1-min walk from Exit C1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
61638397 (Whatsapp)
It is the secondary line of Home Sister and is designed in a simple elegant style with Chinese elements. It mainly serves seafood hot pot in a large portion, which includes fresh seafood imports from different countries, side dishes, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
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Review (52)
早兩個月嘅時候有朋友就嚟要移民,問佢走之前想食啲乜嘢,其中一樣講起嘅就係雞煲/打邊爐!🍲 而咁啱我哋都無食過「家嫂」,就決左book位試試佢😛 除咗有雞煲同邊爐,仲有刺身船+任食海鮮!淨係睇餐牌已經夠吸引~ •🥢 環游海鮮火鍋放題 $428/位 (晚市)📸 季節當造刺身刺身唔係任食嘅,只會上一次~ 因為我哋得4個人食,所以就係一盤~ 同場有見到其他枱多人食就有隻成張枱咁長嘅刺身船🫢 不過其實刺身款式都算多:油甘魚、三文魚、帆立貝、大蝦、北寄貝、八爪魚同埋一碟辣辣哋嘅醃魚生(有啲三文魚粒、八爪魚、青瓜、芝麻同埋蟹籽)~ 刺身質素都唔錯,解凍得好好,而且切得厚薄適中~特別一讚原粒上嘅帆立貝,好厚好大粒😛P.S. 之後睇返人哋食嘅相,刺身款式好似都會隨人數而增加,人少好似無咁抵🥹•📸 精選𠮩𠹌小食食完刺身,一下子就嚟咗7款小食😯 黑松露蝦多士、紅糖糍粑、麻醬螺肉沙律、上湯雜菌、麻辣寬粉、麻辣花生,同埋一碟好似翠玉瓜但原來係青色嘅茄子🍆鍾意食麻辣嘅朋友都覺得麻辣兩款幾惹味,但寬粉嗰碟就入味啲,而且寬粉好q彈~ 炸嘅兩款都炸得乾身唔太油,但紅糖糍粑就較有驚喜😛 表面脆脆哋,入面好煙韌,再加埋個紅糖餡唔會太甜👍🏼麻醬螺肉都好食,螺肉好彈牙,但就有啲太多醬🫢食得多有啲膩~小食都可以逐款追加,不過因為我哋驚食唔到之後嘅嘢就無追加到了🤣•📸 惹味雞煲雞煲我哋就叫咗小辣,對於食開10小辣米線嘅我嚟講,食咗幾啖就食唔到🙈 呢到嘅雞煲同平時出面食嘅味道幾唔同,呢款唔係麻辣味,食落好似無咁惹味😬雞方面份量係多,但都偏向多骨😕 但特別啲就係有彈牙索汁嘅豬皮同埋蜆~ 我哋一人食咗幾嚿就放棄咗,侍應就幫我哋將啲雞倒落隻碟到,然後換過個火鍋湯~ 不過其實最後碟雞都係無食返🤭 因為後面嘅海鮮同邊爐先係重點!•📸 四季湯底 - 家嫂花膠老火湯底呢個湯底要提早預留嘅,因為我喺WhatsApp訂位,侍應會喺當日再確認出席,然後佢就會問要唔要加錢預留是日甜品/海鮮,同埋仲可以預留唔使另加錢嘅花膠湯底!不過就數量有限,先預留先得~ 花膠湯底有蓮藕、紅蘿蔔同埋每人一件嘅花膠!湯底飲落鮮甜濃郁,而且有肉香,無乜味精味👍🏼我哋都每人飲咗一至兩碗先開始打邊爐!🤤花膠都唔細塊,發到好腍,而且無腥味😛•📸 環游海鮮船當日嘅海鮮款式都幾多:鮑魚、貴妃蚌、珊瑚蚌、蟶子、蜆、蝦、魷魚、帶子、墨魚滑釀菇同埋兩款魚~😍海鮮整體都好新鮮,而貝殼類都唔會食到有沙~ 我哋就特別encore咗兩次鮑魚、貴妃蚌同珊瑚蚌!👍🏼 要記得睇住時間撈起啲海鮮,如果唔係就會韌晒🫢•📸 極上牛肉 / 豚肉卷 / 手工火鍋配料 / 蔬菜組合牛肉同豬肉都各得1款,牛肉就係普通肥牛咁😂火鍋配料嘅選擇就相對少啲,都係手打丸同餃子為主,另外仲有個「籠」裝住嘅魚皮同響鈴~蔬菜種類都有唔少,但一次過上一堆菜有個唔好處就未必樣樣都啱食🙈 不過食過好食都可以再個別追加~•📸 飲品自助飲品區除咗有罐裝汽水、果汁、烏龍茶,仲有啲應該係自己製嘅飲品,例如竹蓆茅根、蘋果雪梨茶、紅棗圓肉杞子茶、檸檬薏米水等~ 另外仲有侍應會推住架車仔,入面有各式各樣嘅紅白酒,有免費嘅紅白酒任飲,但靚啲嘅酒要當然要另外加錢啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-21
My friend tried their hotpot and loved it here so we came with her to have it again. Non-alcoholic drinks were unlimited while alcoholic technically were unlimited but it will be served only when the cart with the alcohol arrives to your table. First came the appetizers and then the sashimi which were really fresh.The next should have been the chicken hotpot but we decided to skip it as we wanted to eat more of the regular hotpot as it is unlimited.The seafood option was abundant including oyster, abalone etc. while my favorite, the beef, was really tender without being too fat. Definitely a good choice if you enjoy beef and seafood combo continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍽️ All-You-Can-Eat Seafood Hot Pot $312This fantastic lunch buffet includes a wide array of delectable options to satisfy your cravings. For example, seasonal sashimi, appetizers, premium beef 🐮, pork rolls 🐷, chicken pot 🐔, and seafood 🦞. We noticed that the table beside us had a massive sashimi platter. We think it's only available for tables with more than 6 people.🌱They also offer a wide selection of healthy drink options. It would be great if alcohol were also available. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-02
已經不是第一次這經歷。完全沒有服務。每次食完一道菜,果位譚仔亞姐服務員就放個盤在枱中間,命令式叫你將我們自己碟上的骨或 蝦殼放入盤內。我們是客人,已經收300幾元service charge. 我們坐大圓枱,足夠位置亞姐執嘢。覺得服務員懶之外,係趕收工!現在係在餐廳享用美食,不是在訓練營食嘢喎,我付款時你要俾基本上服務消費者!無下次!難怪香港人北上消費。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❣️家嫂有提供了一系列的餐前小食,其中一些特別出色,我個人認為黑松露蝦多士、炸黑糖糍粑、炸青茄子和麻醬沙律菜都好味。❣️我們之前也曾光顧過家嫂,但留意需要五個人以上才有提供刺身船。如果人數少於四個人,則供應較小的刺身盤,並且沒有海膽。❣️此外,家嫂還提供雞煲,但建議你留肚品嚐他們的打邊爐。❣️以這個價格,可以品嚐到小食、刺身、雞煲和打邊爐,還有酒飲,這真是非常不錯的選擇。❣️不過,這次光顧和朋友都覺得家嫂的用餐體驗比之前遜色,貝類食物中有一些沙子未嘔乾淨,因此過程中不斷吃到沙,這是一個需要改進的地方。❣️另外,需要注意在訂位方面,如果使用OpenRice訂位,午市需要在4點前離座,晚市需要在7點前離座。透過電話或WhatsApp進行訂位,可以食全時段。當然價錢有小差距。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)