Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
Level4 2008-04-01
星期六下午, 客人很少. 餐廳放著古巴音樂, 外面風和日麗, 很休閒的感覺.先點一杯古巴特飲mojito (由rum酒、soda、lime juice與薄荷葉混合). 很有香草味~~超好飲~~食物點了:鮮芒果烤帶子(seared scallops with fresh mango on a sugar cane skewer) . 雖然是烤的, 但帶子裡面還有汁, 伴有一點沙拉, 很不錯.之後吃了“The Guevara platter”, 內容有:1)椰子烤蝦伴羅望子Chutney醬(coconut shrimp with tamarind chutney) : d醬幾特別2)香脆莫扎里拉奶酪伴香辣醬(crunchy mozzarella with spicy pick-a-pepper sauce): 一般美國小食3)大蒜陳年黑甜酒炒牛油蘑菇(butter mushrooms sautéed with garlic and aged dark rum): 幾香口4)黑椒吞拿魚片(black pepper crusted tuna fillet): 幾好食5)牙買加烤雞串伴紅椒青椒(jerk chicken brochettes with red and green peppers): 雞肉太乾, 麻麻地最後甜品是暖牙買加薑布丁伴薑豆蔻冰淇淋: 一冷一熱, 幾得意. 香科味很濃.雖然我沒去過古巴, 不知道正宗古巴菜是什麼樣的, 但感覺上這裡賣的只是美式地中海燒烤而已. 不過味道是不錯的. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-03-19
為可愛的朋友安排港島半日遊,第一站是中環。見識過中區新舊並存的一面後,當然要到SOHO(中譯是:荷南美食區...^_^")感受異地美食文化。 兩個女生點了兩份午餐($88@)分享;未享受美食以先,在server推介之下點了這款熱情果果茶(午餐附送),口味甜中帶酸,感覺清新討喜,是個不錯的嘗試。 午餐湯或沙律揀一,朋友揀了青豆湯,沒試,我就點了煙鴨胸沙律。鴨胸肉新鮮嫩口,沙律菜卻稍嫌無味。 主菜有烤雞、肉眼扒及加勒比pizza,我們試了後兩款。肉眼扒有點韌,醬汁亦很平凡,反而配菜的烤薯粒香口得不得了,反而配菜清了主菜還吃不完。加勒比pizza尺寸不大卻十分厚身,吃來完全沒有意式pizza的薄脆口感,卻更似是焗麵包,好麻麻。 最後還有咖啡奶凍,滑溜的質感還不錯。 Havana環境舒適寧靜,然而食物水準較同區餐廳為弱,但見外藉server服務態度甚好才不致喊臉。 又,心中有點不好意思,下次還是撇開試新菜的私心,帶朋友去食一試有信心保證的餐廳吧~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2007-11-22
thought it looks nice outside, so went and try for dinner-they have high tables, which i felt a bit uncomfy with high heels(dont know where to put the feet), so we changed to low tables- the environment is generally comfy but nothing special. we ordered two different platters to try out the food and they were all fried stuffs, not too good for a dinner the mojitos were great- service good- everythings average. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2006-07-20
難得有美女相伴,又正值辦公日的頭一天,當然是走上蘇豪蒲蒲。有人說它是地中海餐廳,也有人說它是中南美洲餐廳...但是它的名字叫Havana,寫的是美式古巴食品。乾脆說是fusion 菜算罷。菜式的名堂是有點兒地中海式的- 要的是Caribbean Bouillabaisse (Tomato Based Soup w/ Fish, Mussels, Clams, Shrimp and Orchette Pasta) 同Rib Eye Steak w/ Pumpkin and Tomato Salsa w/ Roast Garlic Mashed Potato and Caramelized Star Fruit:Bouillabaisse 味道較像法式菜湯或菜鍋,而Orchette Pasta(碟仔型意粉)煮得剛好,少少煙?,但美女覺得未夠火候;就美女將牛扒點了medium rare,上的仍是medium...甚至七成,失敗;南瓜煮得不好,調味和口感較似胡蘿蔔,失敗;Mash 一點鹹味和蒜蓉味也不夠(甚至沒有),且薯蓉「顏」得不夠,又是失敗。還是美女點的Chocolate Fudge Cake w/ Mixed Berry and Dark Rum Compote 較好(其實只是因為只得兩款甜品,而另一隻有她不吃的東西的緣故)...且兩件上,容易分。雖然appreciate 小姐們自薦替我們分個Bouillabaisse,但...味道____(不是「欠佳」,又不是不對脾胃...只是三不像而已)是事實,但麻煩您下次分得均勻點:不要一碗是粉,一碗是海鮮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2006-07-04
星期日落到中環都成一點啦, 唔想又去食茶記, 所以走左上soho食個brunch, 成條街都好冷清, 最後去左havana全場得我地同2個日本人, 2個waiter好得閒, 勁打牙較~叫左個egg benedict同一份omelet, 每份約$98, 包drink各2杯~餐前叫左杯topical martini, 可選有alochol或無的, 呢杯野味道勁似利賓納加martini, 個樣都幾吸引的, fd叫的那一杯就似係果汁先生加西柚加martini, 都唔錯~~egg benedict with spinach, 賣相就一般啦, 一pat一堆堆咁, 亂七八糟, 一大堆炸薯條, 但係未隔油, 好鬼油...煎蛋半生熟, 雖然個樣唔靚, 但係味道都唔錯, 中間的菠菜太多油, 底的麵包全部吸晒d油, 加上酒左好多鹽係上面, 勁咸, 好唔掂~~隔離的一pat芝士醬, 味道雖濃, 但係勁多油mix埋, 好唔得.....環境的確係好relax,播放samba的音樂, 坐得都好舒服,但係食物唔掂, 係個區又唔算係最平的選擇, 唔值得再去..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)