6-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
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Opening Hours
08:00 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
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Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay
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Review (163)
Level4 2024-05-23
假日Lunch後周圍行下,行到攰搵個地方坐下吹水,到了想去好耐的N.O.T. Specialty Coffee,據聞個view好靚啡好得就去嘆下啡打下卡。去到已6點多,預左呢個時段唔太多人。餐牌,有咖啡及輕食。先付款後取,等待中。Iced Espresso,$36,咖啡口感順滑,味道香醇濃郁,苦中帶甘,不俗。Caffè latte,$38,友人的,色水好靚。環境舒適,性價比高,係到坐下嘆啡欣賞風景都幾愜意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-24
食完飯想飲杯野,最後去左希慎NOT, order左杯espresso tonic 同 凍朱古力,另一個朋友 話等陣先order,結果我攞野飲的時候,佢話要一人一杯,我話ok,麻煩佢杯隻杯我,佢話,我哋呢度唔recommend share,我答佢話我friend想試試個味道先,佢話唔得,我話甘你比杯水我,佢一邊比杯水我,一邊話我哋唔recommend share,你要甘無無辦法,非常惡劣的語氣。 我唔明白,點解我friend 唔可以試一淡先order,佢堅持有咩意思,結果攞完坐低無一陣,佢同d同事對住我們指指點點,無一陣,還叫人來催我們order。本身其實大家都打算order,結果佢強硬語氣加惡劣態度後,朋友寧願走都唔想再order。 最後只好極速對完杯tonic就走。好想支持香港消費,但每次遇到呢d態度,都忍唔住滴一滴汗,96元消費坐唔夠10分鐘... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
😋N.o.t. Specialty Cafe (Hysan Place)Beverage ordered😋1. Iced americano☕️2. Iced coffee latte☕️👧🏻🗣️The coffee is in nutty🌰 taste, the iced coffee latte does not served with iced, it’s just frozen the cups served, which is not really iced, room temperature i prefer to say. I request for the skim milk 🥛 in latte☕️. It does have two layers for the latte, on top is one shot of coffee and the skim milk at the bottom, the barista recommends to take a drip of the coffee first, then use a tablespoon 🥄stir to mix the coffee and milk☕️. The view is regarded as Manhattan view finds in Hong Kong, which is really gorgeous🏙️🌆, but the drinks are just so so💁🏻‍♀️😶‍🌫️. 💰💲3️⃣3️⃣pp continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-29
被好多Cafe介紹文章所吸引,什麼景觀開揚,‘’睇晒銅鑼灣‘,廣角鏡欺騙手法層出不窮。其寶比想象或影相細得多,所謂區高臨下,都只係睇到對住利舞台。一場嚟到,飲杯latte先走啦,我叫左個Flat white 同埋Muffin Total $66, 一般Cafe,價錢,Flat White香濃,Muffin 得原味,難食,太散。如果比我揀會去樓下間How to llive,去過尖沙咀果開HOW唔錯,同埋好似係有services, 唔洗自己拎。NOT 我第一次去,唔知佢有個電子牌,所以比完錢就係度等佢出飛定話我知點做,結個果女職員佢無,就過左幾個人,我都唔知佢有我定無,係我見到有人攞先問返佢攞。我唔知係咪有化妝太靚嘅關係,佢個斜視樣都係有D畸呢Anyway NOT agsin, enjoy HOW 活在當下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-22
週三中午來希慎,第一次光顧這間 cafe,位置在誠品的另一邊,之前完全不知道這邊有間 cafe。中午 12 點來到,完全不用排隊,剛好今天天氣真的很好,午間的陽光從落地大玻璃窗曬進來,光猛又舒適。Oat milk latte 水準 OK,在銅鑼灣這個價錢不算貴。食物十分驚喜,點了 grilled flat iron steak,無論是牛肉,下面的蘑菇白汁,還是焗千層薯餅都很好吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)