5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 18:00
11:30 - 16:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay WeChat Pay PayMe
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (185)
聽朋友說在灣仔合和中心附近開了一家以貓頭鷹作為主題的外賣朱古力飲品店, 作為標準的貓頭鷹迷,福福郎當然要來朝聖一下啦!店面雖然小小,但是裝修得很精緻, 亦很乾淨! 桌上放了一系列三隻的石雕福福郎, 好喜歡啊! 可惜是非賣品! 玻璃上掛著兩隻稻草製作的農家福福郎,我也有。。。 大家果然品味略同!由於這間是朱古力特飲專賣店,朱古力飲品的選擇很豐富, 令人選擇困難症發作,omg !🦉我選了一杯從來都未試過的薰衣草朱古力特飲來品嚐。 朱古力飲品的賣相很漂亮, 波平如鏡的朱古力湖面上, 還添加了一小撮薰衣草粒粒作點綴, 感覺很療癒。一口喝下去,巧克力的味道很香, 甜度調味適中,good 。。。 很喜歡這份輕微的甜度,剛足夠帶出朱古力的香味, 喝後還能留一抹薰衣草香在喉頭縈繞不散, 是一個不錯的體驗。難怪人們都說,朱古力有令人開心的元素在裏面 ,喝完後真的能讓我的心情瞬間變得開朗, 真是很夢幻的一杯飲料啊!。。。。。。。。。🦉。福福郎食評系列, 有全港十八區的特色餐廳介紹 ,你今日睇曬未?! 請按左上角的「福福郎貓頭鷹頭像」,參閱我的其他文章。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍫 Cucooland 🍹136 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai✨ Indulge in the Sugar-Free 73% Dark Chocolate Beverage✨ Feel Healthy and Refreshed 😅Cucooland, located on Queen's Road East in Wan Chai, offers a surprising choice: the Sugar-Free 73% Dark Chocolate Beverage! 🍫🥤This sugar-free chocolate beverage stands out with its rich flavor derived from a high cocoa content of 73%, giving you a taste of intense chocolate without the added sugar, providing a sense of healthiness. 😅💪With every sip of this beverage, you can experience the richness of chocolate and its subtly bitter notes, all while enjoying the benefits of a sugar-free option. Whether it's to quench your thirst on a hot day or to accompany your afternoon tea, this sugar-free dark chocolate beverage brings joy and satisfaction. 🌞🍹🍫🥤💖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次嚟到呢間朱古力飲品外賣專門店 —「Cucooland」~~小店主打無糖同低糖朱古力飲品,並提供多款奶類選擇!門面以紅色為主,周圍有好多可愛的貓頭鷹裝飾🦉~朱古力控必試呢❤️❤️🍫70%薰衣草朱古力✨選用來自菲律賓的70%薰衣草朱古力,口感好順滑!!入口帶濃郁可可香同淡淡薰衣草香,花香同朱古力香完美融合😋😋奶底可以揀全脂、燕麥、杏仁同椰子奶,我就揀咗全脂奶~奶味香濃,味道都唔錯👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
店面係好sharp好易見既紅色🛑有好多款唔同既可可飲品除咗一般牛奶base既凍朱熱朱 仲可以揀椰子水🥥同梳打水🥤都幾特別而奶除左全脂奶 仲可以免費轉燕麥奶、杏仁奶、椰子奶(好似係第一次見到免費haha🫣咁多種base 完全超出我認知範圍🤣✿ 73%黑朱古力 轉椰子奶 (凍) $58 ✿濃郁既可可風味 帶微微苦味既然唔洗錢可以轉base 就試下椰子奶🥥椰子奶本身比較稠身 令成杯凍朱唔會好似平時出面飲個d咁稀 椰子味好出 中和返黑朱古力既苦澀🍫另外想讚下 黑色杯真係好靚😍😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「CUCOOLAND」喺2023年空降灣仔,經過一年嘅洗禮,可以喺食飯Apps零負評同Google有4.1分,可以話係神話般嘅存在!「CUCOOLAND」主打特色口味朱古力飲品,就好似Chococino,開心果,薰衣草同焙茶味。朝9晚6制,除非你係喺附近返工,如果唔係要遇上呢杯唂咕嘅或然率係近乎零嫁!今日甘啱請晏晝試伏中環「SOOSHI GOLD」嘅Lunch Omakase,就順路朝聖「CUCOOLAND」。〰️〰️〰️〰️🍫 Iced 60% Dark Chocolate (Whole Milk) $58📑 整體表現:🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑▪️ 身為一杯中高價嘅凍朱,奶都有四種選擇,我真心有期望。▪️ 呢杯凍朱....凍就夠凍,但朱唔起,朱古力味講唔上濃郁,欠缺奶香同奶滑嘅口感,微糖嘅甜度,整體味道偏“水“。可能熱朱或者其他精品朱古力會好飲啲?定位係朱古力飲品專門店嘅話,真心失望!▪️ 我都好想支持小店,但純粹討論凍朱嘅話,甘上下價錢,追求朱古力快感我會推「STARBUCK」嘅Chocolate Chip Frappacino /「GODIVA」嘅Chocolate Shake。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)