9-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
17:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (54)
Level4 2024-05-28
每次行過呢間拉麵舖都見好多人排隊,一直都想試吓,今日終於扚起心肝去排隊!一坐低就點左個招牌醬油蝦濃湯麵,醬油濃湯真係好正,師傅最後淋上嘅蝦油,將湯底昇華至另一個層次,芬香撲鼻😚面底方面,我選擇咗拉麵,口感中規中矩,下次有機會可以試吓刀削麵🍜 嗰兩隻剝咗殼嘅蝦完全係食過翻尋味,醃製得好入味,有少少辣辣地嘅味道,好爽口🦐另外非常推介鮑魚,大隻得來又好淋,帶點微辣,絕對係值得叫✨▪️醬油蝦濃湯麵 $118 ▪️ 鮑魚$38 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
其實一直以來都睇咗唔同Foodie或者Blogger 嘅推薦,就算佢搬咗新舖都未扚起心肝去試一試呢個高質嘅蝦濃湯拉麵😅 就係怕要排隊,所以揀咗喺紅雨星期六嘅晏晝去一試 🤣由於去到已經係下午2:30,佢嘅刀削麵已經賣晒,所以我同男朋友都係揀咗一人一碗蝦拉麵🍜喺拉麵上枱之後,店員會淋上一圈自家製嘅蝦油增加拉麵嘅蝦香味,令成碗拉麵提鮮不少😋 首先講講湯底,食得出佢嘅湯底用咗好多哈利淆制,非常濃郁,值得讚👍🏻不過我哋兩個都嗌咗正常嘅蔥同蒜,但係成碗湯除咗蝦味之外都有好濃烈嘅蔥蒜味,就算我哋兩個都係蔥蒜愛好者都覺得有少少喧賓奪主嘅感覺😅 拉麵就明顯係由其他地方攞貨,冇乜特別🤔 至於蝦嚟講總體都係新鮮嘅,而且蝦身同蝦尾嘅蝦殼,都剝得10分乾淨,誠意可嘉👍🏻 呢間蝦麵店建議未嚟食過嘅朋友都可以過嚟一試,至於我哋就未必會試第二次🙈因為我心目中第一位嘅蝦拉麵,始終係台中嘅” 無魚”1️⃣醬油蝦濃湯拉麵($118) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-27
朋友介紹話呢間啲蝦麵,好好食。知道晏啲一定要排隊,所以就6:00去到,但係都滿。絕對覺得佢性價比非常之高!- 個蝦湯仲有蝦油再加埋兩隻已經剝咗殼嘅蝦🦐x2- 同埋啲麵🍜煮得非常之好👍唔會太腍- 加咗個鮑魚小食ok- 下次應該會試吓佢是日精選嘅小食同朋友都係第一次去食。之後齊齊話下次再會返嚟食😋😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友極力推介,有人自己就一個月可能去食四次。最後俾佢游說就去一試。選擇不多只有蝦面一款,不過可以選擇多麵少麵面多湯少湯,配料亦可以自己選擇多或少。Friend strongly recommend this tiny restaurant, my friend visits four times a month. Finally, i was persuaded to give it a try. There is only one choice and it’s the shrimp noodle. However, you can choose more noodles, less noodles, more soup, less soup, and you can choose more or less condiments. 細食的朋友可以叫小麵因為精髓在於喝完成碗湯。湯底非常美味,絕對不會希望被浪費。Friends who are not big eaters can order less noodles because the essence is to drink the entire bowl of soup. The soup base is so delicious that you definitely don’t want it to go to waste.今次慶幸有貨就食咗一隻鮑魚,都有成個手掌咁大隻。This time I was lucky enough to have some, so I ate an abalone, which was as big as the palm of my hand. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-09
餐廳嘅蝦湯真是正!濃濃嘅湯底散發出迷人的香氣,喺門口等位都聞到,令人垂涎欲滴。蝦湯嘅口感非常豐富,充滿了海鮮的鮮味,每一啖都能感受到蝦的鮮甜。此外,餐廳還提供了追加海鮮的選項,呢d海鮮入味且微辣,增添了一份惹味嘅風味,令整個菜餚更加美味。唯一改進空間可能在於面底,雖然湯底非常濃郁,d麵都幾掛湯,但如果可以稍微彈牙一d,應該會更好。因此,如果能夠微調面底的烹飪時間,使其更具嚼勁,將會係一個唔錯嘅改善方向。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)