Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (44)
Level4 2024-05-24
中同聚又來了,近排天氣好唔穩定,都盡量會揀啲唔洗喺室外行太遠嘅地方。今次試去太古廣場試越南嘢。menu印喺餐枱紙上面,一坐低,職員就叫我哋 scan menu 上面嘅 QR code睇中文餐牌。太耐無見啲朋友,一坐低互相update近況,傾咗5分鐘左右,職員已經走過嚟2次問我哋落單未😮‍💨見到我哋傾計,無scan QR code,又覺得好炆,重覆幾次叫我哋快啲scan😑
職員咁心急,我哋唯有即刻睇menu,當我哋討論緊揀咩食物嘅時候,職員又再走過嚟問我哋想食咩,又問食唔食牛呀,我哋只好即刻落單,食餐飯都要無端端俾人chur🤦🏻‍♀️BÚN MOC - $138其中一個朋友唔食牛,佢就叫咗一份豬骨香菇湯麵。湯麵嘅份量大,配料又多,有豬肉丸、豬肉香菇丸、扎肉、草菇、鵪鶉蛋、五花腩、炸乾蔥,仲有大量芫荽。偏食嘅朋友當然係第一時間,將所有芫荽轉移去食芫荽嘅朋友度😝講返個湯麵先,湯底睇落好清,但係好濃味。唔會太咸,亦無豬肉嘅羶味。豬肉丸 同 香菇丸 都好彈牙,五花腩真係肥瘦平均,唔會食到成口油。BÁNH MÌ TRUYỀN THỐNG - $118哩個係朋友極力推介嘅豬肉越南包。配料咩都有啲,有扎肉、五花腩、肉鬆、青瓜、酸菜,同芫荽。越南菜都好鍾意落芫荽🤔個包烘到脆脆,每款配料都好夠味,放埋一齊好惹味。麵包已經預先切半,進食嘅時候方便啲,同朋友share交換食都好方便。包嘅份量對於女仔夠食,男士可能食湯麵會飽啲。BÁNH MÌ THỊT GÀ NUỚNG - $108我自己就揀咗雞肉越南包。配料種類無豬肉包咁多,有雞肉、青瓜、酸菜,同大量芫荽🙈,好快手即刻夾走哂🤣雞肉好嫩,雞肉包同豬肉包一樣,麵包搽咗肝醬同蛋黃醬,越南法包烘到好脆。雖然兩款包啲配料都裝到滿滿,但係食嘅時候,唔會跌到周圍都係,算係易食嘅包。CÁNH GÀ CHIÊN - $98GỎI CUỐN TRUYỀN THỐNG - $98我哋每人叫咗一個主食自私食,再叫咗兩款小食。一個炸雞翼,一個米紙卷。炸雞翼脆漿外皮食到有啲牛油味,但係炸粉好厚,而且食落去成口油,結果我哋撕走哂個炸粉。炸雞翼係全翼連埋雞翼尖,所以進食有啲唔方便,雞肉無乜味,都唔係特別嫩。我哋一致認為成個小食最好味係啲焗花生🤦🏻‍♀️另外一個小食係比較common嘅米紙卷。餡料揀咗扎肉、鮮蝦,除咗肉類,仲有生菜 同 芽菜。平時食米紙卷都係配一個比較稀嘅醬汁,哩間餐廳係俾海鮮花生醬。米紙卷本身無咩味道,但係個醬幾好食。夾埋一齊食都可以,不過就無咩特別,唔係特別出色。整體用餐體驗都係一般,一開頭入座嘅時候,俾職員不停催落單,而且環境較嘈。枱與枱之間係有啲距離,其他食客講嘢都唔係好大聲,都聽唔到其他人嘅對話內容,但係成個環境就好嘈,加上餐枱比較深,唔係好聽到對面朋友講嘢🙈主食味道同份量都唔錯,相對小食嘅水準就差啲,結論係可以skip小食😮‍💨暫時會將哩間餐廳放入「無下次」系列。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
If you were to ask me to choose one restaurant in Pacific Place, I would pick Co Thanh!I believe it is one of the best Vietnamese food establishments in town. They offer a variety of options, including dishes like Pho, Bun Cha, and more.Tonight, I ordered Pho for myself along with fresh prawn spring rolls. Not only do they have beef Pho, but they also offer chicken and vegetable options. Surprisingly, the chicken Pho was extremely tasty, and I was able to finish it all!I would definitely visit Co Thanh again and again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-11
工作日的中午時段去光顧,被安排坐吧枱。餐牌全英文無中文。我有特別留意餐廳環境是否乾淨,評價是清潔做得算好好,油煙味亦都不重,感覺良好。點了一個Bun & Pho Set, 包一杯凍飲和小吃串燒,一共229連加一服務費。店員全英文,我一舉手馬上有回應,已經算幾好的服務態度了。食物質素:是乎合食客合理期望,不會中伏,算乎合高級質素的越南餐廳,當然無咩名貴食林的。要挑一个缺点的话我会嫌份量偏細,男士食估計會不夠飽啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-30
Indulging in the culinary delights of this fusion Vietnamese restaurant was an absolute delight. The phenomenal service provided by the attentive staff enhanced the entire dining experience. The delicious food surpassed all expectations, leaving my taste buds in awe. The pork baguette sandwich was a standout, boasting a perfect fusion of flavors that transported me to gastronomic heaven. The spacious and modern design with a touch of nostalgia added a touch of elegance to the ambience, creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. A visit to this restaurant is a must for anyone seeking exceptional Vietnamese cuisine coupled with impeccable service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-14
去咗太古廣場做完嘢之後,已經三點幾,即刻搵一間餐廳食午餐醫肚。朋友建議試吓呢間正宗越南粉。聽聞老闆去咗越南試食過啲越南粉10分好味,決心將正宗嘅味道帶返嚟香港。間舖頭門口細細地,但係入咗去之後其實個店舖面積非常之大,裝修同PP真係一啲都唔夾,好似真係去咗越南嘅小食店,但只係個裝修設計唔夾姐,但係環境都係新淨同埋乾淨嘅!我就叫咗一碗越南海鮮粉 ,湯底非常濃郁鮮甜,而且碗粉份量十足,有兩隻魷魚十分淋身,兩隻大蝦,兩件好大舊嘅豬腩肉等等,雖然價錢唔平,差唔多$120一碗,但係份量用料都係足,值唔值得就見仁見智。我喺香港暫時未食到有相似未到嘅越南粉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)