9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 19:30
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cheese Cake
Review (68)
It was my first time ordering a cake from SWEET SECRETS, and it was just perfect! Sarah helped me design a beautiful bespoke “tennis-theme” cake for my friend’s birthday party. It was delivered right on time at our hotel room, the cake’s design and level of details are sensational... colourful, and taste delicious (we’ve chosen chocolate truffle flavour with mango cupcakes, and all our friends loved it!).It was also very convenient because I ordered it online through whatsapp and the cake was directly delivered to our hotel. So BIG THANK YOU to Sarah and all your team to prepare such a nice and delicious birthday cake. I’ll definitely choose Sweet Secrets again in the future for our next special occasion events. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友推介既,(因為屋企人對雞蛋過敏所以過往訂蛋糕都比較麻煩,係香港好難搵到好食既vegan cake,試過幾間都覺得口感一般。)係到訂左個朱古力生日蛋糕 (heavens chocolate cake)。個人覺得同之前食過既vegan cake好大分別,蛋糕好濕潤,唔會太甜,朱古力味既frosting都好rich同埋creamy,非常推介!!老闆娘亦都非常nice同埋有心,有提醒我哋話室溫會好食啲。唯一缺點係因為依家冇左physical shop(10月結業)所以要去旺角自取因為delivery有小小貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-02-10
@sweetsecretscakes ————————————————————可能適合對象:#全素蛋糕 #杞子香橙蛋糕 #無麩質蛋糕 #無蛋無奶蛋糕甜度(5星最甜):⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️濃度(5星最濃):⭐️⭐️⭐️🍴:餐刀 ✔️ / 蠟燭 ✔️ / 冰袋 ✖️/ 紙盒✔️🏷:✔️(另加)💬:Very Energetic 嘅感覺,唔知係ABC or CBC or whatever C,好明顯有分別嘅感覺。一入去就有人好開心咁同你講Good Morning,加埋個好真心開心嘅笑容,走嘅時候提我哋要放蛋糕係室溫,仲預祝我哋新年快樂。外國味濃厚, 好Like!🛒:中環 #cakeup_中環站🔘:個裝 6”💰:$738————————————————————性價比:中新年流流,首先祝大家新一年身體健康,事事順利!而Caketionary就襯住今日同大家介紹一個充滿新年味嘅蛋糕!近年嚟,越嚟越多人注重健康,又或者多咗人容易敏感。(就好似我咁,自我唔再飲咖啡加奶,下巴嘅暗瘡冇晒)而我亦知道有好多人食完奶類製品會搞肚痛,成肚氣!再者啦,身邊亦都多咗好多朋友關注到環保議題,提倡唔食肉、蛋或者奶。種種原因,其實都係想幫到自己,幫到動物,幫到個我哋愛嘅地球!但係若然真係有需要搵𠵱種蛋糕,一下子搵,就頭痕啦,因為首先未食過先啦,唔知品質;二來,𠵱種因應食客要求而造嘅蛋糕,多數都未必做到大眾化價錢,所以買到又貴又唔好食,就 __ __ 啦!(自己填啦)今次介紹嘅係一間由1999年開業嘅餅店,自2011年開始,由於餅主留意到香港缺乏不含麵筋、不含白糖、不含蛋奶品嘅烘焙產品;更加佢好肉痛見到小朋友因為蛋糕ingredients唔適合嘅情況下,買唔到生日蛋糕。佢就係想做到高品質,或者可以做到同普通蛋糕無分別嘅Vegan或是 Gluten Free蛋糕。因為理念,就成為香港首家出售合乎原始人飲食法、不含麵筋、不含白糖、不含蛋奶品嘅烘焙產品餅店。而我哋今次試嘅係佢哋為新年而出嘅新蛋糕 — 杞子香橙蛋糕!個Favour 對我哋嚟講感覺好中式,啱晒新年。純用到杞子、香橙、有機椰油、椰子Cream,椰糖去做。究竟冇蛋、冇白糖、仲要Gluten Free嘅蛋糕味道如何呢?首先,unbox一刻,一打開盒,好香柚子或者桔仔味(其實我唔知點解聯想到話梅)。而賣相上,面頭上有3支康乃馨,配上一個以糖膠做成嘅福字作為裝飾。旁邊亦以白色Cream襯橙色,睇落迎春接福感濃厚。講到口感,濕潤度高,油脂感好重。最令人感到油脂感重,應該係Cream。看似好企身嘅Cream,一入口,即由Cream狀變為水油狀。而蛋糕糕身,口感係似一整舊椰絲咁,其實的確有啲似食緊Carrot Cake。同時,亦好奇妙,質感亦令我聯想到好似係海灘度,好濕好濕嘅沙咁,一手嗱起好似好實,但係一叉落去會散開晒。(不竟無蛋,所以咁嘅Texture其實好正常)順帶一提,切蛋糕一刻好療癒,一切落去,啲Cream係可以切到有90度,好公整,OCD嘅人會好High!而味道上,椰子味好重,有啲重過橙味同杞子味。可能主力用到椰油同椰糖,成個蛋糕真係椰味濃。不過Cream當中,抑或蛋糕本身都會食得出橙味,只係椰子味戲分多啲。至於杞子方面,就唔太食得到,可能本身未原粒食過,唔知乜味。但你切開個蛋糕時,係肉眼見得到有嘅。整體嚟講,甜度幾高,味道上亦會以椰子味行先,再到橙味,最後係杞子。油脂感真係幾重,但可以放心,就算油都係 天然Healthy Fat。若然你明白同試過食Western一啲嘅蛋糕,亦較為Prefer Western Style嘅蛋糕,佢會係一個Option(但據了解,好受Local Fans歡迎 too)最後,又俾一個比喻,如果你一向食開牛扒,無啦啦食一塊扮牛扒嘅素牛扒,就算塊素牛扒點好味,都會有分別,所以如果要比較,點都有啲唔公平。至於,若然你係prefer 同食慣用蛋用奶做嘅蛋糕,最好就有一個接受新食物嘅Mindset,可能會Fair啲。————————————————————#cake #birthday #蛋糕 #生日 #生日蛋糕 #birthdaycake #hongkong #hkig #香港 #香港限定 #hkbakery #caketionary #caketionaryhongkong #呃like #相機食先 #vegetarian #vegan continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-20
1. No dining in is allowed due to their license problem. There is no dining space (not even a bar table) available whatsoever, just a cramped shops with loads of baking utensils and ingredients.2. Therefore, I had to eat right outside the shop, holding the cake box, which wasn’t quite the best dining experience on a hot and humid Hong Kong summer afternoon.3. The piece of Chocolate Truffle Cake I chose is just okay. I couldn’t quite taste any truffle in it. It is quite rich in chocolate flavour though.4. Sweet Secrets emphasizes their desserts are gluten free and suitable for vegan. I wonder how true is that?5. Trying once is enough, I would definitely not going back again. I should have walked a little bit further to get Sweetpea this time… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-08
👩🏻母親節蛋糕健康之選👍🏻親愛的媽媽平時照顧我地咁辛苦當然要食最健康最好的母親節蛋糕最近@專登為母親節推出左2款cupcake新口味🎏黃薑青檸🍋🎏紅菜頭朱古力🍫佢地所有嘅蛋糕都不含❌精製白糖 🍭,麩質 🌾,蛋🥚,奶類 🥛,果仁🥜 仲適合純素食🌱 真係食多幾件都唔怕過一個食得放心又開心的母親節💝🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏Sweet Secrets (中環)中環嘉咸街35號嘉豪大廈地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)