6-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
It is a modern and pet-friendly Thai restaurant. The shop is decorated with garden elements. Besides, it has an outdoor seating area, which is very chill and romantic. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 00:00
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 23:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Sage & Salt Signature Steak Lamb Shank Sambal Baramundi Thai Green Curry Risotto Keema Pav
Review (11)
餐廳位於太古坊,主打印、泰、越地道菜式,以大自然森林元素為題材,好有峇里感🌱半開放式outdoor位,環境relax,點杯Cocktail 幾chill ! 🧉Unknown Beast 用Tiki 杯裝住,真係好可愛! 以spiced rum 做base帶微辛感。芒果汁味道濃又有raspberry,甜中帶酸! 🍹Sassy Boss 賣相girly! Base有Prosecco,Gin,Aperol,口感相對輕身!🥗Thai beef salad 牛柳分量唔少,燒得好香。芫茜、車厘茄、三色椒、沙律菜、紅洋蔥,加上泰式魚露汁,清新開胃! 🥄Nasi Goreng 印尼炒飯,微辣又夠醬油香。配料有雞肉粒、蝦仁,辣椒炒香幾惹味!飯面既太陽蛋煎得剛剛好,蛋黃好流心。加上兩串沙嗲雞肉串,香滑味濃。當然唔少得印尼蝦片啦! 🥘Lahori Lamb Gosht印式香料燴羊肉配醬汁融入印度香料調煮慢煮羊肉鮮嫩肥瘦均勻燴得香濃入味!🥭芒果糯米飯香芒初熟,甜度輕盈爽口糯米飯口感煙韌軟糯,帶有清香椰汁味。整體食物都好有風味,仲有套餐選擇幾多。會再來的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍薯蓉芝士丸炸衣唔會太厚內面係滿滿的薯蓉配埋個特色醬感覺相當新鮮🙆🏻‍♀️.📍雞肉沙嗲串燒大路之選串燒本身唔會太重口味😝主要靠個咖喱汁調味食落肉質正常,唔會燒到太乾身.📍牛油雞相當濃香料同牛油味送飯一流😍雞肉亦正常發揮建議同朋友share黎食.📍青咖喱雞炒意大利飯是日MVP,青咖喱本身個醬汁都夠香濃再配埋意大利飯的煮法,相當惹味😆飯粒亦唔會太過乾身,軟硬適中但要留意青咖喱會相對偏辣一點🥹.📍Sassy Boss & Cucumber Smash前者係cocktail ,酒味比較濃飲落有微微果酸😀後者係無酒精飲品,用左青瓜、奇異果等生果整成飲落相當fresh,但又唔會好重草青味😆.📍是日蛋糕蛋糕食落去唔會太甜配埋芒果雪糕一齊食岩岩好☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Sage & Salt is a new Southeast Asian restaurant in Taikoo Place! You can a find a strong Tropical vibe here🌴 With a mix of Thai and Indian delicacy, it is a chill and relaxing place to hang out🍹🍻🍤Shrimp Cake 🍢Chop Chop Mixed Satay (chicken pork beef)🇮🇳 Old Delhi Butter Chicken 🫓Garlic Nann🤌🏼Grilled Pork Neck 🥥Detox Coconut 🥒Cucumber Smash continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-26
Sage & SaltAnother newish addition to the QB culinary scene. Serving Asian cuisine. Good vibe and full house during lunch hour. Giving it a go as it is conveniently located at the ground floor of the building right next to my office. N and I ordered Thai Beef Fajitas and Thai Chicken Green Curry. The salad that came before the main was bland. The greens were not fresh. The curry was watery. Chicken was a tad overcooked. Instead of tiny eggplants, they added cabbage into the mix 🧐 Had a bite of the beef that N ordered. Flavour was alright but the texture of the meat was a bit off. Properly put too much baking soda for tenderising the meat. Overall, I would not return unless strictly necessary. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-10
冬蔭功、冬蔭功、冬蔭功餐廳新開無幾耐,冬蔭功湯超級好味,唔食得太辣嘅我都覺得好好味,入口漸辣感覺無敵,咁啱天氣陰陰寒寒,口嚨作怪食咗舒服好多,跟餐點 Samosa 雜菜咖哩角一流絕配,不過主角菠蘿炒飯和馬來巴東牛肉味道屬於一般。今次被商廈四周包圍下用餐,感覺都幾特別,食厭咗中環地厙、觀塘工廈,嚟試吓絕對有新鮮感。餐廳提供免費 WiFi 服務,整體環境和服務都好好,價錢合理,最後奉送健康甜品,食完仲可以行過隔離太古城。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)