1-min walk from Exit B, Tung Chung MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE WeChat Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level1 2024-03-24
Ordered two dishes from here, the chicken chop omelette rice and the grilled fish omelette rice. The chicken came with two fried shrimps while the fish came with some scallops.Unfortunately the dishes were a bit disappointing, no option to select the sauce for the omelette (just tomato based), the sauce seemed like it just came out of a can. The rice covered in the eggs were plain and had zero flavor. zero flavor.The chicken was ok, the shrimp in the friend shrimp was very small. The fish was ok, the scallops had no flavor.Should have went for other options in the food court.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-02
山長水遠🏞️嚟到東薈城執平嘢,「濕平」完就梗係要食啲好西🤭諗唔到食咩,行行下發現原來樓上有個food court,行咗一圈見賣嘅嘢食好似都幾唔錯,就決定試試佢🤓鰻魚吉列豬扒蛋包飯配咖喱汁 $106間間餐廳都好吸引,諗咗好耐之後,揀咗一間食蛋包飯嘅餐廳 - 「一本蛋包飯」,以咁嘅價錢有一大塊鰻魚,同一大塊吉列豬扒🐽真係好抵食,鰻魚汁個味好香,肉質嫩滑,吉列豬扒外面炸到好鬆脆,啲肉好淋,蛋包飯配埋個甜甜地嘅日式咖喱汁🥘正呀!如果要喺雞蛋裏挑骨頭🐣我會覺得係啲汁嘅份量可以再多啲🙊🤪極黑。黯然銷魂飯配XO醬怒炸燒賣 $98邊個話食food court 一定係頹食,呢間「西關老祖」就榮獲2023年米芝蓮推介,梗係要試吓佢個招牌黯然銷魂飯啦😍 主打嘅叉燒肥瘦均勻,有咬口得嚟又好淋,配埋佢啲醬汁食,冇得輸呀🤩兩隻蛋煎得啱啱好,個蛋黃脹卜卜,「吉」落去啲蛋汁流哂出黎,撈飯💯分.叫咗個set 係配12 粒炸燒賣,魚肉燒賣炸得好脆好香口,上面加埋好惹味嘅XO 醬,辣辣地,超級邪惡但我好鍾意呀🤣❤️熱氣嘢我最愛😎.佢個set 仲會送埋一碗細嘅老火湯,入面兩舊蘿蔔仔,好甜同冇渣,可以俾我清一清味蕾👍🏻.今時今日嘅food court 已經同細個個時好唔同,質素upgrade 咗🆙⏫(當然價錢都upgrade 咗🤣)但總括以言,食物質素我都好滿意,絕對唔係hea 你,嚟開東薈城就嚟試試啦😘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這是“跟著local閨蜜打卡香港100家店”系列3⃣️(3/100)🤩🤩這次分享的是香港一間超大型美食中心,可以一站式吃遍香港本地小吃和特色菜❗️來香港不知道去哪吃的寶寶看過來Food Opera是包含9家香港特色的美食聚集地,中午一點左右過去,也滿當當的都是食客,還有好多穿著制服長裙的學生們在那裏聚餐,看到這火爆的場景,就知道今天我們來的這個地方准沒錯🍜天後站清湯腩牛肉超嫩超香😋牛肉下麵是用藥材熬制的養生湯,入口中超贊超滿足~🍗Korean House來自韓國的正宗炸雞,甜辣口的口感讓人愛不釋手超級好吃,他們家的泡菜牛肉鐵板飯也超香超好吃,拿到餐的時候鐵板上的肥牛還在滋滋冒油,超級香😍😍老祖食堂XO醬炸燒麥,非常具有港式特色的小吃,與常見的蒸燒賣不同,炸燒麥香酥一小個,一口一滿足。🍧Quenches番石榴和香水檸檬茶🍋是都是有現場手打製作,逛街解渴必備單品👍👍🇹🇭Thai Chiu泰潮泰式香茅炒肉碎生菜包🥬,清爽又酸辣開胃,一口可以瞬移到泰國的正宗味道,分分秒省下一張機票錢~誰再說來香港不知道去哪吃香港本地特色美食,食代館讓你一站式吃遍香港本地美食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
东荟城扫完货有多累dddd😩只想吃一顿不会被刺客的饱饭,一直逛到楼顶这家食代馆(就在电影院正上面),发现这里面真好多好吃的,港餐日料韩料泰国菜川菜啥的都有!!性价比挺高的,在这里还能解决吃饭意见不同的问题!!闭眼点了一大桌,🙏🏻没有一个踩雷!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-23
东荟城 好吃又好逛 食代馆 出餐快 味道好 饮料好喝 特别是那个柠檬水 真的太好喝了 最好喝 香水柠檬yyds 铁板牛肉的 味道也是一绝 简单的味道 反正冲冲 各种韩国 日本 泰国小吃 也是水平颇高 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)