5-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (104)
Level4 2024-05-28
旺角女人街入面新開咗間泰菜,餐廳走古舊裝潢味道🛕,木製傢俱更添地道風味,牆身更貼有泰國國旗及新舊泰王的畫像🇹🇭,好泰國風~ 呢度有個2人dinner set都幾抵食🤤,有齊前菜、小食、主菜、特飲都只係$338。·🍴晚市2人餐 HKD$338~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡ 青木瓜沙律味道都幾辣🌶️,唔係講笑,我平時幾食得辣嘅都差啲頂唔緊😆!! 令人又愛又狠,好辣但食落又幾清爽😙,青木瓜一絲絲口感好爽脆。·♡ 泰式手打蝦餅蝦餅🍤 3件切開成6小半件,蝦味唔算好突出,但勝在啖啖肉幾有咬口😚。·♡ 傳統汁燒豬頸肉薄薄一片,份量都算幾多👍🏻,豬頸肉邊位燒至有些微燶邊,肉質都幾有嚼勁😋。·♡ 泰式海蝦炒金邊粉味道同樣形合返港人口味,少少甜甜地,金邊粉口感好煙韌😋,少完都keep到一條條冇斷開,海蝦🦐都有好幾隻,大大隻幾爽口。·♡ 泰式奶茶(+12)♡ 綠茶青檸梳打(+15)·📍Ann MaMa Thai Restaurant旺角通菜街1號威達商業大廈地下N號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
♡ 抵食泰國菜|Ann Mama Thai Restaurant ♡-今日放咗工 同屋企人出去食飯 見到呢間泰國菜零舍多人排隊 因為佢呢度冇得訂座😛呢度亦係泰國人主理 佢嘅套餐特別抵食 見到好多人都叫佢嘅套餐我哋就叫咗二人餐$338 👍🏻😍 - ♡ 涼拌酸辣扎肉 ♡ 前菜勁開胃 🤤 鍾意食辣嘅真係要點呢個佢嘅扎肉配上泰式醬 仲有沙律菜 越食越惹味-♡ 泰式手打蝦餅 ♡ 蝦餅總共有六件 外皮好薄一咬落去就食到蝦餅勁爽口彈牙仲有泰式辣醬添😛-♡ 傳統汁燒豬頸肉 ♡ 用上傳統嘅汁燒 豬頸肉軟得嚟帶有嚼勁 外皮微微燒焦 食落好滿足😆-♡ 泰式乾炒闊河 (雞) ♡ 呢度嘅闊河粉都認真好食真係好有泰國嘅風味 -♡ 飲品 ♡ ✨龍眼冰 ✨椰汁冰兩杯飲品夏天飲就最啱啦,消暑一流啊🧊 ❥#⇢店鋪資料:Ann MaMa Thai Restaurant (旺角)旺角通菜街1號威達商業大廈地下N號舖# continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
You guys, if you’re working near Mong Kok and never know what to eat for lunch, listen up!On each side of Ladies Market, there are these hidden narrow streets with small eateries serving up cuisines from all over the globe – Indian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Korean... you name it!Recently, I discovered a new lunch spot dishing out legit Thai food @annmamahk (apparently opened by the daughter of @ann_mamma_thai_kitchen if you were wondering)Their lunch sets kick off at just HKD68 and come with a free iced longan water, plus zero service charge. You can add a snack/dessert (+HKD12 or more) and upgrade your drinks (+HKD5 or above)𝗣𝗮𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗶 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗦𝗵𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗽 𝗛𝗞𝗗𝟳𝟴Must order! The stir-fried rice noodles with three plump shrimps, egg strips and bean sprouts were an absolute flavor bomb. Sweet, sour, and umami – the unique fusion tickled our tastebuds just right.𝗕𝗼𝗮𝘁 𝗡𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗹𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗛𝗞𝗗𝟴𝟴The rich pork bone soup base was packed with herbs and had a pungent pepper punch. If the five beef balls are not enough, you can evel up by adding extra beef or pork for just HKD10.𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀We added HKD15 for a fiery green papaya salad that brought the heat to the next level and HKD22 for three juicy fried chicken wings that were served piping hot𝗗𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀The free iced longan water had a lovely honey aroma and natural sweetness, yet it was so refreshing. We upgraded the other drink to an iced coconut juice for HKD8, and the milkiness with a subtle nutty flavor was the perfect antidote to combat the spiciness of some of the dishes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
自己本身都幾鍾意食泰國嘢,因為佢呢調味好惹味,就算日日食都唔會覺得悶,旺角啱啱幾個月前就開咗一間都幾好食嘅泰式餐廳,超級推介👍 嚟到嘅時候都差唔多滿座,相信因為呢度啲嘢食非常吸引🤗 今次試咗佢嘅午市套餐,價錢都非常合理,包括主食同飲品,仲可以以優惠價加配小食添🤭路邊雞翼 🐥 小食就試咗佢嘅雞翼,新鮮炸出嚟好香口,仲有甜酸醬俾你點添🤤 黑椒粟米餅 🌽 呢個幾特別,炸粟米餅真係咬落好好脆,仲見到粒粒粟米添🤣 不過唔使太擔心,黑椒味唔係太重嘅😌黃咖哩牛腩飯 🍛 食泰國嘢當然一定要食咖喱啦,呢個黃咖喱有少少辣,不過超級好食,咖喱牛腩飯冇得頂😆海蝦炒金邊粉 🍝而當然泰國金邊粉就一定要試,因為呢個係每次食泰國嘢嘅必點之一,好鍾意配埋花生粒同埋青檸一齊食😍青檸梳打 🍹泰式飲品比較特別嘅都一定係青檸梳打,甜甜地酸酸地更加開胃😉泰式凍檸茶 🍋 呢個就真係平時喺餐廳比較少見到有,呢個我都會推介,因為泰式嘅凍奶茶同平時港式凍奶茶係有少少唔同嘅,未試過一定要試😛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-25
/𝑨𝒏𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒎𝒂 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒊 🇭🇰/#sa旺角篇 #sa泰式篇 ➖➖➖<旺角抵食晚市二人餐> ➖➖➖旺角通菜街又有新餐廳🍴 今次呢間係食泰菜 價錢都幾親民🥰份量偏少但幾好食環境方面樓底幾高 夜晚偏昏暗入面好多泰國人像同埋報章🗞️ 充滿泰式風情!➖➖➖🔹晚市二人餐🔹 $338/ 2pax 呢個set 會有:兩款小食、一款肉類、一款主食同兩杯飲品~ ➖➖➖1️⃣小食: 沙嗲雞肉串燒| 青木瓜沙律 (四揀二) 串燒幾大串🫶🏻有三串 沙嗲味幾重花生香 食落甜甜地 唔會好辣 肉質亦幾滑木瓜沙律爽脆微辣✨另有蝦餅、魚餅同扎肉可揀🖐🏻➖➖➖2️⃣肉類: 招牌燒和牛肩胛 +$30 (三揀一) 另有雞上髀/ 豬頸肉~ 牛肉粉嫩 肉味濃 亦都唔會過韌😆➖➖➖3️⃣主食: 泰式乾炒闊河 (豬/雞) (五揀一) 另外option 有船麵、豬手飯、海蝦金邊粉同蟹肉炒飯~味道唔錯 係有啲似平日食嘅乾炒牛河🤣麵條比平時食嘅河粉寬身 唔算太油膩 雞肉份量可以再多啲 ➖➖➖4️⃣飲品: 龍眼冰/ 椰汁冰 特飲另加$15 其中一杯要椰汁冰 椰味幾重 另一杯要左泰茶都唔會過甜✨➖➖➖ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)