Restaurant: Chillie Garden Restaurant

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

5-min walk from Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
94400056 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Lamb Knee Masala Fish Tikka Butter Chicken
Review (56)
Level3 2024-01-22
嗨,各位飯友們,嗱,今日要同大家講吓個一餐好正嘅印度宴!行入去間食店,環境潔淨,服務員都勁友善👍。首先,我揀咗個雜菜湯,辣味正中紅心,暖笠笠一啖,直頭暖哂心房!之後嗌咗鬆化胡椒餅,真係得我心水,外脆內鬆,拎啖那個酸辣醬同白cream一齊食,嚟個口感層次感覺,越食越過癮。同埋,雜菜咖哩角嘅薯蓉雜豆充滿驚喜,外皮炸得金黃又唔油膩,輕輕咬開,雜豆香氣四溢,真係幾正添!再講講芝士菠菜,特別款,煮到全爛,但芝士與菠菜嘅味道相得益彰,濃郁卻不膩口,食落去仲有絲絲拉絲嘅質感。至於雜菜咖哩,微辣得嚟唔燥,仲有嗲嗲地嘅香料味,好容易就攞飯攞烤餅把它哋一掃而空。最後,呢間食店比心💓,有咖哩,有薄餅,有驚喜,啖啖都係滋味。下次再同三五知己啖好野,又一次食飽食好嘅溫馨時光! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-09-12
This morning, I ordered six veggie dishes from this restaurant via Delivery app for the dishes to be ready for collection at 6:30 pm today. The order was made for a family dinner. I arrived at the restaurant at 6:15 pm to find it closed. I checked and found an email by Delivery app to me at 6:10 pm informing me that the order was cancelled. You can envisage how difficult for me to find alternatives at the last minute.Just want to share this with anyone who wishes to order takeaway from this restaurant. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
印度菜唔啱口味?得個貴字?辣到飛起?非也,只要肯瓹窿瓹罅,點會搵唔到好嘢!唔好睇佢位置隱蔽,平日午飯時間啲白領嚟到係要排隊嘅。睇睇我試過嘅lunch menu 先!今次仲外賣返去慢慢影。午餐抵食之選 $70HKD (主菜一款,可加 $15 叫咖哩角)原汁咖哩雞 Curry Chicken 印度菜入門必選,黃薑粉同椰汁香,絕非街邊茶記可比擬,雞肉嫩滑不柴皮,香而不辣。原汁咖哩羊 Curry Lamb一啲都唔騷,肥瘦適中,有明顯嘅胡椒同蕃茄香,夠晒惹味。椰汁咖喱牛 Beef Madras 特色之選,香味層次更豐富。椰汁反而不是主角,芫荽籽、黑胡椒和茴香籽才最突出。菠菜芝士 Palak Paneer 上次已介紹的清新素食佳餚,特製印度芝士不會覺膩!秘製烤餅 Naan緊要嘢用中文打多次——烤餅新鮮軟熟彈牙,內部充滿超小型氣泡,口感超正,點主菜嘅醬料一流。同場加映 辣味Big Boss Vindaloo印度西南面果阿邦Goa係前葡萄牙殖民地,所以Vindaloo 前身其實係葡萄牙菜 Carne de vinha d'alhos (酒蒜醃肉) 。老實講,食落其實係更更更濃烈嘅香料味。個人覺得辣度頗足,相當過癮。但相比以上幾度菜,辣度明顯超多。而且網上亦有評論話屬於「大辣」,所以怕辣者慎用!(感謝腦細特調lemon-limenade 解辣!) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-13
🐓印度燒烤雞Tandoori chicken呢道菜好香,上菜時滋滋作響,雞食落好香滑,份外惹味。🥣羅素湯 Soup of the day有好多雜菜同有茄汁既味道,好厚嘅湯汁。🌶鬆化胡椒餅 Pappadom好脆,有好香既胡椒味,點綠色既清新醬汁,入口好食。🫓印度薄餅Naan呢啲餅好鬆軟好食,點咖哩食真係一流呀!🐑瑪沙拉羊膝 Lamb knee masala好香酥好林好滑既羊膝,加埋啲masala 醬好好食。🍆焗茄瓜 Baingan Bharta 茄瓜焗到好林好入味,要嚟送飯都唔錯。🥦咖哩雜菜角 Samosa春卷皮包住啲咖哩同雜菜,好香口。☕️馬薩拉茶 Masala tea 係一杯有香料既奶茶,都幾香滑,但茶味偏淡,不濃郁。🍡甜品 Desserts係圓形一粒椰子味既波加啲糖漿,粒波林林地,都幾好食。#雙辣屋 #印度燒烤雞 #羅素湯 #鬆化胡椒餅 #瑪沙拉羊膝 #焗茄瓜 #茄喱雜菜角 #馬薩拉茶 #甜品 #tandoorichicken #soupoftheday #pappadom #lambkneemasala #baingainbharta #samosa #masalatea #desserts continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-02-08
疫情前,每個月都要飛去印度工作,現在很少機會吃印度菜。今天心血來潮想吃印度菜。找到一個很隱世的印度餐廳,見評分不錯,非常期待。不過,結果是有點失望。點了Korma chicken 白汁雞。印度正宗白汁雞的汁料顏色應是偏白,以前了解過是因為用腰果打碎再加其他masala汁而成。但他們的白汁雞只是普通masala,而且味道太淡,只是比茶餐廳咖哩儂一點點。但對於一個常吃印度菜的人,一定不會收貨。朋友點了biryani,我們都覺得太淡。覺得這裡的咖哩都是經溝淡過。有機會是為了迎合學生或附近上班族口味。如果沒吃過正宗印度菜,這個對一般香港人容易接受。最失望的是salted lassi。本人是非常喜歡喝salted lassi,到任何印度餐廳必點的餐飲!但這杯salted lassi,應該是我此生喝過幾十杯salted lassi裡最難飲的第二杯。像是salted lassi 經稀釋過的版本⋯⋯ 完全不是正宗口味。蕃茄餐湯更是無法接受,超結⋯⋯無蕃茄味⋯⋯然後裡面超多焦焦的碎塊,不知是否鍋底發焦的碎塊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)