Exit C1, Kowloon MTR Station, Exit D1, Kowloon MTR Station, Exit B5, Austin MTR Station; 高鐵M出口 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (137)
Level1 2024-03-17
唔係第一次食了,繼續係高水準😋價錢唔算係好貴,質素係絕對超值👍🏻今次朋友食左香烤三文魚菜底(佢有飯底揀)同意式脆雞包,佢地話好大份,好好食☺️,我自己就食慢煮雞胸黑松露忌廉扁意粉🍝超讚,味道剛剛好👍🏻飲品我地分別都點左佢荔枝果茶(呢個跟餐送既)、洋甘菊花果茶、柚子茶(呢兩個加錢追加)⋯仲有一個唔記得佢飲咩啦😂,地點係喺圓方戲院隔離,都算易搵,地方闊落,唔迫,好坐😎又無加一服務費,超讚🤩只要你繼續做落去,我都必定會回頭幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-12
I come here about once a week for a late lunch. My favorite is their Ali Bowl, which consists of salmon, avocado, carrot, potatoes, corn, kidney beans and salad. You can choose a base of salad or rice. The dressing is homemade. The set comes with a drink and a small soup or side salad. You can customize to have less dressing or less rice. I also love their onion rings as they make them perfectly crispy. The people are kind and friendly. They answer your questions with patience. I always have a pleasant and relaxing time when I dine there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-11
舊年同友人睇concert之前嚟食過呢間,印象幾好!所以呢日又係去西九睇concert,就好自然想再嚟食呢間!舊年覺得幾抵食,因為有得自己揀配唔配套餐(加湯/飲品),唔配嘅話埋單$100頭就得,今次再嚟,價格貴咗,因為全部都配埋湯同飲品😂 Anyway好食嘅都唔介意嘅~叫咗個香烤三文魚bowl,配南瓜湯同熱烏龍茶~ 材料豐富,份量充足,健康有營,食完大大的滿足,healthy not heavy,值得推介嘅👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-22
約左朋友係九龍站打羽毛球,做運動之前,當然要補充能量,係咁多間圓方既餐廳,見呢間咁多好評,就試試先我今次選了三文魚Power Bowl, 其實係類似Poke bowl, 可以選飯底或者沙律底,飯底可以選白米+紅米,糙米,什錦飯。我比較貪心,所以選什錦飯。Power Bowl送上黎既時候,色彩繽紛,睇見都開心🥳味道不錯,因為加左沙律醬,有少少酸,都幾開胃。分量都適中,唔會太餓或者太飽。另外套餐包餐湯/沙律,同埋餐飲。因為Power Bowl都有唔少菜,所以我就揀左餐湯。今次係南瓜湯,都幾杰身,淡淡既南瓜味,不錯不錯。餐飲我揀左凍果茶,甜甜地,幾消暑。整體來講,有機會黎圓方,我都會再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-08
ALIMENTE SET DINNER 晚市套餐SOUP/SALAD+ DRINK餐湯/沙律+飲品Seafood Bowl 海鮮三重奏 $158.00 with salad Base沙律 and bally Fruit Tea (Prown. Barramundi. Sauld. Broccoll. CaullflowerCabbage. Carrot, Cherry Tomato, Cucumber & edamome)睇相已經被深深吸引。這個 Seafood Bowl 看起來非常漂亮,色彩鮮豔,各種食材的顏色搭配在一起非常美觀。海鮮和蔬菜的組合也非常健康美味。健身人士或減重必吃蛋白質組合。口感方面,這個 Seafood Bowl 的口感非常清爽,因為其中包含了很多蔬菜,這些蔬菜的口感比較脆爽。海鮮🦞的配搭有蝦和魚肉,吃起來肉質很新鮮。藜麦的口感軟糯,與其他食材一起搭配很滿足口感上的需求。Fusion Unangi Bowl 日式鰻魚 $158.00 with salad Base沙律and bally Fruit Tea (Unagi & Scramble Egg with Carrot, Broccoli, Cauliflower.Beetroot. Corn. Okro. Onion & Red Shredded Cabbage)Fusion Unagi Bowl是一道結合日式鰻魚和多種蔬菜的料理。外觀方面,這個碗裝飾豐富,色彩斑斕,從紅色的甜菜根、紫色的紅捲心菜、綠色的胡蘿蔔、花椰菜和西蘭花,到黃色的玉米和深綠色的秋葵,色澤鮮豔,非常吸引人。口感方面,烤鰻魚肉質柔軟,口感鮮美,與炒蛋的柔軟口感相輔相成,非常鮮美。而配菜的胡蘿蔔、花椰菜和西蘭花都保留了它們的脆度和甜味,甜菜根則帶有一點嚼勁和甜味,整個碗的口感非常豐富多樣,非常美味。各種蔬菜的纖維質和鰻魚的蛋白質相互融合,讓這道料理不僅美味,還能讓人感到飽足和健康。鹹蛋黃薯條🍟 鹹蛋黃薯條是炸好之後混合鹹蛋黃醬,味道夠出,即叫即造同平時一般的完全不同層次❤️份量夠多,主食叫了沙律所以點了代替碳水化合物🤣🤣薯條亦唔會太鹹😎可以返兜的出色薯條。食物仲可以進入戲院,或到m+食,正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)