Simply Broccoli Soup with Roasted Walnut and Camembert Cheese 簡易合桃芝士西蘭花湯

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Simply Broccoli Soup with Roasted Walnut and Camembert Cheese
From Herbivores Submit
Ingredient and Portion
Broccoli 500g
Water 250g
Roasted Walnut
Camembert Cheese
1.Wash and clean well the broccoli and cut into pieces.
2.Heat up the water until it boils, then add in some salt and broccoli. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes, or until broccoli is well cooked.
3.Separate the boiled water and broccoli, but do keep the boiled water.
4.Put broccoli in a blender with some of the boiled water as well, and blend well together until smooth. Add in as much water as preferred consistency.
5.Topped in some roasted walnut and camembert cheese, then serve hot immediately.
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