2-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (234)
Level4 2024-02-12
又掛念台灣的味道了,是我收藏已久的餐廳之⼀,最近終於抽到時間過來吃了😚..𐐂單點(散叫) A La Carte𐐚/主菜/❥ 炸雞扒便當 $72正苦惱著點什麼來吃時,看旁邊那一桌叫了一盤像是炸雞扒/排骨,賣相很吸睛,一看就覺得好吃🤩,我就面皮厚的去問對方那是雞扒還是排骨😂也就是因此跟風了~回歸正傳,真的是很大一碗便當丫😵一大塊雞扒切成五塊,下面除了飯,還有肉碎茄子和西蘭花等蔬菜,很豐富💕雞扒的外皮炸得很香脆😍肉質不乾不老而且夠入味,小編覺得確實滿好吃的,而且蔬菜類有不少,營養比較均衡,不錯不錯👍🏻❥ 眷村牛肉麵-葱油乾拌麵 $70一般人都是點紅燒牛肉麵居多,不過因爲朋友比我更不能吃辣,所以她就點拌麵吃😂幸好這拌麵比想像中要好吃,麵條Q彈順口,鹹度恰到好處,牛肉也大大片,嫩口而且吃得出有淡淡的牛味散發出來,想吃清淡一點的朋友們可以試試看/小吃/❥ 三杯雞起司蛋餅 $42雖然眼見起司肉鬆蛋餅是招牌,但因為實在覺得比較普遍,反而三杯雞口味好少見,所以想試試看~果然沒後悔✌🏻雞肉有碳烤過的味道,很香口,和起司的香氣真的是絕搭,再沾點附有的甜醬汁,更惹味十足😋/飲品/❥ 經典珍珠奶茶 (微冰) $26❥ 茉莉奶綠 (微冰) $24..𐐂温馨提示𐐚免加一😇....(人。◕‿‿◕。)歡迎來追蹤我~ FOLLOW FOLLOW ME ❣ 喜歡的就給個贊👍🏻鼓勵支持我👉🏻👈🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
自從喺台灣返嚟冇食到好食嘅滷肉飯一路深深不忿☹️ 呢間開咗嚟銅鑼灣超方便🥰 唔使捐窿捐罅都可以食到地道的台菜🇹🇼食過午市套餐 單點價錢都好相宜🎉 難怪幾有人氣💓❣️滷肉飯(小) $36OMG🥺 最想食到嘅半肥瘦連皮滷肉 飯都粒粒分明有咬口😋🍚 調味豐富 唔算太鹹偏甜唔膩🫶🏻份量一啲都唔少‼️女仔應該會食得飽💁🏻‍♀️ 加啲小食更開心🤪❣️起司肉鬆蛋餅 $40呢個配搭冇得輸🤩 肉鬆落得唔手軟🐿️加上少少醬油膏已經非常還原到台灣早餐店味道😍❣️塔香鹹酥雞 $40去台灣都冇食到鹽酥雞又食返🤣 夜市食到嘅有時好柴😕 呢度係滑嘅雞肉唔止得雞胸🐥 而且係皮薄肉多juicy💓 連埋九層塔一齊炸 好高質🌿 ❣️燙青菜 $26忍唔住叫返個菜 a菜好食😆❣️凍蜂蜜檸檬愛玉 $24❣️鐵觀音奶茶 $24估唔到佢飲品都咁高質 仲要外賣杯可以拎走😳 大推檸檬愛玉 微甜啱啱好夠酸🥰 鐵觀音奶茶用鮮奶唔會太水 熱飲都好飲‼️🥛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-01
台灣風味老厝邊位處CWB渣甸街一間專營台灣風味的小店老厝邊,食品別具特色取價亦算是公道。🐖台式鹵肉便當 $65鹵肉給人有驚喜,不是一般食開那款肉碎而係一件件惹味五花腩般的肉。脂肪部分入口即溶超好吃。配搭四季豆、翠肉瓜和大豆芽,整體而言讓人食慾大增。🤩🐓麻醬雞肉粉皮 $48麻醬搭粉皮一向是對姊妹花,今次用鮮嫩雞肉去做,味道香口。粉皮煙煙韌韌有𡁻口,幫人按摩牙齒!用膳不忘運動啊!🐂招牌牛三寳麵 $86鎭店名菜牛三寳→牛肉(𦟌)+牛筋+牛肚(金錢肚)配合軟滑麵條🍝,湯底熱辣辣🔥,仲有蘿蔔加貢菜,品嘗台灣人的口味,十分滿足😌!老厝邊舖面雖不算寛敞,但食客如雲來,而且取價公道,各位可以想像到食物質素是龍還是鳳了!🍽️🥄🍴🥢🧂地點:銅鑼灣渣甸街36號地舖 📞2116 2406 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-25
位於渣甸街好多唔同餐廳嘅選擇,有一個唔錯嘅台灣嘢食小店。鍾意佢好味得來又抵食,所以都受好多人喜歡,好多人氣🔥🥚香蔥牛肉起司蛋餅($44) 台灣嘢食就必然要嗌蛋餅啦🤭蛋餅款式好多,個人覺得起司做餡料同蛋餅呢個配搭最好味,今次試咗牛肉做餡料。整體嚟講如果想食多啲蛋白質就推薦牛肉起司蛋餅。🍜招牌牛三寶麵($86) 想食多啲嘅就有呢個招牌牛三寶麵,有牛腩牛筋同牛肚,咩都有齊晒了好滿足🍱古早味老排骨便當($70)通常台灣食品都有便當。最喜歡去呢個便當有埋配菜,配搭好健康,煮得都好好味,配住啖啖飯就好夾啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
”Lao Chao" refers to the old neighborhood, and they have branches in Tai Kok Tsui and Tsuen Wan. I arrived around 1 p.m. and the restaurant was packed from the moment I entered until I left.Super Thick Yam Custard Egg cakeThe signature egg cake with a generous upgrade of rich and sweet yam custard. The combination of savory and sweet flavors, along with the signature garlic egg waffle sauce, is a delightful treat. Three Treasures Beef Noodles The beef tendon is incredibly tender, filled with collagen. The beef brisket is thick and flavorful, while the radish is well-marinated, and the beef tripe is refreshing and chewy. The slightly spicy and sour pickled vegetables add a stimulating touch. The portion is generous, even two girls can share and be satisfied.Braised Minced Pork Rice The diced pork belly is cooked to retain its texture and has a satisfying mouthfeel.Medicinal Drunken ChickenThe chicken is well-marinated, but the meat is slightly tougher due to its larger size.Here, you can enjoy a variety of delicious dishes, and despite the crowded environment, the dining experience is worth it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)