港鐵朗屏站 E 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
08:30 - 18:30
08:30 - 18:30
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食評 (80)
本人也是餐飲業的小店,當然理解繁忙時間最低消費的問題及公司的規則。13:30光顧貴店空位還有三枱左右,我只了點了一杯咖啡跟蛋糕,二人達不到最低消費兩杯飲品必須外賣。我也𠄘諾如貴店客人滿座會立即離開,避免影響貴公司的營運。但我相當不滿是。空枱還有幾張也𠄘諾滿座會立刻離開。但貴公司不會用人性化來處理事情及外賣包好立刻為我打開門離開😃,令本人非常反感員工的態度規則是死的,店員是可以視乎情況。而去處理。 在這點貴公司需要跟員工多加培訓,別讓客人有不愉快用餐體驗。(本人不是坐在元朗也是第三次到貴店用餐,因欣賞食物質數。經這次體驗後本人也不會在次光臨) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🇭🇰 Yuen Long 元朗| Cruising Speciality Coffee Another cozy spot to enjoy some coffee and some…. Bagels!! 🫣🥯This spot has many light eats options and coffee, come and drop by! They have a minimum spending of one drink per customer, this time I got:🥯Blueberry Bagels with cream cheese and strawberry jam 🥯I was in love with their self-made strawberry jam, it was quite refreshing to taste. ✨The combination of blueberry bagels with cream cheese and strawberry jam is so tasty and a yummy light eat option. 🥰🥪Pastrami Bagel sandwich 🥪 I was totally surprised when I saw the portion of this bagel! There was a thick layer of meat which was so satisfying. 😊Along with the honey mustard sauce and the fresh veggies, it was yummy. Personally, I would love more sauce to go along with the big bagel. 🥹 They also have an option of sourdough bread instead of bagels 🥯 Drinks: Oat latte and Rose Apple Tea 🍎They have nice interior and nice to enjoy some good coffee while reading. 📚📍Shop No. 4 on Ground Floor, Yuccie Square, No, 38 Yuen Long On Ning Rd, Yuen Long💲Price: $268 + 10% service charge (for two) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-02-06
164 瀏覽
以為是一家中等大小的咖啡店,原來是間小店,座位比較少,然而裝修隨性,帶自然氣息和休閒感。今日試下芝士香蔥scone這scone 的味道有驚喜!scone 外脆內軟,口感鬆化,帶芝士的咸香,又有香蔥的青蔥味道,加上香甜的旦奶味道,再沾上奶油,更加油潤,好吃!Flat whiteFlat white 是正常水平,咖啡帶甘香的深焙味道,配上燕麥奶,口感香滑,沒有太酸或太苦,是比較適合大衆的味道。在這兒吃早餐,看看街景,很寫意。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-10
179 瀏覽
Cruising coffee位於元朗世宙商場,惠康斜對面。店內環境較細,但食物質素唔錯,食材夠新鮮。因為呢到主打咖啡、飲品,所以每人最少要點一杯飲品。Veggie All Day Breakfast 素全日早餐 (unit $118;set $138)Avocado egg mash, chickpeas, scrambled egg, portobello, half bagel with cream cheese or sourdough with butter, baked beans, cherry tomato, mixed green with balsamic glaze 麵包可選酸種包或貝果,我揀咗酸種包。麵包香脆,味道唔太酸。大啡菇好多汁,冇咩菇菌嘅草青味。炒蛋夠滑,表面保留到生生哋嘅蛋汁。洛神花山楂 Roselle hawthorn (hot $58;iced $63)味道酸酸甜甜,好夠熱。除咗洛神花同山楂,仲加入其他藥材沖泡而成。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-09
190 瀏覽
❀┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈再訪元朗小清新咖啡店✨早陣子放假時想metime一下 就二訪左位於元朗世宙商場的cruising coffee 私心掛住Tiramisu😚店舖以小清新的杏啡色為主 室外放上滿滿的綠色盆栽 空間雖然不大但勝在有大窗口透光度十足 下午有陽光打卡更靚呢┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈𐂐 ⠜蜜糖芥末烤牛肉貝果 $98 (8/10)點了一份貝果三文治 也可以選擇酸種吐司 包體經過微烤充滿嚼勁 斷口度高 除了鹹香的烤牛肉也加入了生菜 蕃茄及黃椒 健康之餘味道更豐富😋𐂐 ⠜提拉米蘇 $62 (8.5/10)之前食過一次幾有驚喜😍mascarpone cheese口感軟滑散發著淡淡酒味 配上浸過咖啡酒的手指餅 一口四重口感真心超幸福!!𐂐 ⠜洛神花山楂茶 $58 (8/10)飲品點了酸甜開胃的洛神花花茶 味道好濃而且唔甜幾好👍🏻冬天飲完會好暖胃~┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)