3-min walk from Exit B2, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
59202799 (Whatsapp)
Additional Information
Reservation not available walk in only.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Tue
12:00 - 23:00
Thu - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
*22:30 last order
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (251)
Level4 2024-02-27
黎泰金國之前已經做定功課,6點鐘去到已經排緊隊好彩未算好多人,等左5分鐘左右就有位,入到去環境四正,雖然要同人搭4人枱坐但會有膠板格住保持私隱,我同b🐷嗌到滿枱餸,樂而忘返。生蝦 5/5 $108泰菜必食之一,擺盤賣相一流,生蝦夠彈牙爽口🦐,配酸辣汁一流,蝦頭另外炸到脆卜卜,啜入邊嘅蝦肉或者成嚿咬又得。燒雞翼 5/5 $36燒雞翼至鍾意食,燒得外皮脆入邊嫩,味道一流又夠香,伴隨泰式風味好想再食多隻。燒豬頸肉 4.5/5 $78🐖好大塊,略嫌燒得未夠燶邊,不過都好好食,肉汁豐富,加埋佢特製嘅燒汁,配搭一流。醉貓海鮮炒河 4.5/5 $88記住嗌小辣,如果正常辣,都辣到小編少少辣親🥵,佢其實好香口又夠鑊氣,加埋啲肉碎撈埋好好食冬陰功 4/5 $98夠晒足料,配料例如蕃茄斑蘭葉,洋蔥,鮮蝦青口,泰式香料味好足夠,蕃茄味好出,反而唔算好辣。地點:自從有咗宋王臺站,出入好方便,行幾個街口就見到餐廳,易搵。環境:地下乾淨入邊夠闊落,座位都算OK,擺到我哋五碟餸。價錢:埋單每人$250 ,夠$500先可以比信用卡,性價比好好,下次一定會再嚟試其他嘢。服務:見我哋多嘢會另外比張凳我哋放袋,可以用手機落單。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍#九龍城 #泰金國#羊羊在九龍城#羊羊在九龍在香港要吃正宗的泰國菜,當然要去小泰國之稱的九龍城😆這次介紹的餐廳很火爆,價錢便宜又大份,吸引到不少人排隊,下午4點還大排長龍😳餐廳點評:食物質素水準以上,但以前更好吃🥺排隊混亂,有2人座位就先讓2人用餐,多人早到反而沒位🫠🍗泰式燒雞翼 (6隻) $114相當有泰國街頭風味,在玻璃窗看到用炭火燒🔥烤到外皮香脆,裡面充面肉汁,超好吃🤤🥩燒牛肉 $108店舖招牌菜,有五成跟八成選擇,五成肉比較香,看下去很生,但吃下去剛剛好☺️不過以前再恰到好處,不會太焦、量也較多😗🐖泰式燒豬頸肉 $88正正常常,但缺少油脂香,以前是邊位脆,中間爆汁(其實是油🤣🦐炸蝦餅 (4件) $88件件足料又大件,店舖貼心剪開就看到滿滿的蝦😍十分彈牙,又重蝦味😁🥬蒜蓉炒通菜 $78味道不錯,但1月通菜不當造,很老又多渣🤦🏻‍♀️🌿泰式香草肉碎飯(午餐) $68基本上每份飯麵都適合兩個人吃,抵吃之處✌🏻炒飯不只有豉油香,還有鑊氣😋🍅泰式炒金邊粉(午餐) $68看下去似模似樣,但吃下去竟然是蕃茄醬味,像蕃茄醬撈麵,個羊不太喜歡🙂✨泰式乾炒粉絲(午餐) $68很好吃,跟炒飯是差不多的調味,但是不同的感覺😉粉絲爽口彈牙,夠乾身😋總價錢-$680評分-回頭草指數(🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀滿分)食物:🍀🍀🍀🍀環境:🍀🍀🍀服務:🍀🍀🍀#hkfoodie #吃喝玩樂 #原相直出 #九龍城美食 #九龍美食 #美食推介 #泰國菜 #牛扒 #朋友聚餐 #家庭聚餐 #中菜 #小菜 #團年飯 #香港美食指南 #香港美食 #香港 #香港好去處 #香港餐廳 #香港旅遊 #香港必食 #美食日記 #流量密碼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-08
六點半差唔多排到八點先入到,大誇張😂 (所以其實應該唔使點介紹,大家都識路)三個人挑戰究竟可以食幾多嘢:泰式生蝦爽口彈牙,仲有脆卜卜既炸蝦頭好食~一個價錢,兩種享受咖哩蜆 呢個反而無乜特別,正常普通 (可能要夾蒜茸包先可以發揮到佢嘅美味)豬頸肉沙律 肉質唔老,份量多,啖啖肉食得夠爽🐮 燒牛肉(五成熟)- 依然係必食!粉嫩嘅肉肉令人欲罷不能!肉碎生菜包冬蔭功(細)炸鰂魚 - 呢個繼續係大癲之作!鰂魚已經起埋肉炸香香,同青木瓜沙律一齊食濃郁酸爽惹味醉貓炒金邊粉 - 神奇地平時應該好辣嘅醉貓炒反而唔多辣?唔係唔好食,但又唔係我心目中諗嘅嗰樣嘢,懸疑辣椒葉炸皮蛋 - 因為怕太飽嘅關係 (?!)大家今次唔要皮蛋蝦餅要咗呢味新菜式,估唔到有驚喜!香辣中帶有皮蛋獨特嘅香味同粘粘又帶脆嘅口感,complex 又有趣份量大價錢平質素高!開心又滿足!大家都汲取上次嘅經驗,唔做大嘥鬼,自攜飯盒打包~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
五點幾嘅一個人嚟食,當時冇乜人,但我都選擇坐咗係一個雙人座(兩人對面坐嗰種),跟住我同佢講話要嗌芒果糯米飯,見我自己一個仲要嗌個甜品,就問我好唔好外賣😅我已經覺得好奇怪,但係我企硬話要堂食,跟住佢又要我坐過第二張五人枱嘅,我覺得非常之奇怪…過多一陣佢又要我轉返做坐二人枱😅😅😅😅即係我堂食,佢要我轉外賣,期間仲要我轉咗兩次檯….會話我食個芒果糯米飯都係15mins嘅事,使唔使叫我轉三次檯呀…😅😅😅另外,堂食芒果糯米飯,但佢用外賣盒裝…啲芒果仲要係酸嘅😅😅😅嬲到傻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-26
朋友話呢期去九龍城一定要試泰金國,聽聞呢間人氣爆燈,無時無刻都排緊隊🚶🚶🚶🚶 於是派出屋企人提早去攞位,5點幾已經堅有人龍,好彩一行9人準時6點到齊就剛剛有位🤩 🐮必點燒牛肉,我哋叫咗一份七成一份五成熟,兩碟肉味都好香好濃,醬汁鹹酸酸鹹鹹,點嚟食更開胃,推薦💯🐷豬頸肉厚實爽脆,點埋泰式辣汁勁惹味,令肉汁層次更豐富👍🐽兩款炒肉碎都好味,一辣一唔辣,辣嗰款真係幾辣,食唔到辣既朋友要注意啦🦐冬陰功夠晒足料,配料例如有蕃茄、斑蘭葉、鮮蝦等。泰式香料味好足夠,蕃茄味好出,反而唔算好辣,蝦夠大隻可惜唔夠新鮮🍜濕炒河粉好食過炒金邊粉🍝咖哩雞,咖哩炒青口同拼盤就比較普通最後每人食咗 HKD $150,雖然要排隊,但係真心平靚正抵食👍 不愧係長龍店。Thai food in HK cannot be skipped, in particular for Vancouverite as it's challenging to find a good and authentic Thai restaurant in Vancouver. My friend told me that we must try Daokeaw Thai Restaurant in Kowloon City. This is extremely popular, and there was always a queue 😂 So I sent a friend to go early to secure a table, and there was already a queue around 5-ish. Fortunately, our group of 9 arrived on time at 6, and we get seated in just 10mins 🤩🐮Must try roast beef👍 We ordered one  medium and one medium-rare. Both were very tender. The sauce was sour and salty, which made the dish more exciting. Highly recommended 💯🐷The pork jowl meat was fatty and delicious, and the authentic Thai spicy sauce perfectly enhanced the flavor 👍🐽Both styles of stir-fried minced pork were delicious too, one is spicy and the other is not spicy. The spicy one is really hot, which might not be a good pick for those who can’t take spicy  🦐Tom Yum Goong has full of ingredients, such as tomatoes, pandan leaves, fresh shrimps etc. The Thai spices, and the tomato flavor was outstanding, and it was not too spicy.🍝The curry chicken, curry mussels and  Phad Thai noodles were not very outstanding.It just costed HKD $150 per person. No wonder so many people think it worths the wait time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)