Exit B1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Restaurant: Mon-Sun: 12:00-14:30; 18:00-22:30 Bar: Sun-Thu: 12:00-00:00 Fri,Sat: 12:00-01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
脆皮乳豬伴焦糖蘋果及芥末籽醬 西班牙海鮮大平鑊燴飯 火焰西班牙辣肉腸 紅酒芝士花配迷迭香蜂蜜 西班牙油條配朱古力醬 干邑炒帶子大蝦配青椒番茄
Review (85)
Level3 2016-03-25
今天決定跟老闆去尖沙咀度飲下午茶,真係霖到都覺得好驚吖,因為boss平時個人睇落好嚴肅非常之cool個樣,所以聽佢話同我去飲茶,我心入邊都覺得慌慌地。因為系老闆請食野,所以我就點了平時覺得不值的黑毛豬火腿。黑毛豬火腿我個人認為系幾好味道的,不過就係因為價錢方面所以少點。黑毛豬火腿我覺得肉質系好有韌性嘅,所以食嘅時候比較有嚼勁。而且黑毛豬火腿同一般肉豬火腿相比會更加有營養。三文魚的味道我也是覺得還可以,可能系因為同boss一起食飯,所以覺得好警長,自己一直系度低頭食三文魚,三文魚的表面是稍微有小小煎炸過的,咁陽光可以令到成個三文魚都有一種香氣的假像,裡面又非常的尊重三文魚本來甜鮮的味道同質感,所以裡面並沒有很煎炸的,營養感十足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-03-13
My palms are getting sweaty and my heart is starting to race! So my date for tonight could be none other than the heartthrob that was my high school crush. And although I was never able to muster up the courage to speak to her in our days gone by, years later, I finally have a chance to redeem myself by taking her to the highly recommended ‘Tapagria’ to make up for lost time.Bringing her to see the sunset from the renowned balcony view, was definitely part of my planned charm offensive. But the horrors of my high school days seemed to be repeating itself with the skies being overcast on our date night. My fortunes began to turn however when drinks were served. We ordered a wine sangria which was pleasantly light and refreshing, enhancing our appetite for what was to come.For our appetizer, we had the scallop wrapped in bacon which was wonderful. Cooked to perfection and lightly seasoned, the freshness of the dish really came through.We next had the sautéed seafood as the main course which also didn’t disappoint. Like the appetizer, this dish was not too salty and not over-cooked. Simple secrets to success of a great dish you might think, but it’s amazing how many restaurants get it wrong! This centerpiece was also surprisingly well portioned offering good value for the meal.Dinner at a Spanish restaurant just wouldn’t seem complete without its signature dish, so we topped it off by ordering the seafood paella. The rice seemed a bit too wet for my taste, but my instincts told me that this is the way authentic paella should be. No choice here but to pretend to be sophisticated and offer a polite thumbs-up.What I am an expert in however is desserts, and in this respect the pumpkin pastry we ordered came in short of expectation. Far from the artisanal work that you might expect from a fine restaurant, this was little more than a couple of donuts with a side of puree pumpkin.Notwithstanding the poor weather and dessert, Tapagria offers an excellent dining experience overall. Was it enough to rekindle the chances for a nerdy kid with the most popular girl in school? I’m not sure, but I’m hoping that it will at least get me another date. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-01-21
居然有機會抽中去明星劉嘉玲開既食店試菜 去到店內環境寬敞坐得舒服 因為係指定既餐單無需要選食物,但睇過餐牌食物既選擇不是太多而且價錢都中上 不過據我所知中午可以選散叫或半自助餐,待應奉上餐牌同我講個餐不包餐飲,另外没有白開水供應要自己俾錢買,於是我就選左杯鲜榨菠蘿汁,杯菠蘿汁飲落去好濃菠蘿味,好明顯冇溝水,甜酸味適中,坐左一陣個頭盤三文魚沙律,份量適中,三文魚色澤鲜明,美味甘甜,在等待其他食物既時候,一於走出去露天茶座望吓美麗既風景影吓相,朝早風景都很美我相信夜晚更靚,當欣賞風景時候,其他既食物已上枱,於是返入去繼續試食,羊架肉嫩香囗,好有羊味但不太羶,西班牙海鲜飯,份量和海鮮唔夠多,隻蝦好彈牙,味道可以但個飯濕左少少,甜品好好味,朱古力味好濃好甜有d酒味,口感軟滑,加左d生果令到冇噤甜中和返 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-01-13
難得今日咁好心情,梗係要去食翻餐好野喇,希望以後日日都咁好心情!老朋友推薦話香蒜蝦好好味,所以點咗個香蒜蝦,一上檯就知無點錯,好大一份蝦吖!香蒜就真系好像,酸味好濃鬱,蒜炒得真心好香氣哇!與此相比嘅系,蝦肉又好多咯,蝦肉入邊都吸收咗蒜嘅香味,提鮮咗啲蝦肉嘅鮮味,真系好搭吖!烤香腸都好香啫,超級新奇趣怪吖,上臺仲好似系鍋度咁熱辣辣辣,培根薄薄地,唔算好多,不過都好入味,香腸都唔會覺得話好多油啫。消費方面就稍微覺得有點貴,即使招呼周到,不過食物真系好唔錯嘅,接受到喇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-01-09
好姐妹生日 她自己揀了食半自助午餐 據聞朋友極度推介。$288 一個主菜 一個餐湯 一杯飲品 再加沙律 冷盤 甜品飲食。環境 確實無得彈 眺望尖沙咀景色。服務 不專業 亦不友善。主菜 有三款 全部試左。牛扒 煮得過老 肉質不新鮮 唔彈牙。三文魚扒 煎得好油 亦是過熟的朋友 好鞋口。西班牙海鮮炒飯 最失望 飯太濕 一patpat 海鮮得小貓兩三塊 亦唔係新鮮。沙律吧 不過不失 冷盤有沙律菜兼配料 如青瓜蕃茄仔 醬汁有凱薩汁 意大利黑醋。Cold cut都唔錯 辣肉腸 火腿 parma ham 煙三文魚食落都新鮮。熱盤有少量 炸芝士 炸芝士春卷 芝士幾香 熱辣辣 都算可以。生果 主要是哈蜜瓜 蜜瓜和西瓜。甜品是兩三款mousse蛋糕 無驚喜但亦算OK吧。總括來說 沙律吧的選擇和質素是可以的 但主菜實在太失望 唯一最滿意的 只是風景吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)