Restaurant: ARIA

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
46851269 (Whatsapp)
Set on the 24th floor of California Tower, Aria is bright and regal, featuring elegant and high-end fixtures such as crown molding, detailed doors, marble tabletops and well-upholstered chairs. This is Versailles-style opulence in the heart of Hong Kong Discover a spectacularly crafted Italian dining experience as cultivated by the award-winning culinary team from Aria, led by Group Executive Chef (Western Cuisine) Angelo Vecchio. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Sat (Weekend Brunch) 12:00 - 15:00 (2 hours seating per table) 18:00 - 23:00 (Last Order 22:00) Sun (Weekend Brunch) 12:00 - 15:00 (2 hours seating per table) 18:00 - 23:00 (Last Order 22:00)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (263)
餐廳:ARIA (中環)地址:中環蘭桂坊德己立街30-32號加州大廈24樓自從食過幾次Weekend brunch之後就返唔到轉頭,因為價錢同酒店buffet差唔多,但感覺上質素就好好多🤪。就以中環加州大廈呢間開咗3年幾嘅ARIA為例,「Aria」喺意大利文解作歌劇成日聽到嘅詠嘆調,即喺管弦樂隊伴奏嘅抒情獨唱曲,入到餐廳就感覺到以Opera為理念同靈感嘅裝修設計🎷,配合埋抒情歌曲同Cozy嘅環境氣氛,的確有啲置身喺歌劇院嘅感覺😌餐廳大廚嚟自意大利熱那亞(Genova)👨🏻‍🍳,佢將當地傳統經典嘅意大利菜式一碟一碟咁擺喺食客面前,等你喺星期六日嘅Weekend Brunch時段可以盡情享受每道意式美食🇮🇹。Weekend Brunch成人做緊$628一個人,仲可以加錢加一款主食,記得網上訂位有九折優惠㗎😍任食美食除咗意藉大廚自製嘅Cannelloni、Lasagne、各式沙律🥗——藍莓紅菜頭沙律、白腰豆羽衣甘藍沙律等,仲有嚟自世界各地嘅海鮮——蟹腳🦀、美國龍蝦🦞、生蠔🦪、蝦🦐、海螺🐚、日本青口;嚟自意大利嘅芝士——藍芝士、松露芝士、巴馬臣芝士🧀;各款Cold Cuts——巴馬火腿、意式豬肉腸、米蘭莎樂美腸、意式生牛肉片;熱食炸物、龍蝦湯、肉丸🧆、麵包🥖、前菜頭盤、水果🍉、甜品——Tiramisu、三色朱古力慕絲、朱古力蛋糕🍰、朱古力噴泉、吉士醬拿破崙、芝士批等等,款式都真喺算幾多,仲要喺咁靚嘅環境同好服務之中去品嘗,確實喺一大享受☺️生蠔唔算大隻,但喺可以無限任你拎、任你食,以海水鮮味為主,一啲都唔腥👍;Lasagne充滿蕃茄芝士香,濃香而唔膩,食落仲喺Al Dente嘅口感質地;龍蝦湯雖然無龍蝦肉,但每喺都細味到陣陣龍蝦同忌廉鮮香;Tiramisu更加喺必食之選🤩,Creamy得嚟有濃郁Mascarpone cheese同可可香味,陣陣咖啡香若隱若現🤤;朱古力蛋糕用上法國黑朱古力,食落唔會好甜膩,鏡面、朱古力醬同慕絲層相間帶嚟豐富層次滋味🍫另外加$268叫咗個意式烤澳洲M5西冷牛扒🥩,有大約250g,預先切好一塊塊,未食已經聞到香烤嘅味道🔥,外層焦香而內層軟嫩,中心5成熟,咬落仲有肉汁輕輕淺出,筋同脂肪唔算多,圍住喺肉嘅邊邊,每啖都充滿牛肉嘅羶香🐂,不過其實就咁食出面自助餐Bar嘅食物都已經好夠飽😂,叫主食只喺錦上添花🌸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-27
上次去過蘭桂坊嘅加州大廈後,發現呢座大廈真係有好多野食,今次我地再去就揀左間意大利餐廳,餐廳環境雅致有情調,岩哂注重儀式感嘅VV🥰先黎餐包及白酒,就開始我地正式嘅晚餐喇🫶🏻🌿Carpaccio di Ricciola呢款係薄切油甘魚配香橙,油甘魚油脂豐富,加入了醋調味,伴有香橙及青辣椒,混合一齊食用令味道層次感更豐富🌿Capesante, Arance Rosse & Nocciole 擺盤精緻且顏色鮮艷,主角為香煎帶子,配上瀨尿蝦汁及榛子,味道清新香口🌿 Aragosta用鮮蝦他他配上龍蝦湯,鮮蝦他他口感嫩滑,混合埋青檸更顯鮮味,配上濃郁嘅龍蝦湯,味道平衡得剛好🌿I Fusilloni alla Carbonara di Quaglia呢個卡邦尼螺絲粉好有驚喜😍口感非常creamy,味道雖然偏鹹,但完全不會覺得膩,配上鵪鶉肉醬,滿足了味蕾🌿Asparagi & Parmigiano香煎蘆筍配上帕馬森芝士,配合主菜一齊食用非常適合🌿Controfiletto M5澳洲黑安格斯M5西冷配合Rosemary以香烤方式烹調,肉質軟腍,呈現出漂亮嘅粉紅色🌿Signature Tiramisu 佢成功入選比我食過嘅Top 5內😍口感超Creamy但味道又唔會好甜,咖啡味好香濃,絕對適合大人嘅口味🌿Sicilian Cannoli傳統意大利甜品,外層香脆,內有香軟夾心配上開心果碎,為晚餐劃上完美句號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-27
高級意大利餐廳ARIA位於中環蘭桂坊加州大廈24樓,餐廳用咗落地玻璃,景觀開揚,採光出色,可以欣賞到維港景色,令人心情舒暢,超級寫意。裝修以歐陸式風格,配上掛畫、歐式古典傢私,尤其為復活節擺放咗一系列嘅公仔裝飾特別吸睛!我就最鐘意甜品區隻巨型復活蛋同兔公仔,真係打卡一流!Weekend Brunch 週末早午餐HKD628/ Per GuestHKD318/ Per Child以半自助形式供應環球海鮮冷盤、沙律吧及芝士區,配搭精選餐湯及自助甜品吧。意大利主廚為客人準備各種豐富美食,食材新鮮,擺盤美觀。冷盤前菜同沙律都係相當多選擇,淨係芝士就有勁多款。有超級豐富嘅海鮮區,有阿拉斯加帝王蟹腳、波士頓龍蝦、青口、生蠔、法國田螺,沙律大蝦肉,非常高質,龍蝦好大隻,仲有好多膏,大蝦啖啖肉。我哋仲加錢升級自選主菜:意式烤澳洲西冷牛扒配番茄及火箭菜,牛肉肉質嫩滑,份量亦好滿足。甜品區非常出色,五款蛋糕同Tiramisu 都想試吓!仲有朱古力噴泉配咗好多生果同棉花糖,實在太幸福啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
ARIA 忠粉舉手🙋🏻‍♀️ 第N次來串門年頭的生活節奏還是忙得頭頂冒煙偷weekend 的時間喪吃海鮮🦞🦀🦐🐚🦪Weekend semi buffet 還是一貫吃得順心kai心· ‒ – — ‒ – ·Behind the scene 其實是這陣子胃不太好一天一餐就能滯上一整天不吃白不吃ARIA的buffet 正好滿足我all-round 地貪心的食慾 — 首先有最愛的繽紛appetizerssssss意式的組合數來就兩排近廿款,超爆多!另外還有hams cheese part 及各式各樣small bites 「中庭位」就是一整枱滿滿的「海鮮山」明明大家都不停在叉努力吃但這位置的空間卻彷彿從沒有空隙般Refill 效率迅速,所以說要吃海鮮這邊是我首選嘞長腳蟹、麵包蟹、龍蝦、青口、生蠔及其他貝殼類都有當然留小小quota for main course 也是必須的除了鹿兒島A4和牛外個人推薦是lamb rack 晚餐來吃過後便愛上想不到semi buffet menu也找到與a la carte 一樣份量十足 👍🏻Medium rare 肉質軟嫩甜品部同樣一片fun Tiramisu, bread pudding 與fountain是一向的招牌不過我最愛是意大利雪糕嘞☺️2-hr 慢慢吃,不慌不忙的午後吃果然是最relaxing 的 activity continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平日咁辛苦返工,週末梗係要好好獎勵下自己啦🤭 今次我就去左位於中環蘭桂坊嘅Aria嘆意式週末悠閒早午餐(成人$628,小童 $318),以半自助式進行🍴餐廳嘅主廚來自義大利,為大家烹飪出正宗嘅傳統嘅菜色🇮🇹 自助區分左海鮮區、冷盤區、沙律區、熱食區同甜品區,仲可以額外加一款主菜添❗️Aria is an Italian restaurant in LKF that offers a semi-buffet style “Bella Italia Brunch”. There were loads of options in terms of seafood, appetisers, cold cuts, hot dishes and desserts. You can also add on another main course to your meal too! 餐廳以歌劇院為設計靈感,牆上掛滿充滿歐式風格嘅藝術品,配上黑金色嘅裝潢令環境特別優雅華麗✨ 窗邊座位可以望到廣闊嘅景色,想坐嘅話記得提前book位🈵 依家喺網上訂座並支付按金仲可以享有早午餐9折優惠添👏🏼The interior was decorated as if it was a musical theatre, using dark and bold colours, paintings, and a huge glass window to accentuate the vibes and atmosphere. Don’t forget to book through their website to get 10% off! 海鮮方面有生蠔、蝦、魷魚、蟹腳、螺、青口同原隻龍蝦任食,樣樣都爽口彈牙好新鮮🌊 冷盤同前菜嘅種類繁多,意式蕃茄燉三色甜椒、藍莓紅菜頭沙律、松露芝士等等都好有特色🥗 佢地亦有提供四款手切凍肉,全部都係義大利直送到港架🍖 熱食有各種招牌義式招牌菜,例如千層麵、意大利麵捲、豬肉丸同龍蝦湯,一次過可以試足曬咁多樣野👍🏼In the seafood station, there were mussels, crab legs, shrimps, sea snails, squid, oysters and huge lobsters, which were all very fresh. Appetisers such as Peperonat, Beetroot Salad with Blueberry and Truffle Caciotta Cheese were of high quality, with a variety of cold cuts imported from Italy. The hot dishes were mostly traditional dishes such as Cannelloni, Lasagna and Meatballs, prepared by experienced Italian chefs. 見佢樣樣都咁高質,一於叫多份主食🤪 意式烤澳洲西冷牛扒配番茄及火箭菜 (+$268) 以炭爐高溫燒烤,令牛扒呈現出外焦內嫩嘅狀態🥩 啱啱好五成熟嘅肉質鮮美多汁,甘香嘅脂肪分佈均勻但唔會太肥膩🤌🏼 伴碟有烤薯同西蘭花苗,為整道菜添增層次感🥦We added on a Grilled Australian M5 Sirloin Steak in Tagliata Style, which was cooked on a grill to bring out the charred aromas. It was perfectly medium rare, with tender textures intertwined with fragrant and fatty juices. It was served with crispy potatoes and broccolini. 入座經過甜品區嗰陣我已經同左自己講要留肚食甜品😎 除左誘人嘅朱古力噴泉,仲有各式各樣嘅蛋糕,質素亦比起其他自助餐嘅更上一層樓🆙 我最鍾意就係濃醇幼滑嘅提拉米蘇同超級creamy嘅義式雪糕,就算好飽都要encore多次🍨The dessert station was definitely my favourite. It had a big chocolate fountain, all sorts of cakes and fruits and even gelato. The tiramisu was one of the best I’ve ever tasted. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)