5-min walk from Exit B, Wong Chuk Hang Station continue reading
Good For
Private Party
Additional Information
VIP room booking (8-14 people) / Full venue booking (50-60 people)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
Mon - Wed
09:00 - 19:00
Thu - Fri
09:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Sea View
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Ethiopian Stew -Chicken , Beef or Vegetarian Single origin coffee and Tea from Africa East African Pilau Rice with baked chicken thigh
Review (70)
我們於29/4(一)下午12:40左右到達餐廳,客人不多,氛圍感十足,咖啡店以非洲作主題,亦有不少擺設及裝飾,我們叫了2個lunch set,但其實沒有飲品或湯,要另外交錢(combo) 。❶Beyond Beef Spaghetti 🍝($120):有點像肉醬意粉,素肉粒好碎,配上蕃茄醬🥫好吃,但份量可以再多啲🤣❷Smoked Salmon Rolex Wrap 🌯& House Salad🌯($125):wrap卷住三文魚🐟奄列(有炒蛋🍳、紅椒、青椒🫑、洋蔥🧅等配料)有些少辣,果然有風味!抵食夾大件✌🏻沙律就有青瓜粒🥒、蘋果粒🍎、粟米粒🌽、藜麥等。坐低之後,店員會比了menu,但冇講係先去cashier付款還是叫侍應落單,我們都是望望下其他人點做先🤣先付款,要加一,反而非洲店主就熱情啲,仲同我地影相📸️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍽️I recently had the pleasure of trying out Africa Coffee & Tea for lunch, and it turned out to be a wonderfully unexpected experience. While the prices may seem a little high at first, the quality and flavor of the food more than made up for it. I highly recommend making a reservation in advance to ensure you don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind lunch experience. As someone who had never tried African cuisine in Hong Kong before, I was pleasantly surprised by the delicious offerings. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-25
今日嚟到港島南區終於食到聽聞咗一段時間嘅非洲餐廳餐廳佈置有驚喜,門口已經放咗好多非洲嘅擺設🛖🇿🇦入到去仲有大海景,環境好舒服餐牌首先食個非洲Brunch 一定離唔開咖啡Latte 個奶令咖啡口感層次提升超級鍾意💛💛之後叫咗Smoked Salmon Rolex一開始驚會偏鹹,但原來佢搭配咗好多蔬菜、燈籠椒同埋洋蔥喺入面,令成個味道好balanced,甜鹹適中,仲帶有少少蛋香同辣椒香,食落好清新舒服,讚💛💛!之後仲有Peri-peri Chicken thigh🍗雞肉雖然有少少乾,但配個Peri peri sauce 好夾😍Peri Peri sauce仲比起出邊嘅無咁辣反而蕃茄味較重少少,好啱香港人口味💛💛整體份量同味道都好好☺️後記:呢間餐廳無論係環境、食物、服務都好好有機會一定要再嚟💛☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-08-19
因為要入黃竹坑,見 OpenRice 有非洲菜餐廳,咁就要試一下非洲cafe😍Mama's East African Lamb Curry羊肉唔太乾、咖哩落咗非洲香料煮,真係非一般咖哩的味道!Pumpkin Ginger Soup 👍好香南瓜味、因為加咗薑,所以有少少薑嘅辣味👍南瓜湯好 creamy 👍Smoked Salmon Rolex & House Salad 👍一人份量都算多!Ginger Latte Dirty & Vegan Bliss Ball👍餐後嘆返杯咖啡加甜品,絕對係perfect match😍Vegan Bliss Ball👍最後都要外賣2粒返屋企慢慢嘆! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-25
除了吃東西,好像旁邊也有一些藝術品展覽的這個美景+ 美食 十分正一個人黎食會覺得好寫意對面是深灣9號 同 南灣推介:菠菜湯 同 煙三文魚卷色香味有齊店員友善真係非洲人主理架香港真係好少機會會品嚐到非洲菜Africa Coffee & Tea 是一間位於黃竹坑的樓上Cafe,距離黃竹坑站大約5分鐘的路程,單看地址「香葉道41號」可能有點難找,那座大樓是在雅格酒店(the Arca)旁邊,所以找到酒店就會找到Cafe!在大樓的門口位置也有宣傳指示Cafe在15樓,一星期7日都營業! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)