱一般也不是辛口而是偏甜, 但這個不會啊! 雖然也不會很辣, 但不是很甜的那種, 用上洋蔥、野菌等多種蔬菜及香料, 有淡淡的鮮甜味! 牛肉很腍滑, 份量很足, 配白米飯一絶! 日本米飯 ~ 日本產米使用, 軟硬適中!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前幾日放lunch又嚟到「一汁一菜」買外賣😋😋佢地係一間和風湯品輕食店,主打「一汁一菜」的飲食哲學~~小店提供多款和風湯品、日式咖喱飯、小菜等!喺金鐘返工的朋友又多一個選擇🔥🔥-🍱湯&咖喱定食 $89✨📍北海道產甜粟雞肉豆乳濃湯湯頭濃稠鮮甜,以北海道產甜粟米、香滑豆乳熬煮而成~~另外有嫩滑雞肉、西蘭花、甘荀等配料,份量十足🤤🤤📍濃香牛肉野菌咖喱飯每次嚟都必點!一打開已聞到好濃的咖喱香🍛,流哂口水!!裡面有牛肉、紅蘿蔔、薯仔、洋蔥、野菌等食材,全部煮得好入味~咖喱甜中帶辣,越食越開胃❤️❤️🐮自家製野菌醬燒和牛漢堡扒 $35✨漢堡扒大大塊,肉質軟腍juicy!面層淋上自家製野菌醬🍄,味道酸酸甜甜、好送飯~~🥚明太子醬厚燒玉子 $25✨玉子燒厚身滑嫩,配上微辛的明太子醬,味道層次豐富👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
As I was leaving Admiralty MTR, I noticed this Japanese food joint right next to Hana Musubi so went in and had a look.Just like HM, they also do soybean soup which they call potage.There are various soybean soups to choose from so I suspect the soup base is the same with the different ingredients of your choice plonked in.The simplistic menu and options at this place reminded me of Muji meals.One of the captivating rice options was the plain rice with crab tomalley and miso.Since I was having dinner that night, I settled for the soybean soup with scallop and radish.Just as suspected it was the soybean broth with scallops and radish added.I felt that the soup was a little disappointing because you couldn't really taste the soybean flavour like Hana Musubi and it was rather bland and boring.The rice with crab tomalley is probably a better choice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-04
晏晝諗唔到食乜 就去PP行吓搵靈感上扶手梯見到呢間立食或者外賣嘅餐廳都吸引唔少OL靚姐姐妹妹我決定成為其中一個靚姐姐😍叫咗一個和風定食 (1 冷盤 1 湯 1 主菜)🔹️北海道產燒甜粟雞肉豆乳濃湯超多粟米粒 再配搭適量菜 唔會話好稀 好濃郁🔹️壽喜燒豚肉份量多 一開盒超多菇豚肉唔肥 食落亦唔韌🔹️日本味付溏心蛋飯飯量對一個女仔嚟講一定夠溏心蛋做吓點綴😍🔹️明太子醬厚燒玉子冷盤 但唔會冷到冰咁 食落去溫度啱啱好真係厚切 明太子味好足蛋好香好滑溜🔹️和牛羅宋湯 (另外單點 留下午茶)酸酸甜甜幾開胃 超多料有紅蘿蔔薯仔同一粒粒嘅牛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-22
間唔中都會同屋企人一齊食個簡單嘅晚餐。 一汁一菜 Ichijuissai 輕便簡約日式輕食而且味道不錯,係個幾好嘅選擇。 拎到返屋企,包裝簡約~簡單又靚法式龍蝦濃湯 湯汁鮮甜蝦味濃郁,而且仲有唔少嘅蝦肉簡單得嚟唔價錢又唔貴。每次食一汁一菜必點嘅湯。香濃牛肉惹菌咖喱飯定食日式咖喱香甜中少少辣,相對傳統咖喱都較易入口。除咗有牛腩外,仲有香菇薯仔紅蘿蔔等配菜。而輕食嚟講材料都算豐盛。和牛羅宋湯蕃茄濃湯同埋配料包括薯仔胡蘿蔔同牛肉粒。配料ok多,味道偏酸開胃。簡單而有質素嘅晚餐,大力推薦🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)