5-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
17:45 - 22:15
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:45 - 22:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (520)
Level3 2024-05-07
雖然天氣開始熱,但無阻我去石鍋堂嘅決心!最近同男朋友食黑蒜油豚骨湯安格斯牛肉石燒手打烏冬、魚介豚骨濃湯照燒雞扒石燒手打烏冬、同埋炸蠔😋😋黑蒜油豚骨湯安格斯牛肉石燒手打烏冬🥩🍲 啲烏冬彈牙有彈性,加上石燒牛肉嘅香氣同口感,真係好正😍 湯底都好濃郁,有豚骨嘅香味同埋黑蒜油嘅特殊風味😍😍 令味道更加豐富。牛肉煮得剛剛好,鮮嫩多汁,每一口都好過癮!! 真心超香口!魚介豚骨濃湯照燒雞扒石燒手打烏冬🐟🍲湯底鮮甜濃郁,有淡淡嘅魚香同埋豚骨嘅濃味。照燒雞扒好嫩好多汁😭 真心依加打緊食評都回味緊🥹 肉質鮮美,同烏冬一齊食,口感更加豐富。整體嚟講,依碗手打烏冬喺味道同口感上都相當出色✨✨最後嘅炸蠔真係一個驚喜。蠔肉鮮嫩多汁,外層炸得酥脆金黃,一咬落口,蠔嘅鮮味就爆發出嚟🙂‍↕️❤️總括嚟講,旺角石鍋堂嘅食物質素真係一流,無論石燒手打烏冬,定係炸蠔,每一樣都令我回味無窮。如果你鍾意石鍋煮嘢同埋日式料理,一定要試吓依間餐廳!!!喺旺角女人街真心好方便!❤️‍🔥 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-03
突然想食烏冬就決定試呢一家位置在女人街裡面兩旁的小店餐廳座位較少,等了一會才有位座位下面有籃子放東西很方便點了石燒海鮮泡菜辛辣湯烏冬 ($87)上桌時還是熱騰騰,湯還在滾著先嚐一口湯,味道辣中帶有泡菜的酸不會太辣或太濃,剛剛好很開胃海鮮份量很足料豐富有兩隻蝦、幾隻蜆、一隻帆立貝、一隻蠔、兩條蟹棒蝦是彈牙的,蜆也沒沙烏冬是粗身的有一點彈性很好吃男朋友點了石窩鵝肝野菌飯($98)石鍋夠熱所以有焦香的飯焦桌上有醬汁,不夠可以自己再加加入醬汁再把飯拌勻一邊聽著滋滋的聲音、一邊聞著飯的香氣更加令人食指大動鵝肝有兩大塊厚厚的,味道很濃郁很大跟雜菌和飯拌在一起吃起來不會太膩很搭男朋友說下一次一定會再來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-30
同屋企人係旺角諗唔到食咁,太太就介紹呢間叫我地去食,相傳係第二度搬過黎既。店面有啲細,有啲迫。好彩早左兩步黎,雖然要share table,但好過要等位🤣回頭一望 出面排左近十人。有飯有麵,我就食個個湯烏冬。啲湯底選擇都多既,可惜唔多喜歡泡菜,所以就㨂左魚介湯底既牛肉烏冬。仲㨂左兩個小食(燒鯖魚,牛舌)。員主話 我地可以帶外來飲品 所以我就去左買。呢個真係要讚好,因為我唔想飲可樂果啲,又想飲啲凍野。個牛舌同個湯底,真係幾好,特別係個湯底,難怪會有人排隊。下次再黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-25
今日去咗旺角行街 走咗去食肆林立嘅通菜街搵嘢食 好多舖頭都坐唔滿 偏偏呢間餐廳座無虛席 所以我哋一於試試呢度主打石鍋烏冬同石鍋飯我哋各叫咗一個厚切豚肉 - 魚介豚骨濃湯石鍋烏冬個魚介豚骨濃湯好濃鬱 而且 因為個烏冬用咗石鍋 所以個湯好夠熱 配上煙煙靭靭嘅稻庭烏冬食好好味 而口切豚肉食落去味道有啲似燒肉 但係當然就軟淋好多啦燒牛仔骨牛舌石鍋飯牛仔骨同牛舌醃味都唔錯 所以好下飯 石鍋飯上枱嗰陣仲渣渣聲 店員會畀埋飯汁你去撈 不過 美中不足嘅係我哋嗰碗飯就冇乜飯焦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-12
Recommended by my friend spending a quick dinner here. Glad to come before the queue. Restaurant was busy and packed. Seats were close between each other. Considering that small area for the seatings, it was understandable. Staff friendly reminded belongings could be placed in the basket underneath the chair so customers need not to carry them while eating in such a tight narrow seatings. Menu serves sizzling stone bowl mains while also giving non-hot food dishes. We asked for their thick cut pork udon in truffle mushroom broth and fish pork ribs broth. In addition with grilled ox tongue.Sizzling stone bowls served obviously were served insanely bubbly and hot. We literally waited for 5 minutes for the cooling down before eating it carefully. Udon was very chewy and soft, just like the traditional quality one. Mushroom truffle broth was incredibly umami and earthy that absolutely loving how it coated on the udon for every bite. Broth wasn't oily that could be sipping every other bite of udon. Fishy pork rib broth was as good as the fungi one. Savoury but not as fishy as expected. Slight different from the commercialised pork rib broth but light and not as porky flavour as expected. Pork portion was enormous. Big pieces and half lean. Very tender but easily tear the fatty layer. Juicy, moist and savoury. Absolutely delicious. Grilled ox tongue was sadly too chewy. Thick slice but too rubbery that we didnt finish it even serving in four pieces. Overall, definitely visit again. Not a place for sitting long but full of goodnesses. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)