6-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Chachawan is a traditional Thai restaurant with artistic Thai-inspired decor. Other than the traditional thai dishes, this restaurant also serves food on skewers. The most notable dishes at this restaurant are the chargrilled chicken thight, skewered seabass and mango with sticky rice. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Gai Yun(Chargrilled Chicken thigh) Kanom Dtom Khao Niaw Mamuang(Mango with sticky rice) Pla Phao Glua(Skewered seabass) Som Dtum Malakor(Green papaya salad)
Review (149)
Level3 2024-04-27
Lee 間泰菜食過五次以上,鍾意呢度casual、價錢唔貴,同埋有心做好簡單食材。鍾意坐得舒服、食裝修嘅朋友,呢度未必啱你。自己食working lunch 又或者帶朋友嚟食晚飯,一定叫兩樣嘢:竹夾燒雞塊,鹹椰汁湯圓。個燒雞午飯嚟食可以跟糯米、或者白飯,多汁夠味炭燒燶邊😋簡簡單單一件雞可以做到咁,加埋個酸辣汁,送飯一流。不過呢兩年我生酮飲食,所以今餐冇送飯。另外個咸椰汁湯圓個主角一定係個汁,唔係啲湯圓(可惜我冇影相),建議有兩個人以上先好叫,個湯圓驚你食唔晒。另外叫咗未試過嘅crab meat omelette. 冇想像中咁油膩,佢俾埋sriracha ,如果唔點嗰醬真係有啲唔夠味,不過豐盛咁滿滿。仲有叫咗個柚子蝦沙律,料頭好夠(生shallots, herbs, 蒜),偏甜但開胃👍 成餐飯最弊就係個泰式檸茶,個茶底好淡,希望唔係因為我叫走甜嘅關係🤔今日係平日夜晚嚟食,全間爆曬,好在有book 位。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-26
Chachawan價錢💲: $168/ $168/ $98/ $88/ $68好味程度😋: 4/5服務🍴: 4/5環境🗾: 3.7/5性價比🥢: 3.4/5回頭率😚: 3.7/5-chachawan好似幾出名,見朋友生日就去試試。佢哋唔係一般泰國菜,而係泰國東北伊善菜。係香料醃製上都會有d唔同。餐廳用的階磚/閣樓雅座等都顯得幾有東南亞風味,而服務員都幾熱情。生日的話上甜品的時候都會播生日歌🤣 -✅泰式蟹肉奄列。油炸梳乎厘蛋的奄列,入口都幾油膩,啲蛋係㩒得出油的狀態。都因為多油去炸的關係,奄列幾鬆軟。入面的蟹肉都唔少,啖啖都有😗加啲是拉差醬食惹味啲!-✅✅泰北香烤雞排配特質酸辣醬汁。雞肉2大件,性價比幾高🥸烤前先用蒜、芫荽、薑黃等多種香料醃製一日,確保入曬味!炭火大火燒出來的雞,外焦香燶邊,入面好juicy😍 啖啖肉好滿足!-✅泰式鑊炒通菜。夠鑊氣的炒菜!青通菜爽脆,加埋啲好似馬拉盞的調味😝 係價錢有小小貴。-✅泰式珍珠奶茶刨冰。完全係將泰式奶茶變成刨冰version☺️ 濃郁的奶茶用刨冰形成呈現甜度感覺無咁高,茶底的味道都幾突出。唯一可惜的係珍珠偏軟唔煙韌。2人share呢個都略嫌有d多。-✅荔枝熱情果冰沙。味道天然清新,熱情果比荔枝重味小小😬-雖然整體無想像中的突出,但都幾好食!氣氛服務等都唔錯,雞扒係名副其實最signature的菜式! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
穩世高質正宗泰菜 😋 唔洗排隊 Our menu:• 雞排飯⭐️• 柚子沙律• Thai milk tea 雞排飯好食😋雞排大大塊 啖啖肉 燒得好香 脆脆地配埋一個特別汁 辣辣地 yummy 🤤 柚子沙律🥗細細份 1-2人食 starter 岩岩 價錢亦好平 佢地既小食細細份平平地$30-$80 左右 2個人嗌2個小食試下都唔會太多 THAI MILK TEA also good 👍🏻 即刻飲返杯止止癮先得✍🏻Rating: 8/10💵Price: $120/head continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-09
泰國菜香港人成日都食 唔知依善菜你又有冇食過呢?依善係泰國東北部內陸地區⛰️鄰近老撾比起一般泰菜 依善菜會運用更多炭燒、香科、同醃漬啱晒我呢啲重口人士呢🤤位於上環嘅𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 係全香港第一間依善菜餐廳餐廳係由舊樓改建 除咗地下仲有樓上閣樓而餐廳更加保留咗舊式階磚地板同窗框配上懷舊嘅東南亞碗碟別有一番風情🌅Staff好熱情咁介紹menu 間中仲會過嚟答下嗲 成間餐廳嘅氣氛好jeng🌟◽️Larp Bet鴨肉碎生菜包沙律($148)多數生菜包都係用豬肉 呢度有鴨肉選擇比較特別肉碎嘅份量好多 加埋大量炸豬皮反而覺得啲生菜太少太細塊唔夠包😂入口辣辣地 仲伴有洋蔥 好香口又開胃雖然老實講唔係好食得出佢係鴨肉 但味道同口感係good嘅!  ◽️Khor Moo Yung 蒜香烤豬頸肉($168)好好味!!私心推介一定要叫嘅item🔖豬頸肉每一塊啲邊都烤到脆脆地入口好惹味好重炭燒香🔥而肉質係keep到juicy 油脂感恰到好處配埋伴碟嘅甜酸汁會忍唔住一舊接一舊咁食🤤◽️Phad Thai泰式大蝦豆腐炒金邊粉($158)Phad Thai炒得夠鑊氣而且重蛋香麵身濕潤 配甜羅望子醬 味道酸甜清爽 幾足料有成5,6隻大蝦🦐蝦肉彈牙有鮮味整體份量比較少 share食可能要配多一兩個小菜啦◽️Thai Milk Tea Bingsu泰式珍珠奶茶刨冰($88) 一啲都唔傳統但好有驚喜嘅甜品❣️Exactly就係飲緊嗰杯泰式奶茶嘅味道再濃dd好似直接將兩三杯奶茶倒落刨冰度咁😳甜係理所當然嘅 但因為有冰中和返個比例 所以食落香濃得嚟又唔算好漏喎刨冰嘅口感綿密 入口即溶 冇乜顆粒感伴有珍珠增添fusion感 亦令刨冰冇咁單調珍珠偏稔身 甜度同份量適中 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-24
Nestled in the vibrant Sheung Wan district, Chachawan transports diners to the bustling streets of Thailand with its vibrant flavors and lively atmosphere. This trendy Thai eatery captures the essence of Thai street food, infusing it with a modern twist. As you step inside, the vibrant decor and energetic ambiance immediately set the stage for a memorable dining experience. The menu at Chachawan showcases a wide array of authentic Thai dishes bursting with bold and aromatic flavors. From the fiery papaya salad to the fragrant green curry and the tangy tom yum soup, each dish is a harmonious balance of sweet, spicy, sour, and savory. The Grilled Pork Neck steals the show with its tender and succulent meat, marinated in a blend of Thai herbs and spices. The attentive and friendly staff further enhance the overall dining experience, ensuring that every visit to Chachawan is filled with excitement and satisfaction. Whether you're a Thai food aficionado or simply seeking a taste of Thailand's vibrant cuisine, Chachawan is a must-visit destination that will transport your taste buds to the streets of Bangkok. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)