4-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
The Captain's House serves New Orleans-style seafood. One of their signature dishes is the Captain's Seafood Bag which consists of all of the freshest seafoods of the day brought out in a bag. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:30
*星期日至四: 12:00-22:00 (Last Order:21:00) 星期五,六,公眾假期及前夕: 12:00-22:30 (Last Order: 21:15)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1871)
Level4 2024-03-28
呢間係尖沙咀厚福街🚇H8嘅 The Captain's House 🤩主打 Shake Shake 海鮮袋,佢哋用新鮮嘅海鮮🦑配上特製嘅醬汁🤤放袋 shake 均來食,十分之啱海鮮控嘅口味🥰。佢哋嘅海鮮袋有不同份量可以揀 ,我哋兩個人😆就揀咗最細嘅 A set,可以揀三款🦑海鮮,而且有唔同嘅😋醬汁可以揀,我哋鍾意食比較🌶️惹味嘅就揀咗 Signature Cajun Sauce 😎,仲貼心咁有唔同辣🌶️度可以揀👍。我哋揀咗小龍蝦🦞、小墨魚仔🦑同埋小蟶子😍,全部都好鮮味!入邊嘅🥔薯仔沾上惹味嘅🌶️醬汁,亦都十分之好味☺️,粟米🌽亦都飽滿鮮甜,又爽口😝。佢哋仲有多款🤤好味嘅 pasta,黑松露🍄雜菌扁意粉🍝入口好 creamy 充滿黑松露😋香氣又有麵粉香,都幾高質👍。呢度除咗有不同嘅🍷酒精飲品供應之外,亦都有多款嘅🍹 mocktail,選擇繁多🤩梗有一款啱你口味。我哋今次揀咗🥰 Simple Kids 同埋 Pina-Nana,真係又靚又好飲😎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想食西式海鮮袋,first come to my mind嘅一定係Captain's House!🥰👍🏻佢嘅海鮮袋十分有特色~😋今日就帶未食過嘅老友嚟試一次~上次食灣仔分店,今日嚟尖沙咀,唔使過海好方便~人少少就揀返個海鮮三款海鮮袋啦~🐙🦐🦪Combo A海鮮袋:小墨魚仔(6-8隻)、海蝦(8-10隻)、扇貝(4隻)仲可以揀汁~我揀咗cajun sauce(係佢嘅signature)但係朋友唔食得辣,所以mild就算喇……😅😋醬汁好惹味👍🏻仲可以加配菜:薯仔、司華力腸同埋粟米,索汁一流!!一上到枱大大袋…熱辣辣…店員會幫你撈勻曬啲海鮮同埋汁嘅~再叫多咗個pasta:手拆蟹鉗蟹膏risotto~佢嘅飯真係可以做到外面淋而中間係有一點硬米~呢啲就係真正嘅意大利risotto啦!!味道都唔錯,好鮮甜!😋😋不過得一隻蟹鉗,唔係太多肉肉😅🫣🍹飲品:Witty Guy~(Yakult, blue curacao, butterfly pea tea & sprite)因為有益力多,所以酸酸甜甜幾開胃~而且因為蝶豆花會隨住酸度改變而變色,唔止味覺~連視覺都得到滿足!!🥰🦪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
As soon as the plate arrived, the aroma of earthy truffles and savory mushrooms enveloped me. Every bite of the perfectly cooked pasta was a symphony of flavors.The sight of the glistening array of fresh seafood was enough to make my mouth water. From succulent shrimp to tender fish, each piece was cooked to perfection, bursting with the flavors of the sea.With a crispy exterior giving way to a lusciously soft center, they were a harmonious blend of sweet crab meat and aromatic spices. Paired with a tangy sauce, they were simply irresistible.Finally, the Oysters. They tasted like the ocean itself. Each one slid down my throat effortlessly, leaving behind a lingering taste of the sea that I couldn't get enough of.Overall, my experience at The Captain's House was nothing short of spectacular. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙咀依間「The Captain’s House」最出名嘅就係佢嘅Seafood Platter嘅海鮮、醬汁可以任意配搭,咁就實啱大家嘅口味,不過菜式定價比較進取。*此餐廳收取加一服務費。Seafood Platter Combo A (單點$418),鮑魚肉質彈牙,食落有鮮味;扇貝略嫌肉質比較瘦削,味道鮮甜;海蝦肉質爽口,食落好新鮮;司華力腸食落好Juicy;粟米味道香甜;馬鈴薯口感綿密,配以檸檬胡椒醬汁食用,食落好香口,味道微酸。Black Truffle And Mushroom Linguine(單點$118),表面鋪有巴馬臣芝士、豆苗、香草,雜菌為白蘑菇,配料包括有洋蔥、青蔥、香蒜,扁意粉食落好Creamy,略嫌醬汁黑松露味道偏淡,主要剩係食到忌廉嘅味道。Virgin Sangria (單點$68),表面鋪有菠蘿、香橙、青蘋果、紅蘋果,採用西柚汁、橙汁、薑味汽水製作,飲落好清爽。Pure Spring (單點$68),表面鋪有薄荷葉,採用有氣辣薑啤、檸檬汁、Mojito糖漿製作,味道酸甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-11
餐廳環境光鮮,座位闊落,但服務和美食很好👍🏻~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✨招牌海鮮袋淺嘗拼盤內有鮮彈牙的海蝦4隻、小龍蝦2隻、翡翠螺2隻、八爪魚仔4隻,鮮甜的海蜆、青口4隻,肥美的豬肉香腸、粟米和新薯,醬汁是招牌的卡疆棘篡汁,微辣的醬汁令海鮮味更提鮮個人推薦翡翠螺,螺肉肥厚彈牙,味道仲好鮮甜。小龍蝦有蝦膏,味道又濃又香。✨香煎紐西蘭羊扒7成熟羊扒,切開有淡淡的粉紅色,肉質嫩滑又易切開,入口即化的感覺✨鵝肝配翠玉瓜賣相好靚,鵝肝入口即融,配上清淡翠玉瓜,可以解膩✨香煎三文魚柳 三文魚柳嫩滑又易切開但不散,再配上佐忌廉芥末汁能提升至另一個層次✨Simple Kids 漸變層顏色相當靚,飲品裏有益力多、檸檬梳打的味道清香、酸酸甜甜很開胃✨Tasteful lady淺粉紅色的感覺很舒服,飲品裏有士多啤梨配上益力多,甜甜酸酸很開胃整體來說:當海鮮袋互相撞擊時會產生碎片,食用時間要留意👀食物質素和賣相很靚和很好味👍🏻環境又舒服又可以與朋友暢談生活~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)