2-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (7)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (51)
Level4 2023-05-30
好姊妹生日🎂佢話好耐冇食過韓燒,建議不如去佐敦呢間又平又冇限時,,而且食物都算多選擇😋燒烤肉前,先食咗三文魚刺身,醃製蘿蔔及泡菜,沙律,仲有啲熟食類,炒菜,炸薯條,炸春捲,鯖魚,炸煎堆,煎年糕之類小食!店舖都也有提供生菜供客人包著燒烤豬肉可加蒜和韓式辣醬來吃,感覺清新D,冇甘熱氣😅其中的薄燒牛肉都ok,但係不夠大塊,比較碎濕濕,反而牛仔骨就大塊啲,仲有雞翼,雞腎、牛舌、羊肉、魚柳魷魚,金菇牛肉捲等等....它們醃製的肉類好像也是用同一種醃料,所以除了肉的質感不同,味道也是差不多😅仲有薑醋呀,中湯,人蔘雞湯甜品有豆腐花,涼粉,喳咋,仲有雪糕及生果,啫喱,桂花糕!總之食到你食唔落😅平有平食,貴有貴食,冇乜特別要求,這樣任飲任食一定食到你飽😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-11-28
而家屹立不倒幾十年嘅韓式燒肉店都算係我諗唔到食咩嘅時候嘅飯堂佢假日價錢都係大約二百幾蚊到而且座位頗多 食物種類選擇都唔少值得一讚嘅係 佢有大部分店舖冇嘅選擇例如大腸/牛舌等等除咗大家熟悉嘅生肉之外 佢都有好多嘅熟悉選擇 例如豬腳薑 泰式炒肉碎 泰式酸辣湯等等 選擇十分之多. 不過飲品方便就若嫌選擇較少 除此之外,佢仲有壽司同刺身區 沙律吧 甜品發任食等等 啱晒想食好多嘢,但又唔知食乜嘢嘅朋友. 燒到咁上下,仲可以要求更換鐵絲網 唔使擔心燒燶嘅食物,會一路黐住喺鐵板上面影響健康地理 8.5/10裝修 6/10味道 7/10服務 7/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-10-16
以前成日食,覺得又平又抵,之後質素變差後就無再食,到依加都有幾年無食,見上網話評語唔錯就决定去回味下。揀左星期六夜晚食!首先係服務,無乜服務可言,全場眼見兩位職員加一位經理,兩個職員唔係好想理你,其中一位好明顯唔so人,其實好多都係自助,係個爐同張枱問題先會叫職員。食物款色幾好,都算多款同質素唔係好差既,有啲仲幾好味,係生既肉類有少少失望,肉都係普通豬肉同牛肉,只係味道唔同,食物refill 速度好快,有個師傅會成日望下啲食物,我覺得幾好二人埋單五百零蚊,原來+1服務費每人$45,比想像中收得多😢呢個最唔抵,無乜服務但又要收甘貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-07-27
今日埋單噶時候,講話又細聲,問多一句就甩臉色,儸少一蚊雞就將硬幣丟系枱上面,心情唔好可以唔翻工嘎,使唔使咁高貴啊?著住件制服,唔知係咪經理,麻煩提高D素質先來翻工啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-07-26
I have heard of this place for sometime but this is the first time I have tried it out.  Selection - There are many selections to choose from! My favorite was the pig intestine! I have never liked intestine before but somehow I liked it here. I have only tried their BBQ meats and I cannot comment on the taste of their cooked selections. I just hoped they have better Japanese sushi / sashimi selection. They only had 2 types of sushi which didn't look appetizing. Ambience - The place's size is okay, I just wished they have seated the guests not too close from each other. There were a lot of vacant tables but they decided to seat us in a crowded section. Service - The lady who greeted us knew English well and she was very accommodating! Overall, not bad! I would return if I ever crave again for meat buffet!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)