Opening Hours
08:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (42)
Level4 2024-03-21
話說有日坐巴士在太古城轉車到朋友家,正打算上人家屋企,買咩作手信之際,穿過太古商場,看見有餅店很熱鬧,排晒大隊⋯⋯好奇之下一問,原來排隊買蛋撻,店員告知,籌已派晒,你會否考慮繼續排隊試試?於是問: 如果買唔到的話,可以買其他?她說當然可以。當時已經是2:55pm 距離出爐時間還有5分鐘,一於碰碰運氣⋯⋯在排隊過程中,詢問之下,第一張籌已排咗一個鐘頭之多,真犀利。每人限買一打,所以排在前面的必定買到,筆者見買得咁高興,一於湊熱鬧。三點鐘準時出爐⋯⋯幸運地輪到筆者嘅時候,仍有貨,買了一打加兩件牛角包,到朋友家,相信大家一定很開心。半打為一盒,平均每件$12, 每個用紙盒分隔,運送途中冇困難。皮做得很鬆化,一層層,陣陣牛油香氣很吸引,蛋香甜度適中,幸福感滿滿。牛角包$18~包裝袋精美,牛角包內做到一層層,但由於當天吃了蛋撻,朋友叫我將牛角包帶走,留在第二天吃,用焗爐預先加熱,之後焗爐熄後才放包入焗爐,隔一會兒才拎出來,質地剛剛好。整體來說:新開人氣,還在太古城內,有其吸引力,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-25
買蛋撻都大排長龍?!出爐時間:0930,1200,1500太古城中心呢間蛋撻店,$12一個蛋撻,每次出爐吸引好多人排隊輪候!原因係:真係好香好好食!個蛋撻底嘅酥皮做到勁多層充滿牛油香,蛋夠厚但我覺得甜左少少。CP值高 值得買嚟試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-21
香港蛋撻界又添一名新成員 - LUBUDS Group 旗下的手工麵包店 Baker by LUBUDS。開設於住宅區的太古城中心,每日依然大排長龍,為的就是品嚐到人氣的招牌蛋撻。千層酥皮的蛋撻外皮酥脆分明,滑嫩的蛋漿香氣四溢,整個蛋撻平衡而不過於甜膩。蛋撻每次出爐都迅速售罄,記得留意出爐時間提早到場排隊。Located in Cityplaza, Baker by LUBUDS has been drawing long queues every day, all for a taste of their signature egg tarts. The egg tarts have a crispy pastry, with a smooth egg custard filling that is perfectly balanced and not too sweet. They sell out quickly every day, so be sure to arrive early and join the queue to get your hands on these delicious treats. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
返到香港第一個 post 梗係同甜品有關啦😋 未返香港前已經 bookmark 咗呢間要試,因為係近期爆紅嘅千層蛋撻🔥一早9點到達已見人排緊隊,好快排咗半個鐘就等到蛋撻新鮮出爐,見人人都買一打,我又唔執輸買半打先😅 撻皮用牛角酥麵糰做餅皮,所以咬落去一層層勁酥脆,撻邊帶點焦香,蛋漿幼滑蛋味濃郁。由於係牛角酥做餅底,會比較油膩,同埋偏甜咗少少🤏 但賣 HKD$12 一個,性價比幾高👍試埋 HKD$18 原味牛角酥,外層酥脆,內部層次分明,氣孔夠綿密,外層仲掃上一層糖漿,食完個蛋撻仲可以一口氣食埋😅蛋撻每日有指定出爐時間 9:30am/12noon/3pm,亦會不定時加推,大家留意時間先去排隊呀🫶This newly opened bakery shop in TaikooShing is on the checklist for my Hong Kong trip, given the buzz created on IG, their egg tarts have recently go viral🔥The egg tart pastry is flaky and crispy as the chef uses puff pastry as the shell. The egg custard is rich, soft and creamy. Selling for HKD$12 is the best value egg tart in town 😋It's also irresistible to grab a butter croissant 🥐for just HKD$18. It's flaky and soft. You won't be disappointed. 🫶Let's give a try, plan your visit and go early to avoid long queue up.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-17
店員好好👍會主動推介新鮮出爐嘅麵包因為全部麵包都好靚唔知點揀最後買左五款🤩價錢偏少貴最好食係個搽茶撻😋抺茶微苦帶甘🩷酥皮好香脆!朱古力牛角酥都好好食!入面有驚喜🤩配埋杯americano一絕☕️🧁好想試哂全部😋😋😋其他都咁好食,個熱賣蛋撻一定掂!希望下次唔洗排隊都可以買到黎試🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)