Exit A1/ C1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit F, Austin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
It is an oversea branch of Thailand Greyhound Café. The chef uses traditional cooking methods and innovatively blends different ingredients. Its signature dishes include Fried Rice with Dried Salty Fish and Salmon Carpaccio in Spicy Hot Sauce. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
*(Last Order: 22:00)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (389)
Level3 2024-05-08
Pic. 1Beef Ball and Brisket Noodles in SoupThis is the perfect rich soup to get you at precise momentPic. 2Curry Noodles set ~ Noodles in Soup and Crispy NoodlesTo eat wet noodles or dried noodles first ?I was in a dilemma. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食物品質喺食客基本要求,不過服務人員態度會直接影響進餐意欲。星期五放低工嘅哩一餐,真係食完頂住頂,決定表達下不滿。更唔想再有其他人受到同樣對待。見到香港服務性進入惡性循環,旅行業本來喺要吸引遊客,遊客吸引唔到,本地人都趕走埋。哩個集團管理層應該檢討一下係咪仲聘用哩班害群之馬The service at this restaurant is awful. The service was terrible. The slim PR boy made me really angry, so I'm posting my story to all of you to be cautious. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-03
今日由中環過開尖沙咀,於是順便喺尖沙咀搵食!12:45pm 餐廳入座率只有一半, 望望餐牌價錢,抵過中環好多,試吓質素如何!Lunch set 包主食加飲品,亦可以用半價加購小食,不過驚食唔晒所以下次先啦。✨鮮蝦炒金邊粉 Pad Thai $138有三隻蝦,金邊粉味道調得非常好,甜甜地,又有花生碎俾你撈,上枱熱辣辣!✨泰式凍咖啡 ice coffee叫咗少甜少冰,碎冰,咖啡濃,少甜之後甜度可以接受#greyhound #foodiehk #foodie_hkgirl #foodie_catling608 #泰國嘢 #padthai #金邊粉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-02
以前聽同事講呢一間嘅千層蛋糕係一流,有一次經過,忍唔住買咗個椰子千層蛋糕,超足料。今次決定堂食睇吓佢咩料,叫咗一個咖喱大蝦,牛肉飯,炒通菜同泰式鳳爪,仲叫咗杯椰汁冰,出乎意料之外嘅好食。牛肉飯啲牛肉唔會全熟,又唔會好韌,配上好香嘅薑黃飯,食完都唔會覺得好油。炒通菜正常發揮。咖喱大蝦燒肉味,又新鮮,咖喱入邊仲加咗啲洋蔥,食落唔會覺得淨係食啲汁,點埋個薄餅一流。泰式鳳爪雖然預咗佢辣,估唔到呢一間係勁重手,一路食一路話好辣,好過癮。椰汁冰入邊仲會有椰子肉,性價比勁高。最後仲打包咗一個芒果千層蛋糕走。值得讚賞係呢一間餐廳嘅員工好有禮貌,特別有一個戴眼鏡嘅女仔,同埋一個企reception嘅後生男仔,我估計係店長之類,佢又要做埋水班嘅工作,雖然我覺得自己好多要求,不過佢哋都盡量滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
走進這家餐廳,氣氛優閒得嚟好有親切感,等埋,我試咗啲錦囊妙計㗎嘅美食,一啖豬頸肉入口,就知味道鮮美得嚟肉質又滑又嫩,真係行雲流水咁過喉,正!至於海鮮飯啦,魷魚一啲點都唔腥,飯粒每粒都包住海味,食落去齊齊整整,有滿滿嘅滿足感。🍛手工啤仲好玩,叫咗個cha la wan,微微甜味同啲菜式搭得咁好,飲一口,食一啖,開心到喊!點一份薯條,居然比我以前試過嘅都正,沙律醬青春得嚟醇厚得嚟又新鮮,食得我停唔到口。🍟🍺講返甜品,Crepe Cake真係夠晒口感層次分明,每件都係花藝師般精緻,呢個Matcha條滋味有點乾,但Pandan同Thai Milk Tea呢兩個就真係得意,配合微酥嘅薄薄餅皮,同嗰啲cream嘅香味,美妙!🍰總之,今次嘅食記就係一場味覺嘅慶典,你地唔試真係賠咗,每一樣嘢都值得細味,真係喺灣景之中享受到這場美好嘅食事。梗係會再嚟拜訪㗎囉! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)