Restaurant: Crazy Noodles (Kai Tak Commercial Building)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
The restaurant has a spacious environment and Chinese style is added. The main specialty is Chongqing small noodles. Peanuts, pea paste, shallots and other condiments are added to the noodles, and then mixed with chili oil. It also offers authentic Sichuan dishes such as Bobo chicken and Sichuan ice powder. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:00
*Last order: Mon-Sat 20:40; Sun 19:40
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (972)
大家別和我一樣豬🐷!!能吃辣的 就要和他們一樣瘋狂!!瘋狂擔擔面套餐 $120瘋狂擔擔面BB辣、BB麻因為小孩不太能吃辣 就為他而點了個BB辣、BB麻他們的擔擔面是可以吃的~~但一定要加辣加麻到後面 直接把「棒棒雞」的汁加進去~~爽!!這才對味🥰烏梅汁(常溫)店員說 最多人點烏梅汁(個人一直怕太酸太甜😂但真的在吃面以後再喝 酸度剛好 又不會是糖水的甜反而是默默的中和👍個人很怕的酸棒棒雞 +$33這份果然沒點錯 還有點小後悔沒點大的🥹小孩也和我爭著吃 微麻辣 但又香香 雞又好嫩 泡滿辣油喜歡💗 想時不時把這份單點帶回家吃了呢~~瘋狂牛肉面套餐 $126瘋狂牛肉面-紅湯(辣)少辣、少麻哈哈😆 小孩🧒 現在也不小孩呢~~少辣、少麻都可以吃了他們的面條柔中帶勁量足 又不過份 牛肉一塊塊 裡面還粉嫩的不吃辣的 也可以試一口😌 看看能不能接受(他們的少辣、少麻還算是溫柔 不會太刺 可以安心服用😌凍檸茶 +$6笑死😆大家點了飲料🥤的話 要小心他們沒附杯蓋的 小心吃的時候勾到吸管叭一聲 就把喝的打翻了 哈哈哈😂燒椒茄子 +$33和想像的完全不一樣😆!!首先不是串燒的樣子 而且是水狀用碗上的紅紅的還以為很辣🔥誰知超微辣 還冰凍的 帶點酸酸甜 讓人開胃的那種吃完一碗熱騰騰的麻辣面 再吃上一口冰凍茄子🍆 小吃 舒服又解膩中環川菜/中式的辣面條好像又真的少之又少如果吃膩了 又不知道想吃什麼的話 就來挑戰一下吧~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳:瘋狂小面地點:中環士丹利街樓上餐館菜式:川菜餐牌:主打小麵(即係傳統重慶小麵),餐牌基本上就係三款組合既麵餐,麵+飲品 $87麵+飲品+小吃/甜品 $98麵+飲品+小吃+甜品 $109另設加一。飲品同小吃都可以加錢升級。另外可以再加料。麵可以揀乾撈麵或者湯麵,同埋麻度同辣度。自己剔紙落單。番茄牛肉麵 碗麵熱辣辣上枱!首先飲啖番茄湯,湯底超正,帶有天然番茄甜味,食到番茄肉。番茄配蔥花同香茜好夾!餐牌寫明呢度用新鮮水麵,非油炸或掛麵,又真係食得出,好健康。d麵都唔會話太軟身或一pat pat,分量足。另有5塊超薄切牛肉,非常重滷水味,配番茄湯剛好!仲有3條菜心苗。我另外加左兩款料。牛肉 加$15 另加一呢個價錢有3粒牛肉粒。牛肉粒帶牛筋,好嫩口。滷水味濃!煎蛋 加$9 另加一煎蛋係脆皮!而入面蛋黃就全熟,配番茄湯又係一流!熱檸水(跟餐) 今日好凍,飲返杯熱檸水暖身,有兩片檸檬。食完飲完係出汗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位置比較好穩,係donki后邊一條街,番茄牛肉面套餐,A+B+C+D98蚊,番茄牛肉麵湯底酸甜,好開胃,面似係粗身生麵,唔會吸湯太過多,搭配鹵水牛肉,美味;蒜泥黃瓜,唔辣,清爽蒜蓉味,唔係好似你睇到既甘樣好似無咩味,反而好入味,咸香;唔應該叫酸梅汁先係,銀耳湯唔錯,好滋潤。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-24
呢一間餐廳係中環人氣一直都好高🌟,尤其係呢度嘅瘋狂紅湯麵好多人讚,今日就決定嚟試下啦🥳瘋狂大排麵套餐(紅湯)呢一個麵作為呢度嘅招牌一定要食🔥,首先係個湯底非常濃郁,雖然只係點左小辣,但係對我嚟講已經好夠辣😂。而個排骨都好高質,肉非常之軟身,仲好大件😋蒜泥青瓜青瓜清新爽口好夾👍泡椒鳳爪泡椒口味好夠辣😛烏梅汁(常溫)金柑檸檬(凍)特別鍾意金柑檸檬呢杯飲品,酸酸地好開胃,而且又唔會太甜,解辣一流😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喺中環嘅瘋狂小面,睇相見到佢嘅面好似好惹味咁所以今日食lunch特登去一試,佢嘅麵都好唔錯,不過價錢就真係算貴,雖然喺中環貴都好合理嘅,不過一碗普通嘅酸辣粉冇餸加杯飲品都成要$90蚊,個價錢嚇到我都唔敢再加餸,雖然佢真係好味嘅,湯底同平時出面嘅味精湯有好唔同,亦都多咗三條菜心,不過個價錢又真係唔可以成日食唔到。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)