3-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
This brand is founded in 2015 with simple decoration. It serves Vietnamese dishes such as noodles, sandwiches and snacks. It is suitable for family and friends gathering. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:45
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:45
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 21:45
*last order:21:45
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
地道風味十足之越南小餐館,閑日無乜人氣氛十分之chill,感覺質樸又舒服。 同soho 店一樣都係淺綠色嘅外型好易認裡面既 staff 都係越南人,識小小廣東話同小小英文,不過 menu 圖文並茂所以都唔使驚雞同鴨講好貪心地一次過又食pho, 又食 banh mi 又食雞翼(食唔晒既本份 banh mi 有打包無做大嘥鬼!)豬腩肉 Banh Mi 好食,脆卜卜既包夾住肝醬、勁多既豬腩肉,配埋清新既蘿蔔,青瓜,薄荷葉,完美配搭,入面仲有小小辣椒,食到辣椒嗰啖真係勁辣!成個人醒曬😂(雖然我心目中既 number 1 依然都係蔥仔越南包,但呢間都唔錯既)pho 分別生牛河同埋生熟牛肉河,兩碗啲湯底都好甘甜鮮美🐂 加埋金不換葉,洋蔥令湯底更加有層次。最後加小小辣椒同檸汁,perfect~ 同埋係唔油膩,飲曬都覺得好舒服生牛肉肉質軟滑,份量都好多。但係熟牛既牛腩同牛𦟌更為驚喜,唔係平時嗰啲柴過乜咁既牛肉乾咁既質地,反而係煮得腍又入味,好食~不過要彈既係河粉質地比較軟同埋細碎,有啲欠質感 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-10
星期六的12點,早餐好似還未消化,行經高街餐廳很多還在準備午市,見到有人行入呢間餐廳,裝修幾靚就八卦睇下食咩,原來係食越南菜!裝飾掛畫都係越南街頭景色,睇一睇餐牌,生牛肉河要$78,好耐冇食過就試一試!一黎到就有聞到我至愛的檸檬葉香味😍牛肉係半生熟,我比較鍾意食熟少少,所以再浸熟一陣,估唔到熟左嘅牛肉都好嫩滑,加入附送的青檸及少許辣椒調味,真係好食喎❤️而且牛肉份量都不少,反而河粉就少左d😅如果男仕食可能會唔夠飽,我反而就啱啱好!仲有最重要嘅湯底,好好飲喎!飲完唔覺得好口渴,以後湊仔仔放學又多個選擇😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-09-20
本來想去食台灣嘢,但要排隊而且天氣炎熱,又帶住小朋友,就隨便入左啲間餐廳食晚飯。其實食物都算中規中矩,始終唔貴,唔難食已算了,也不強求驚為天人。牛肉撈檬都幾多料,不過撈檬汁很失色,不夠酸也不夠味,所以撈極都冇乜味咁,不過啲蔬菜都算新鮮,但整體食物偏淡。米紙卷都算ok但環境衛生幾惡劣,而且服務都好麻麻。個啤酒杯勁多油漬,仲要有塊芫茜痴住係杯邊。要求侍應更換新的一杯,個侍應十分黑面,連基本唔好意思都冇一句。餐廳長櫈污糟到爆, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-09-06
今次叫咗越南粉外賣,要咗生牛肉湯粉(Pho Bo)($75)。 首先,佢分開咗啲湯同河粉。啲牛肉送到嚟嘅時候仲係生嘅,要自己到啲湯落去淥熟佢。另外,餐廳仲有送青檸同辣椒。 先講嗰湯底。嗰湯底雖然好重牛骨味,但始終會有少少偏鹹,但整體而言都算好味嘅。啲湯送到嚟嘅時候仲係好熱,夠淥熟啲牛肉。 再講碗河粉。牛肉份量好多,而且肥瘦相間,保留到牛嘅油脂味,入口順滑。嗰麵底係金邊粉嚟,唔會好碎,但係就偏向淋身少少,份量都唔算少。跟住仲有洋蔥同綠豆芽點綴,夠晒爽口。整體而言,牛河味道正宗,超越唔少本地小店。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
walking pass the escalator, our attention were drew by the fantastic smell of the Vietnamese chili and sauce. We were feeling Vietnamese immediately.Fried spring roll - This one was hot, crunchy and crispy. They made perfect match with the sauce. The roll skin was so thin and was awesome. I love minced meat in the inside too. It was carefully seasoned. Then we had the Bun cha. it was beautiful. the bun cha was grilled to the scorch adding additional fragrance to the pork. And we had the beef pho. It was equally good.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)