Exit D2, Central MTR Station, Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
/Caligari 🍛🇭🇰/#sa中環篇 #sa日式篇➖➖➖雖然自從開關後都可以飛日本🇯🇵不過近年來亦都幾多日本店舖選址係香港開店 其中一間就係來自東京嘅咖喱飯專門店🍛佢哋係日本都算有名氣🤘🏻係Tabelog 係百名店之一主打兩款咖喱汁 (椰汁咖喱同特級香料咖喱)另外見仲係soft opening 暫時有四至五款配菜提供~ 整體來講覺得個汁係幾有驚喜😋價錢方面唔算話好平 不過中環地段來講都合理➖➖➖叫左以下呢啲菜式 暫時價錢都係$138-158 (椰汁咖哩$138|特級香料咖喱$158) 另外有款可以雙色咖喱 $188 有更多配料) 1️⃣吉列豬扒配日本米飯 $138 豬扒較薄脆 椰汁咖喱微辣香口 可更濃椰味 2️⃣吉列炸蝦配日本米飯$158 🌟香料味好突出 香辣惹味😋😋炸蝦外皮鬆化 飯較乾但撈汁食岩岩好 3️⃣雪糕 (椰子/桃/豆腐) +$25 揀左桃味幾清新🍑4️⃣八爪魚 +$38 口感幾爽彈❤️內裏都唔會好韌會食到肉汁😆➖➖➖📍Caligari (逢星期日休息) 中環皇后大道中30號娛樂行2樓F號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍛龍田揚炸鷄$138炸鷄份量多🍗,雞肉滑,炸粉唔厚冇咁油👍,不過略嫌唔夠脆,椰汁咖哩椰香味濃郁,配黃薑飯,飯用左日本米,配菜炸茄子🍆又幾好食😝.🥦豆腐漢堡扒蔬菜配日本米飯豆腐漢堡扒幾特別,入面加左粟米🌽同紅蘿蔔🥕, 外面有微微炸過,口感似魚腐😝,香料咖哩唔會好辣比椰汁咖哩濃味啲😆.✨Caligari 日本Tabelog百名店之⼀,香港第一間分店,咖喱分別有Caligari椰汁咖哩🥥同Caligari特級香料咖哩🌶️兩款,配菜有五款,價錢合理,可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-09
Never going there again. Practically no service, over priced fast food, food is bland, not allowed to sit and chat.Went here for lunch, did not tell us there is any time limit for seating. Nevertheless, took away our unfinished food (left there untouched for a few minutes). We sat there to chat with our drinks but got asked to leave within 30 mins of being seated because there is a line? The food, is only so so (I could only have half the plate of curry) and expensive at well over $100 for a plate of curry and drink. Was only there for a place to lunch with a friend but this apparently was not the right choice.When I was paying i asked what is the time limit for seating and they said normally 50 minutes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日本Tabelog百名店之⼀嘅CaliGari喺中環開咗分店,咖哩飯果然名不虛傳,好食! 吉列豬扒配日本米飯$158吉列炸蝦配日本米飯$158所有咖喱飯都有兩款咖哩可以揀,包括”元祖椰汁咖哩”同埋”特級香料咖哩”今次就試咗”特級香料咖哩”,成件事係完全結合咗印度咖喱同埋日本米飯。咖哩味好濃,比想像中辣,入面加咗好多香料調製,味道層次好豐富,再配粒粒分明嘅日本米飯,係好質嘅咖啡飯,好好食🥹炸豬肉同炸蝦都好出色,外脆內軟,炸粉唔算厚,亦炸得比較硬身,點咖哩汁食唔會好易變軟,一樣係脆卜卜。下次會試”秋葉原定番”,咁就可以試哂兩款咖哩☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-22
No.1 人氣日式咖喱店和東京明星名人食堂,CaliGari 獲「Tabelog」選為百名店之一,並連續多年於著名「神田咖哩大獎賽」獲獎。亦都被譽為東京必食。「元祖椰汁咖喱」是CaliGari的招牌之一,大廚混合雞肉、豬肉,以高溫高壓烹煮8至12小時。兩種肉類經烹煮後,完美融合在咖喱之中,入口肉質層次更豐富軟嫩。呢個味道我未食過,真係好特別。味道溫和得嚟又唔刺激,但係味道豐富。令人一口接一口。「特級香料咖喱」加入多種特級印度香料,包括茴香、小茴香、香菜、小荳蔻、丁香、肉桂,和芥菜籽等,經長時間以高壓低溫調製。而且在於烹煮過程中完全不加水稀釋,只以少許椰汁和不同食材自身的水分熬製而成,進一步提升咖喱的濃度層次和綿密口感。呢個味道就似日式咖哩再加少少印度咖喱,但係個mix比例就做得好平衡。濃味之選。同枱一致會揀「元祖椰汁咖喱」, 因為真係好特別。覺得最好食係和牛可樂餅,外脆內超軟, 口感細緻綿密。薯仔同和牛完美結合,味道濃郁, 正正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)