Auntie AYI @wellwellwell

All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Travel through the past and the present for Cantonese food
Auntie ĀYI celebrates the humble yet legendary home kitchens across generations, and pays homage to the history of “ma jie”(馬姐), Auntie ĀYI is a bastion of traditional craftsmanship and cultural rituals, with a passion to innovate and create modern meanings.

Review (62)
Wanted to try something new on birthday and this is definitely somewhere that fits perfectly! Absolutely love the time travelling concept of this place and the innovative dishes are really eye opening👀🎂PP Egg Waffle with Caramelized Black Sesame Dip ($88)🐓Auntie AYI’s Sesame Candy Chicken ($268 for half)🍜Shaanxi Hot Oil Noodles with Honey-glazed Char Siu ($168)🍤Mantis Shrimp Toast ($168) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-12
📍近戲院; 北京樓、La Vache同層🍤🍲 艇皇煲仔飯 有不同大細、不同種類嘅蝦干,飯粒乾身分明,飯焦平均香口!(唔鐘意咸香同咬硬野嘅朋友,可以考慮試下佢個黑松露牛肉煲仔飯)🍜 油撥麵伴叉燒 (辣)油撥麵嘅口感好得意,厚身有嚼勁,叉燒 X 溏心皮蛋有驚喜,估唔到皮蛋起到解辣緩衝作用🫚🥬老薑炒芥蘭煲仔飯加油菜,正!😋😋😋🤤🤤🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-16
We had lunch there. When we arrived, we were given two sheets to fill out. One was already used, so I filled out the other one. But somehow I got mistaken and gave the waiter the wrong ordering sheet. Of course we then got the food we didn’t order. When I told them what happened, the waiter became very hostile. I explained what happened and said it was their mistake at the first place. The waiter then accused me of blaming him for his colleagues’ mistake. The waiter raised his voice and gave me a poker face. During the whole process, no manager or other staff step in to help either. To be honest, we were ready to take the food as I am also to be blamed, but their attitude is just so bad. The people here just do not realise that their job is to serve not to yell at their customers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-08-20
因为当天没有很多客人,所以餐厅愿意接受我们建议港币3000的最低消费,让我们七个人包起一间一间足够14人用的大房间。大家心情大好,畅饮畅食,最后消费超过港币4000,但也觉得性价比很高。虽然七个大男人,但是大家都很踊跃尝试不同的mocktail cocktail, 很欢愉的玩了一晚。推薦菜式有八仙過海作為前菜、芝麻雞一定要叫,而且是叫整隻。鹽烤馬友有趣之處是有一個表演,不過個人覺得筍殼魚更加好吃。最後甜品的桂花蛋撻一定要叫,兩個人分一個已經很足夠,因為10分巨型。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-07-13
朋友請食飯係太古廣場揀左Auntie Ayi. 其實地鐵站去好方便 但門口擺左展覽擋住左個入口, 要細心留意先會搵到因為有book枱所以唔洗等位, 一入到去成個環境都好舒服, 燈光唔會太光, 同朋友傾計食飯好relax - 煙燻攣毛叉燒叉燒肥瘦剛好, 入口有種即溶嘅口感- 八仙過海拼盤一黎到waitress好細心咁問我地洗唔洗影相, 我當然唔放過呢個機會啦! set好機waitress就倒D水落乾冰到, 即刻煙霧瀰漫- 瀨尿蝦多士炸得好脆, D蝦唔會炸到乾哂- 懷舊芝麻脆皮雞話係呢到招標 一定要食, 面芝麻脆卜卜,D雞一D都唔"鞋"- 鹽焗本灣馬友好似睇show咁好特別, waitress會用火燒一燒個鹽焗面然後用工具卜碎個鹽焗面, 最後仲幫我地起埋肉以為冇清蒸咁滑啦, 點知一食超出驚喜, 魚肉好滑, 一D都唔"鞋" , D骨都去得好乾淨 - 蝦醬炒陳村粉鑊氣好夠, 唔會好油, 好快就清哂- Auntie AYI炒飯因為我唔食飯, 所以冇食到, 但朋友個個都話正, 一人食左幾碗!!整體味道都好好,  D Staff都好nice , 環境唔錯, 同朋友或者屋企人食都啱 , 不過就要多人黎好D 可以share多D唔同野食, 我地一枱6個人都食唔哂要打包 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)