Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This popular Korean restaurant offers deep-fried chicken and grilled chicken, which are served with sweet and spicy sauce and soy sauce. The skin of the deep-fried chicken is crispy. The grilled chicken is tender and moist. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:30
*Last Order: 22:00
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10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (1677)
Level4 2024-01-29
上次食韓國嘢冇食到炸雞硬係覺得爭咁少少,即刻搵時間要食翻😝呢間韓國餐廳設計到好似溫書枱咁好特別,而且每張枱都有唔同嘅飾品,我揀咗呢張就係以旅行為主✈️隔離個張仲要係有ʟɪsᴀ添😛 嘢食方面都好好食,我哋而家就嚟睇吓啦✨1️⃣ 忌廉芝士炒年糕🧀食韓國野點可以唔嗌ᴅᴅᴜᴋʙᴏᴋɢɪ😛 我仲加多咗一份芝士,嚟到個陣成個面都係芝士粉,勁香😌 年糕煮到煙煙韌韌,入面仲有雞肉同魚糕,所以唔會太單調✨2️⃣ 無骨炸雞🍗炸雞都係唔少得嫁😆 我就揀咗半份原味同半份蜂蜜牛油味,呢兩款口味嘅雞都好好食,兼且好大份😋另外仲有三粒芝士波波同埋都額外最多加多左一份嘅原隻炸魷魚🦑芝士波波唔會好膩,而炸魷魚真係香香酥酥,食到停唔到口🫣3️⃣ 柑橘sᴍᴏᴏᴛʜɪᴇ🍊完全就係睇ᴍᴇɴᴜ個時已經被深深吸引住咗😂 真係原隻大橙橙好sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇ,飲落成杯都好滑好好飲🥰4️⃣ 提子ᴀᴅᴇ🍇呢杯有氣飲品唔同出面嘅提子汽水,呢度係有埋原粒提子㗎,仲要係青提添😚 幾粒提子都大大粒又漲卜卜,真係有得飲之餘又有得食🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
*・゜高質韓國料理 | 生日慶祝必來  ゜・*晚市時段是滿座的!一定要排隊!十分嘈吵而且座位與座位空罅太少,完全可以偷聽到隔離枱談話內容正因為人客太多,服務態度也相對地較少,也可以諒解的 ~但撇除空間太少和服務態度外,裝潢和食物質素是十分高質的 !餐廳設有自修室位,卡位及四人座位但枱面面積不算太大可以看得出裝修下足心思,樓底較高,看起來空間感較大即使是毒撚座,也是每一格有不同韓國影視主題但和朋友相聚,最重要的不是食物和地方,而是人可能有了喜歡的朋友在這裡,食物環境氛圍都變得更好 ~當晚見到有客人慶生,儀式感滿滿的,全場會關燈,就連枱燈也隨之關閉 (除了慶生那枱的客人)正在播放的 Kpop 也換成生日歌為客人慶祝十分尷尬hahahaha 想給朋友來一個難忘的生日,必來!!!!!!𓏸 海鮮蔥餅 | $148還是 outdark 的海鮮蔥餅味道較佳,但勝在份量夠多四人份量剛剛好~𓏸 豬腳 | $320份量十分多,四人分也差一點吃不完雖然有泡菜及生菜等蔬菜解膩,但完全不夠肉眼可見豬腳十分多油脂,十分肥膩,偶爾作為 cheat food 就好~𓏸 忌廉芝士炒年糕 | $188即使不太喜歡吃芝士的我也覺得很好吃!年糕煙韌煮得十分入味內裏亦有韓式拉麵及魚糕,份量十足最後四個人也吃不完這碟𓏸 青提子鮮果米酒 | $93𓏸 水蜜桃碳酸水 | $68𖧷 有加一  ‧˚₊ ៸៸#ewm銅鑼灣#ewm韓國菜‧˚₊ ៸៸𖠿 銅鑼灣 —— Bingo & Cook銅鑼灣駱克道487-489號駱克駅2樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
記得第一次黎已經係年幾前當時食客唔多~試過佢既炸雞很不錯當時已經覺得佢地值得推薦俾更多人認識到左今日全場滿座(聽聞平日夜晚都要機會要排隊)證明餐廳做得好人流係遲早既事👍🏼.⸝⋆︎* 牛肉韭菜煎餅 $148食黎食去都係海鮮煎餅/泡菜煎餅覺得悶的話呢款牛肉煎餅就係適合中意嘗試新口味既朋友好有驚喜地牛肉配料好足皮薄餡靚面埋有好多韭菜🥦好似韓國菜fusion中菜咁.⸝⋆︎* 韓式辣炒小章魚 $220十級推介~第一次覺得韓式辣度係有料既🥵一路食一路話好辣再繼續唔停口好惹味!章魚🐙好掛汁好多份量而且爽口彈牙麵團係幼身款~滑口而且同樣掛汁另外仲有年糕呀超豐富!最好兩三個人一齊分享試多幾款.⸝⋆︎* 甜辣無骨炸雞 (half) $140大家平時食炸雞會揀無骨定有骨?我中意無骨炸雞因為貪佢啖啖肉而且食得優雅啲雞皮炸得超香脆而雞肉保持多汁嫩滑有年糕x腸仔串外脆內軟又煙韌韓國年糕炒又得、炸又得、當湯食都得好無敵同埋價錢都好合理喎仲有芝士味 & 原味無骨炸雞如果人多提議可以每款炸雞都係半份.⸝⋆︎* 柑橘沙冰 $78⸝⋆︎* 柑橘碳酸水 $56諗唔明點樣可以咁神奇將個橙插入飲管仲要有心思加塊香葉裝飾酸酸甜甜好夠清爽~~ 襯炸雞、牛肉餅仲好解辣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-27
Bingo and cook @cwb🌟餐廳喺週末嘅人數非常多,場面非常熱鬧,比較推介嘅有佢嘅醬油蟹,非常好食,用嚟送飯簡直係一流,而且佢嘅膏非常香,鍾意食醬油蟹嘅朋友真係唔可以錯過,另外佢嘅特飲都非常特別,適合夏天熱辣辣,飲番杯就透心涼!下次會再返嚟幫襯!好食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟抵食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟位置 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務態度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟衞生程度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Bingo and cook closed for a while, so we were excited to go again when they reopened, their food was good no doubt. This all changed after this horrifying experience.We ordered a seafood pancake and beef stew. While waiting for our food to arrive, a waitress started cleaning up the table next to us. It was clear that her tray is too small to fit all the dirty dishes but she continued to pile on until the dirty dishes started to fall out of the tray; the remaining sauces in those dishes inevitably flew out in all directions. My poor husband was sitting right at the opposite of that table and half of his white t shirt was covered in splatters of Korean red sauce - it is unlikely that we can clean out all the stains given it is red. On the other hand my white t shirt and tote bag also fell victim to a couple of red splatters. Despite what had happened, everyone appeared to be nonchalant and continued to operate as if nothing happened. Only the waitress who caused the spill offered a small apology but that was it, no one offered to clean our dirty table or chairs until I asked. Nobody cared.The soul of a restaurant is not just about the food but the people that operated it and I swear that we shan’t ever set foot in this restaurant ever again even if the food is superb. Horrible service and experience indeed! We left the restaurant without touching our food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)