5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Augus Rib Eye Salad Seafood Platter Lobster Foie Gras Mushroom Soup
Review (116)
Level4 2024-04-02
~ 海鮮拼盤有龍蝦、海蝦、帶子和翡翠螺,一大盤份量足、新鮮,要挑剔的話翡翠螺的份量有點多。。。如果將翡翠螺量減半並改為其它海鮮品種會更加分。~ 燒白鱔非常新鮮、肥美肉厚,唔錯,要挑剔的話缺了點點炭火燒烤的味道,這個是香港做餐廳的無奈(因為受相關飲食條例的規限)。~炸馬介休球 一客有5 粒,香脆內軟,味道合格,馬介休球是一道非常受歡迎的傳統葡萄牙小食,做法是直接用馬介休(或用鱈魚加鹽醃過),再蒸熟拆絲,加上薯泥,同時將洋蔥、芫茜或三色椒切碎先炒香一拼攪勻,最後弄成橄欖形狀或圓球形,最後炸至金黃色便可以。吃時能咬到一絲絲魚肉為最佳。~ 燒葡國腸燒腸比預計淡口,伴青蘋果不錯、醒胃消滯。~葡式椰菜用乾燒的方法煮,第一次咁食法,入口有點點乾身,味道尚可接受。~招牌葡式烤乳豬 (1/4隻)師傅烤肉功夫掌控一流,入口皮脆肉滑,配醃椰菜味道會更上一層樓。~葡式焗鴨飯傳統的葡式焗鴨飯會先以鴨架熬成湯後,再注入炒香的葡國米中,然後一層飯一層鴨肉絲地鋪在缽中再用焗爐焗香。這𥚃的焗鴨飯入口滿滿米飯和鴨肉絲獨特的鴨羶味,再配以葡國臘腸的鹹香,紮實而不花巧的美味。~草飼羊𣕧配燒汁用的是成熟的羊,入口有咬勁和羊羶味,配厚身紅酒一流。~法式焗梳夫里梳夫里份量足,加上鮮忌廉一齊入口軟滑好味道。要挑剔的話這𥚃的梳夫里太有質感沒夠”梳乎”~ 心太軟伴雲尼雪糕流心朱古力蛋糕入口 creamy ,合格綜合是一間非常用心經營的小店,出品穩定,週末有 live band 演唱英文老哥,氣氛唔錯,支持小店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-11
沒有帶午餐,趁機到灣仔試這家餐廳。這道烤乳豬是我所吃過中、西式的烤豬中最為美味!外皮不僅脆,亦有彈性,因為皮下有一層薄薄的脂肪!肉吃來好嫩,並不會因烤過而粗糙乾硬,反而還有輕微的烤味。因為是乳豬,底部的肋骨幼得可以咬碎,成為燒豬肋骨。整塊乳豬已烤透,皮、肉及骨充滿香烤,美味得可以令整件消失。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A restaurant that not only serve great food but spreading love and joyfulness to customers. An experience that was unforgettable and I truly believe I would come back any time soon. It was my best friend birthday and she was asking for a taste back in Portugal as she was in Portugal exact same day a year before. I purposely arranged this restaurant to give it ago seeing their authentic interior design and serving Portugese signatures.Greeted by sweet loving staff with a big warming smile, definitely allowed me to forget about my work from the past week and yessss, it's Friday! Restaurant was cozy and warm lighting. Paintings hanging on walls with some vintage dining table decorations. Felt like dining in the tavern in mediterranean countries. First came with their house olive ciabatta. Freshly made and serving with butter and salmon spread. Ciabatta was warm and soft. Slight crunch from the crust while soft and airy crumb. Love how they finely chopped the olives mixing with the ciabatta. Every bite was an explosion of olive flavour which as an olive lover, it was absolutely delicious. Salmon spread was smooth and right balance of fishy flavour. Neither fishy nor lumpy at all. Perfectly match with the saltiness of the olive. Mushroom flan salad was served next. Mushroom flan was smaller than expected; yet with explosion umami flavour. Finely diced mushrooms were used which kept its silky smooth texture. Neither too wet nor falling apart at all. It kept its shape perfectly even cut it in portions. Salad was alright, butter lettuce was lightly dressed. Bacalhau balls were one of the highlights tonight. Visually, it looked pretty much like those from Spanish or Portugese restaurants. Once cut it half, you could see the smoothness of the potato mash and fish mixture. Extraordinary crisp batter with perfect seasoned cod fish potato mixture. Perfectly fried without greasiness. It was absolutely delightful. I could eat that on my every visit. Portugese sausages weren't what I expected to be presented and I never thought of falling in love into. It was thinly sliced and in burgundy colour. It was similar to salami sausage type with right amount of fattiness. Nicely grilled that the fattiness gave a boost of meaty flavour. It wasn't tough but just right to cut through. Pairing with the chopped green apples, it was a tangy refreshing bite that balanced through the savouriness and heaviness. Well done.Escargot was another star of tonight. The buttery garlic smell already made you drool while served. Chef thoughtfully de-shell the escargot. Each spoonful of escargot was scooped with the mashed potato underneath. Escargot was juicy and garlicky while mashed potato was well seasoned with parsley and buttery. Silky smooth and light. Absolutely amazing. Moving on to the mains, we ordered their signature, 1/4 of piglet. It was roasted to perfection. i could barely flaw anything. Insanely crispy skin with right amount of fat between the skin and meat. Meat was so soft that could shred out from the bone and melted in mouth. Meaty and smoky. Dijon mustard gave a kick to enlighten palate when having such a big meaty bite; sauerkraut refreshed palate; the last darker sauce tasted similar to a plum sauce which was tangy and acted awakening the taste bud. The sauerkraut was pickled well that we even asked for more. African chicken was the only let down tonight. Flavour side, it was good. It was a spiced hearty dish. Chicken was moist and in big pieces. Marinated well and moist. Sauce was prepared with loaded vegetables and spice. Neither too thick nor watery. Unfortunately, it was served in room temperature, which kind of odd to eat especially with the spice flavour. The quality of sardines and the technique of grilling fish could be told by just the appearance of the sardines. Chargrilled perfectly with crispy skin evenly throughout the whole fish and both side. Bones were crisped to perfection that could all be eaten. Lightly salted combining with the smoky crispy skin literally took away the fishiness. Amazing once again. Last but not least, dessert time! French chocolate fudge cake was served with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. Indulgent dark chocolate ooze out from the lava cake. Combining with the vanilla ice cream, without a doubt a heavenly bite. Dark cherry clafoutis was a soufflé. Better eat the clafoutis asap once served as it would collapse very soon. Light airy soufflé was on an eggy side. Lightly sweetened with few cherries exploding juice. Not bad. Here it came to the few compliments I wanted to highlight and grateful from this restaurant. Looking around every table tonight, almost all guests opened at least a bottle of wine and most would have a deep look on the source and took a picture of the wine. And from the bottle I opened, Cartuxa Monte de Pinheiros Regional 2021 Alrntejano, it was in a reasonable price but with unexpected quality! Both of my friends weren't a wine person but both fell in love with it. Not sweet but light fruitiness. A very pleasant aroma with freshness. Paired so well with all the dishes tonight plus awakened the palate for the next dish. I believe the source or the pick of wine at this restaurant was kind of guaranteed. I was truly grateful that they gave an unforgettable birthday celebration to my dear friend. Not just from the birthday dessert; tonight was actually their live music night and seeing my birthday friend going out few times to check out the live music, staff asked if we would like to change seat sitting in front of the live band as one table just left. Of course we did move. It was absolutely thankful for their loving move. Live music brought literally brought the whole restaurant guests together, singing along and dancing along. It was lovely to be one of the customers here and I was so pleased we all had a marvellous unforgettable time. (Live band on every Friday night starting from 2030 and table requires to reserve as listening to live band) Staff was all very approachable, efficient and loving. Not just the sweet move that inviting my birthday friend and us to move out checking out the live show, but also their high alert from refilling water before we finished the bottle, changing plates after every dish, checking us out if we like the dish and most importantly, they did share their joyfulness and stories to us. What I mean was the happiness from the staff could tell from their service and yes, they didn't mind to spend some time sharing their restaurant stories to us. Absolutely incredible. It was a very rare dining experience that I could find in Hong Kong. A true Mediterranean tavern night with music and goodnesses but in Hong Kong. Highly recommend and I must come back again and again! Thank you for this great experience. Please keep it up! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-12
今日lunch 去左一間好有特式的葡國餐館.係灣仔咁耐真係唔知有呢間上樓鋪, 唔係呢排一條條街咁輪住黎食. 都唔會發現. 即刻訂位黎試.下午可能人唔多, 一個店員又要招呼又要落單又要出菜. 所以同事係樓下襟左兩三次門鐘都未有人開門. 大家黎請先耐心等候開門. 五個人我地都唔理個menu, 除左個羊外咩都叫. 個店員都好細心話幫我地安排飯同薯條. 我地咩都交托比佢.先黎沙律.個沙律有落到醋, 酸酸地好好味. 食完個店員先上蒜蓉包同埋湯, 個湯真係有驚喜. 唔好以為普通紅湯. 個湯好濃. 裡面重有蜆肉超足料. 然後就黎主菜. 家鄉葡式豬扒包. 去澳門大家愛吃豬扒包, 估唔到呢度都有. 我地特別叫佢先切開個包, 唔駛我地咁呢hea. 個包不過不失. 一人一口. 椰香葡汁燴雞柳. 雞係滑的, 但葡汁的味唔算好濃, 味道比較淡.青衣柳配牛油忌廉汁, 個魚好厚肉. 肉質比較實淨. 但同事都話好好味. 招牌葡式燒乳豬, 睇落似係一隻小豬手. 啖啖肉又夠軟熟. 但有同事話食到豬的"蘇"味. 但我就唔覺. 薄切肉眼扒配紅酒汁, 呢個真係估唔到, 以為牛唔會多, 點知超大塊. 重有兩塊. 本身都幾薄切. 但唔知係咪可以order幾成熟, 我地因為一片混亂下叫左d餐就無諗到有份係牛. 所以d牛近乎全熟. 有少少硬. 無咁juicy. 雖然不至於un 但就乾身左少少. 呢個有機會要問下可唔可以選幾成熟.最後個甜品係好凍冰冰的哈蜜瓜. 超爽.當然重有餐飲. 唔駛加一. 食到好滿足.P.S個店員真係好熱心. 見到大家想影相都會好主動走埋黎話幫手影相. 服務一流. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上個星期五,我同太太決定去一間葡國餐廳食晚飯,之所以選擇呢間,主要係因為佢哋免開瓶費。話說回來,呢間餐廳嘅食物真係不錯,而且係一個家族經營嘅生意,有葡國血統。呢間葡國餐廳位於香港嘅汕頭街,喺一棟舊樓度。一開始見到樓外觀陳舊嘅時候,我哋都有啲擔心。但係踏入餐廳之後,就發現裡面裝修非常有特色,彷彿去咗一趟葡萄牙旅行。一坐底waiter 即過嚟,第一句問有冇帶酒嚟 XD當晚大約九點,我哋準備走嘅時候,突然間餐廳有個live band表演,真係好有驚喜!雖然當晚餐廳啲客人唔係好多,但菲律賓singer 帶到氣份好好,大家都非常投入。喺香港嘅餐廳,我哋第一次試到呢種經歷。餐廳老闆都走出嚟唱咗一首張國榮嘅"追",同大家分享三年疫情終於捱過去,真係好不容易。聽到老闆嘅分享,我哋都覺得好感動,同時亦為呢間餐廳嘅堅持同努力感到佩服。總括嚟講,呢一晚我哋度過得非常盡興。不但品嚐到美味嘅葡國菜,仲有驚喜嘅音樂表演同獨特氣氛。我哋一定會再去呢間餐廳,同時都推薦比大家去試試。希望大家都可以喺度擁有一個難忘嘅晚上! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)