Restaurant: TANO Pasta Steak Wine By the Patagonia
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
2-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
融合意大利和阿根廷菜式的fusion餐厅,并以牛扒和意粉作招牌菜式,配以葡萄酒更显风味,是约会、聚餐之选。 continue reading
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About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: TANO Pasta Steak Wine By the Patagonia
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (11)
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈前陣子跟男友到訪「Tano」用膳,位於上環永樂街的樓上舖,亦是阿根廷扒房「Carnes」的姊妹店。2間不論環境或餐牌都如出一轍,比較特別的是,「Tano」除了傳統阿根廷菜外,也有意大利菜選擇🇮🇹🇦🇷。┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 𐂐 ⠜Sausage $128 (7.8/10)第一次享用阿根廷腸,以豬肉製作,比一般香腸鹹香味突出且帶有油脂感。單吃可能會偏油膩,但可以配上阿根廷青醬😋,味道更清爽。-𐂐 ⠜Fillet 8oz $298 (7.8/10)菲力牛扒肉質軟嫩,油脂含量低肉感高~選了3分熟,色澤相當粉嫩,表面灑上鹽簡單調味,提昇了牛肉的味道。-𐂐 ⠜Sirloin 14oz $368 (7.5/10)另一款試了沙郎牛扒,選了5分熟,表面呈淡粉紅色。肉質紮實富有嚼勁,有淡淡焦香,配上阿根廷青醬享用更滋味!-𐂐 ⠜Sauteed mushroom $88 (7.5/10)炒蘑菇份量很多,十分juicy。-𐂐 ⠜Creamed spinach $78 (7/10)菠菜加入忌廉烹煮,每條菠菜都索滿奶油,啖啖奶香,芝士亦增加了其風味。-最後更品嚐了阿根廷酒🍷,南美酒較易入口,口感香醇而且價錢相宜,絕對不輸法國酒🤍,個人幾喜歡。┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
阿根廷牛扒以其香濃的牛肉味道而聞名,每一口都能帶給您滿滿的滿足感上環的「TANO」是您品嚐阿根廷牛扒的理想之地!這家餐廳專注於呈現阿根廷牛肉的美味和獨特風味餐廳裝修帶家庭式小餐館風,感覺輕鬆溫馨🔸UNA CEVICHE 南美酸汁醃吞拿魚|$148新鮮的吞拿魚搭配酪梨、紅洋蔥、紅蘿蔔、香菜和辣味的"虎奶"汁醬料。口感豐富,吞拿魚嫩滑,配料的爽脆口感與酸辣的汁液相結合,帶來令人興奮的口感體驗🔸RIBEYE 肉眼牛扒 14 OZ|$398我點了五成熟,切開後中間呈現嬌艷粉紅,微微焦香,肉眼牛扒紋路豐富,肉質鮮嫩多汁,帶有豐富的脂肪紋理,口感豐潤,咀嚼時肉汁四溢,帶來濃郁的牛肉風味和嚼勁🔸FETTUCCINE AL RAGU 慢煮牛面頰肉醬闊條麵|$198慢煮8小時的牛面頰肉醬與寬扁的麵條結合。牛面頰肉醬肉質軟嫩,入口即化,帶有濃郁的肉汁和香氣。與寬闊的麵條結合,口感豐富且有嚼勁🔸PROVENZAL FRIES 炸薯條|$68薯條炸至金黃酥脆,搭配大蒜和義大利香菜。口感酥脆外層,內部綿密軟糯,令人食唔停口🔸CREAMED SPINACH 芝士忌廉菠菜|$78口感柔軟滑順,忌廉賦予菠菜濃郁的奶香味道,帕瑪森芝士增添了豐富的奶酪風味🔸Tiramisu|$88濃郁的香濃芝士香氣,底層是吸收了咖啡的軟指餅,口感濕潤柔軟,令人一口接一口🔸ALAMOS MALBEC 2023, MENDOZA, ARGENTINA|$68🔸FANTINEL BORGO PINOT GRIGIO GRAVE DOC 2022, ITALY|$78 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❀ TANO Pasta Steak Wine By the Patagonia #上環 ❀❗隱世抵食阿根廷扒房 必食爆餡拉絲餡餅❗——————————————————最近嚟到上環嘅阿根廷扒房TANO,原來係另一間上環扒房「Carne」嘅姊妹店,之前食過Carne已經覺得高質抵食,冇諗過TANO同樣出色😍Carne位於上環嘅地舖,TANO就反而係喺工業大廈中,位置較隱蔽,環境較細。主張親民價錢品嚐高質牛扒,仲有唔少阿根廷地道小食,尤其餡餅真係非常高質😋.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ Canasta de Empanadas $228 (4.1/5)Empanadas係阿根廷餡餅🥟好似餃子嘅外型,不過炸到非常脆身,粒粒都手掌心咁大。呢度可以一次過嗌四款不同口味,包括牛、雞、火腿芝士、蔬菜。牛肉餡料非常香口,加入咗唔少香料炒製而成😋而火腿芝士同蔬菜都有拉絲效果,鍾意香口惹味嘅你絕對唔可以錯過🤩.☞ Ribeye $398/14oz (4/5)有好多款唔同嘅牛扒選擇,我哋揀咗較為肥美嫩滑嘅肉眼扒🥩三成熟嘅肉眼扒嫩滑多汁,阿根廷牛扒肉味仲特別重。用鐵板呈上,外層微微燒焦至香脆,好好食,呢個價錢絕對係超水準發揮,可以配埋香草醬汁chimichurri😆.☞ Fettuccini al Ragu $198 (3.8/5)除咗牛扒之外,佢哋亦有意粉選擇。可能係阿根廷嘅份量,真係超級大😧基本上兩個人淨係食意粉都會飽。肉醬味道香濃,當中有唔少牛肉粒😆不過Fettuccini口感就淋咗少少。.☞ Provenzal Fries $68 (4.2/5)超級好食嘅薯條🍟本身已經對薯條冇乜特別興趣,但呢個真係炸得非常香,好似用牛嘅油炸咁,再加上香草蒜香調味,真係會食唔停口 😋.☞ Churros $88 (4.2/5)連churros都炸得好香口😆細細條但做到外脆內煙靭,加上少少肉桂粉,點埋拖肥醬一流,係我食過咁多間當中數一數二。——————————————————✨整體味道: 4.1/5 ✨環境裝修: 3.9/5✨服務態度: 4/5✨性價比: 4.2/5✨再訪興趣: 3.9/5.💞整體來講呢間扒房真係抵食又好味,阿根廷牛扒特別重牛香,而且價錢實惠😚就連炸薯條及churros都係數一數二🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-27
.Tano Pasta Steak Wine今日黎左上環食晚餐💁🏻‍♀️行行下發現巷仔入面上樓上有間阿根廷🇦🇷扒房🥩我地叫左一個沙律🥗、一份牛扒、兩份side dish..人均600左右💸,環境好昏暗,格局好有情調💕職員服務好好,因為餐廳唔係好大,入到餐廳廚師介同我地打招呼..Burrata Salad 148水牛芝士入面好creamy,用左pesto、basil、番茄🍅、鹽、橄欖油、黑醋混個而成嘅沙律🥗..Sirloin 14oz 368牛排好厚身,牛味濃郁,煎得剛剛好,肉質粉嫩,油脂比較少..Spaghetti Seafood 198墨汁意粉係新鮮嘅,同平時即食意粉真係有差別,比較煙靭,有口感,意粉有青口、大蝦、魷魚,爽口彈牙🤤..Provenzal Fries 68薯條份量好多,香脆新鮮,都幾抵食..Sauteed Mushroom 88份量非常多,有幾款唔同嘅菌類😆..Cinderella 68 / House wine 68Fruit punch甜甜地,價錢都正常House wine 只係68,都幾平..地址:TANO Pasta Steak Wine By the Patagonia (上環)上環永樂街1-3號世瑛大廈1樓103號舖.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-20
TANO 、Carne’s 同The Grand Patagonia Steak House呢3間餐廳都係同一個集團,主打阿根廷牛,之前已食過其他兩間,今次又去試埋Tano! -Empanadas 4 flavors我地今次叫晒4款味道~ 牛/雞/火腿芝士同埋蔬菜~呢幾隻漲卜卜炸餃子次次食阿根廷野都一定會叫,我最鐘意牛肉同火腿芝士。前者牛肉餡加咗好多香料去炒所以味道超濃郁惹味;火腿芝士既煙燻火腿同芝士個味我都好鐘意 -Provoleta Cheese芝士用炭火上烤過,表面帶有陣陣焦香,上黎時候熱辣辣仲超拉絲!夾埋麵包食一流-Ribeye 14oz (medium rare) Served with chimichurri sauce肉眼扒烤至三成熟,表面炭烤過內裡仲保持粉紅色的肉汁。牛扒肉質是鮮嫩多汁,牛味濃郁~食既時候要配埋阿根廷特色醬汁chimichurri,味道酸辣清爽,可以中和返牛扒既油膩感-薯條呢個side dish唔講得笑超好食!即叫即炸非常香口加埋啲蒜香調味,你係完全食唔停口-Fettucini al Ragu呢個肉醬扁意麵,個肉醬味比平時餐廳既濃郁,意粉al dente💯💯-Tiramisu Tiramisu既mascarpone cheese 同咖啡味一半半,酒味就比較少 但呢個比例係我鐘意既~面頭再加埋可可粉好味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)