6-min walk from Exit A, Whampoa MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 03:30
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 03:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
今天去錯老店的地方,才發覺搬家了。由老店搬去新舖,不覺之間幫襯6年。下午去的時候,3個有點後生又陌生的姐姐,正坐在一角圍住吃午飯。老闆娘不在,我是自己趨前遞上點餐紙的,姐姐說要稍等一下。這間食店一向互動性很強,不收加一;但不是沒有服務,熟門路的會走去雪柜自行拿飲品,埋單要走去燒烤部現金結賬。本來想吃車仔麵的,3餸一麵要$42,再加凍檸茶要多$2,却沒有心儀的餸,還是吃燒烤算。先上來三隻雞全翼才$30,肥牛韭莱卷$16和牛肉串$16;姐姐問我要不要骨碟,我瞄了一下調味座,旁邊新放了一個棄置竹籤的小膠桶,就看不到孜然粉和辣粉便說不用了。最後端上的是燒茄子$25。燒烤要趁熱食,才能吃到熱辣滾燙的滋味。這家店的燒烤雞翼有點甜,不是慣常吃到的川辣味道。邊吃邊喝王老吉,坐了差不多一個小時,店內翻了2次枱,保持有3至4枱的食客。可能時間關係,碰上的都是地道港人食客,少了一大班理工學生。很緬懷昔日和另一半同來的日子。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-15
小弟光顧了美味佳幾次,可是這次才想起寫食評!我偶爾下班後因為不想做飯,就到我家附近的這家店買一碗三餸米線或油麵,還有粗麵,那裡每晚都是座無虛席的,今天下午也充滿人氣!老闆每次都會下重成本熬上湯,餸菜也鋪滿整個碗面!還會贈送一杯熱飲,我每次都點了熱奶茶,茶和奶的比例恰到好處,我超歡這個色澤!冷飲也只是多兩塊錢而已。我覺得這個套餐物有所值,價錢很大眾化,很合理。今後我肯定會繼續光顧美味佳,享受此店的佳餚將會是我人生很重要的一部分,祝美味佳生意興隆!我喝了兩口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
路過了好幾次都滿座,今天終於吃上了。看菜單,還有30元3串,25元3串等,下來才10元一串左右。平日燒茄子最多給你半條,圖三你見到茄子摺了一下,手掌大小,沒錯是原條上。然後燒牛舌雖然沒有很靚仔的圓型厚切,但牛味很濃,不似外面那種圓圓厚厚沒味道的巴西牛舌。雞腎也是原粒大大粒,沒有切片。雞全翼雞中翼雞肉韭菜雞軟骨翠肉瓜雞脾菇獅子狗正常發揮,同款燒汁孜然粉,但沒有內地的重手,不會覺得所有串都同一種味。由於人太多,豬大腸姍姍來遲,沒有寫的那麼脆皮,但也很騷很juicy.雖然有點味精,雖然見著她用水煮完才拿去燒,雖然上菜有點慢,雖然茄子頭頭尾尾有點生,11串下來162元,在這價錢地點面前,以上小問題都可以原諒。美味佳可能是全香港最划算的串燒,沒有之一。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-28
#美味佳 delicious and goodits very old store. eat it 10 years ago. i dknt know how old is it. needa ask my whampoa friend. it just moved to new location with exactly the same renovation and layout. seats are increased 1/3 very big now. can contain more ppl.the boss bbqing is a fat lady. just like our Maria Cordero, a very high pitch singing in hong kong who can sing and dance and also a plus size model.that why we call her 肥婆❤️but remember dont call this name in front of her. she will get mad and make you a dirty food (i believe) just dont call her this neckname. but all polyu student loves this name , i dont know why they keep insulting her with decades. maybe its funny. ys it is.food there is cheap and big portion. average 100$ will eat you full. drink are separate count. u can diy yourself. lovely. cart noodle also good!will come back❤️#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #日本グルメ #ukfood #澳洲美食 #馬保國 #香港美食 #深圳美食 #hkfoodpoet #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-21
價錢平,反應質素(食物服務兼備)。生意長期唔優做,由其星期五、六晚。人多要排隊,門口先落單後派籌,入座不能加單,食完早早離場。車仔面好抵食又包嘢飲,不過一杯唔夠飲。蛋炒腸粉真心正常ok要試。其他普遍食物正常,有炭香味,不過現場應用電爐燒。最有印象,燒茄子濕潤juicy。錫紙花甲乾身收汁兼送沙。環境似舊式茶樓感覺,鐘意感受氣氛一定要嚟。搭枱、懷舊音樂、結識新朋友(同隔離傾偈鬥大聲,聽晒隔離講嘢)。真心平,唔介意排隊,等食,食完快走,必然一試(有晒心理準備就無問題)。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)