1-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
行經K11見到間泰式蛋糕店,造型有趣全部都係泰式口味,款式好少見價錢進取,不過真係忍唔住買咗2件試吓🙈.📍榴槤𝘿𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙣($88) 中間有層煙韌軟糯嘅麻糬,蛋糕濕潤鬆軟🤤 外層嘅榴槤忌廉超香濃嘅✨食落完全唔會膩 榴槤控一定會愛上😍 .📍芒果糯米飯𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙤 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙍𝙞𝙘𝙚 ($78) 賣相精緻🥭,但相比之下冇榴槤咁出色上層係芒果忌廉,中間加咗軟糯嘅麻糬同鬆軟蛋糕不過同糯米飯就好似冇乜聯繫🫣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-14
Asok Thai Cake 嘅蛋糕有幾特別相信可由社交媒體上嘅眾多介紹得知今次我就買咗兩款蛋糕返去一試究竟!用刀叉🍴食嘅榴槤同船麵?原來佢哋嘅盧山真面目係慕斯蛋糕😆Durian($88)仿真度超高 而且啲刺唔會拮手 可放心食用🤣一拎出嚟已經聞到好香榴槤味 但食落味道冇聞落咁濃郁內層分別係榴槤慕斯&凝乳、麻糬同海綿蛋糕Boat Noodle($78)66% 朱古力慕斯同黑巧克力蛋糕食落唔甜而且有苦澀味而且麵上面嘅配料都好逼真🤣啲牛丸係好好食嘅椰子朱古力(?) 椰子味嘅麵條真係可以夾起 好盞鬼😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-07
Our client brought us a selection of cakes that were not only visually stunning but also incredibly delicious. These cakes were so realistic and adorable that it was hard to believe they were edible! But trust me, they tasted as good as they looked.🎂 Let's talk about the flavors. The Durian and Coconut cakes were absolutely divine. The rich and creamy Durian flavor was a true delight, while the Coconut cake transported me to a tropical paradise with its refreshing taste. As for the Boat Noodle and Tom Yum cakes, they were definitely interesting, but I wouldn't personally order them again. Now, when it comes to the Thai Green Tea and Thai Tea cakes... well, let's just say they didn't quite hit the mark. But hey, I'll consider buying them as a gesture for special events.💰 Here's a breakdown of the prices:- Durian: $88- Coconut: $78- Tom Yum: $78- Boat Noodle: $78- Thai Green Tea: $68- Thai Tea: $68 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-23
好想知道芒果糯米飯味嘅蛋糕係點😆 而且4寸真係好適合人少少嘅慶祝,仲可以加錢即時寫生日牌👍🏻入口中間有一層層冰凍嘅芒果,再加上淡淡嘅椰汁味,同埋加左麻糬黎扮糯米飯嘅煙韌,如果要準確啲形容我諗起嘅味道,就係楊枝甘露!😆 不過呢個楊枝甘露好好味👍🏻------------------------------🌟回頭指數:8/10會想試吓其他造型嘅蛋糕🤭佢啲蛋糕仔都好得意,又有冬陰功又有泰式奶茶咁🤩 無平時咁悶📍地址:Asok Thai Cake (尖沙咀)尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館B2樓Kiosk 32 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📌 Asok Thai Cake - 尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館B2樓Kiosk 32🗓(8/10) 星期日 💈特式:今年生日期間收到最大的驚喜,應該就係呢幾個cakes,等我同大家講下🧁味道先,下面係由最好食開始嘅排序:🥭🍚芒果糯米飯 $7️⃣8️⃣ - 呢個係4款之中最好味嗰個,因為始終芒果糯米飯本身都係甜品,用嚟做蛋榚就一定會夾到,而且個味道都係最為大眾接受,當然佢個蛋榚質地亦做得非常好,味道唔太甜之外,仲比到晒芒果糯米飯應有嘅味道比你。榴槤 $8️⃣8️⃣ - 榴槤都係非常好食,只係輸芒果糯米飯少少,因為佢榴槤味唔夠重,同埋榴槤味只著眼係外面,入面個芯就無加入榴槤主素,但整體都係好出色。🥥椰青 $7️⃣8️⃣ - 其實椰青個外型係最吸引,因為真係做得超似,就連d紋埋都做埋出嚟,而家整個蛋榚都充滿椰青香味,入面仲有椰青肉,成個蛋榚係4個之中最神似,但敗筆係外皮全個係白朱古力,食到一半會有少少膩嘅感覺,但論外觀就真係一流。🍜冬蔭公 $7️⃣8️⃣ - 呢個一聽就知佢係最古怪,不過又估佢唔到,雖然佢係一件蛋榚,但食落真係有冬蔭公味,而且味道仲幾像真,不過始終冬蔭公同甜品真心唔係好夾,但又未致於唔好食。💰💸價錢:大約$78~88/件,價錢就一定係唔平,但好明顯呢間cake shop係賣特式賣手工,所以價錢就見仁見智啦。🐲💬總結:我覺得佢地個芒果糯米飯同榴槤味係出色嘅,另外斑蘭蛋榚味我估都應該無伏,其他我就未必會再試了。推薦指數:❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)