4-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant specializes in North Indian cuisine, suitable for people who do not eat spicy food. It offers a lot of Indian dishes and Special Indian drinks are also available. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:45
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:45
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 22:45
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:45
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (426)
同朋友一齊嚟咗呢間餐廳開餐🤣$68「香炸空心球(8塊)Paani Poori (8 pcs)」:Crispy wafer balls with mashed spiced potatoes served with mouthwatering tamarind sauce 😁;呢個「空心球」喺 Indian subcontinent有好多不同嘅名稱,比較一般嘅叫法係 Panipuri😁;呢間餐廳嘅 Panipuri 配羅望子醬有紅色同埋綠色,羅望子醬 放喺個 Shot Glass 裏邊,Shot Glass 上邊就放 香炸薯仔球,食嘅時候將 羅望子醬 倒入 香炸薯仔球 然後一啖食晒,幾好玩🤣$98「辣子雞 Chilli Chicken」:中式香辣脆皮雞,Pieces of chicken marinated with flour and spices, stir fried in Chinese style,炒得幾香口😁$28「蒜容薄餅Garlic Naan」:Naan coated with spiced garlic 辣味蒜蓉薄餅 幾煙韌,配 辣子雞 一齊食幾夾😁$58「印式奶昔 芒果味Lassi Mango」:Yoghurt drink blended with fruits 芒果味乳酸,夠晒甜,飲得好開心🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-11
佐敦搵食很方便,這天便跟朋友走入了茂林街這條小巷,在「咖哩葉」開大餐,想不到每道菜都展現印度烹飪的精髓和多樣性。無論是喜愛辛辣口味還是素食選擇,這些菜餚都能帶來滿足的食欲和美味的體驗。Chicken Tikka($118)雞肉先經過醃製,再用優秀的印度香料混合物,如孜然、紅辣椒粉、薑蒜醬等,以增添風味。雞肉再被烤至金黃色和多汁。這道菜的口感嫩滑,帶有深厚的香料味道。Aloo Gobi($88)一道經典的北印度蔬菜菜餚,主要以馬鈴薯(Aloo)和花椰菜(Gobi)為主要成分。馬鈴薯和花椰菜會被炒煮至微軟,並加入洋蔥、蒜末、薑末和一系列的香料,如孜然、薑黃粉等。這道菜香氣四溢,馬鈴薯和花椰菜的自然甜味與香料的味道相得益彰。Chana Masala($88)一道以鷹嘴豆為主要成分的印度菜。鷹嘴豆會先被浸泡和煮熟,然後與番茄、洋蔥、薑蒜醬和一系列香料煮炒在一起。鷹嘴豆的濃郁口感和香料的結合,香料的味道豐富而深厚,為這道菜帶來了獨特的風味。Jeera Rice($48)一道以香料孜然為特色的印度米飯。米飯會先被炒至微黃,然後加入孜然、鹽巴和其他香料,並以清水煮熟。米飯顆粒分明,口感軟綿,而孜然為整道菜帶來了芳香和微辣的風味。搭配 Chana Masala及Aloo Gobi食用,味道一流!Mango Lassi($58)口感順滑,芒果的甜味和酸奶的酸味完美融合在一起,是在炎熱的夏天消暑的絕佳選擇。咖哩葉 (佐敦)地址:佐敦茂林街16-18號茂林商業大廈地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-29
We came here for dinner on Saturday night. For the starters we ordered the Paani Poori ($68) and Lamb Seekh Kebab ($148). The Paani Poori wasn’t the best I’ve had and was mediocre as the sauce lacked flavour. The lamb kebab was tender and well marinated in cumin and always a good choice. We were never provided the complimentary popadoms and when we asked the young female server she did not seem happy that we asked, and when it was provided there was no dipping sauce, which we had to ask her again and again she didn’t seem impressed. However the popadoms were warm and crispy. For the mains we ordered the butter chicken ($118) and lamb Rogan Josh ($138), the butter chicken is not as nice as it use to be and the quantity of the meat had decreased, similarly the lamb Rogan Josh only had 4 pieces of lamb (although large chunks), but it was not reasonable for the price and the fact it was more like a lamb curry instead of a Rogan Josh. However, the taste of both was ok, but not as good as it use to be say 2 to 3 years ago. We also ordered steamed rice ($28), 2 x garlic naan (@$28 per piece) and onion kulcha ($38). The portions of the rice and size of the breads were generous and the breads were tasty. We also ordered manga lassi ($58) which were very nice and filling. We have been coming here for several years, but it had changed management or ownership during the past 2 years and the customer service has deteriorated especially the attitude of female server which I’ve experienced twice during a previous visit. In fact even with her Indian customers her attitude was also not professional as she seemed to be yelling at them over payment methods for a big group booking. At this stage I would not return due to this unprofessional attitude for the price we had to pay, and there are there are many more friendly Indian restaurants in HK. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前朋友就推薦過這間餐廳,很正宗的印度菜!餐廳有兩層高,裝修、氣氛很有印度風情!由於這是由印度人主理的餐廳,所以點菜要使用英文,價錢就正常合理,值得一試。⭐️Paneer 65 ($88)這道菜是用中印式的辛辣辣椒去油炸芝士(乾酪)整道菜都滲透著印度辣椒的辛辣味道,可以感受口腔中熱辣辣、香噴噴的刺激。愛辣人是必定不可錯過!⭐️Kadhai Chicken 特製咖喱雞 ($118)這是北印度風味的香辣雞.這款咖哩偏向辛辣和濃郁的口味,醬汁如乳酪般嫩滑,辣度沒有上一道 油炸辣椒芝士那麼辛辣,一般香港人也能接受到。🌟Tandoori murgh Mumtaz ($168)這道菜是餐廳的招牌菜——無敵釀雞腿。這道菜採取了印度名菜「烤雞腿」的做法,不過雞腿內釀了一些特別的印度材料!所以口感好豐富!外皮也燒得很焦香!⭐️印度芒果奶昔 ($58)這是傳統的印度特飲,鹹乳酪lassi,是由酸奶、鹽、芒果攪拌而成。非常清涼解渴,也可以解辣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-12
從牛油薄餅到芝士印度薄餅,每一口都充滿了濃郁的印度風味。餅皮薄脆,牛油和芝士的搭配更是讓人回味無窮。搭配一杯香濃的士多啤梨奶昔,瞬間讓你彷彿置身於印度的街頭。🤩🤩而這裡的招牌菜——烤花椰菜,更是佐敦咖哩葉食的點睛之筆。烤花椰菜吸收了咖哩葉的香辣味道,口感鮮嫩,味道濃郁,讓人欲罷不能。🥳🥳而除了這些美食,佐敦咖哩葉食還提供各種印度特色咖哩,如牛油咖哩雞。這道菜選用新鮮的雞肉,配以獨特的佐料,烹制出的咖哩味道鮮美,辣度適中。無論是配飯還是配薄餅,都是絕佳的選擇。🤩#佐敦咖哩葉食 #印度美食 #咖喱雞 #烤花椰菜 #印度薄餅 #佐敦美食 #美食之旅 #美食探索 #不容錯過的小店#印度藝薄餅 #獨特咖哩葉 #印度文化 #美食探索 #印度風情 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)