Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level1 2023-06-08
失望,係附近返工,第二次幫襯,諗住睇下會唔會有改善,點知都係無,杯cappuccino奶泡好粗糙好大氣泡完全唔綿,同埋無拉花,我好少見外賣cappuccino無拉花,我見食評好多都有拉好靚既花,唔知係我唔好彩定點😵我覺得依間house blend 係唔錯,自己都有買佢咖啡豆返去沖,但我覺得沖調手法有待改善,浪費左個espresso底,唔知係因為唔同人沖會有咁大差定點,希望下次去會係第二個staff可以試下有冇唔同同埋如果佢可以有細杯裝就好,對於cappuccino黎講個外賣杯太大下圖為cappuccino,$42/杯,飲左一啖既狀態 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
𖠿 𓈒𓏸 Chicken & Honey Mustard $54Lungo係一間可愛細小 只有數個座位既cafe🤎 佢哋既貝果質素唔錯 食落好煙韌鬆軟🤤 配埋鹹香既雞肉餡料真係完美🥰A lovely little spot, limited seating and very cozy🤍 Bagels were made so well, fluffy dough with savoury fillings inside was just prefect🥯 評分: 8/10🌟 𖠿 𓈒𓏸 Smoked Salmon & Honey Mustard $60煙三文魚蜜糖芥末貝果食落外脆內軟有咬口😋 仲有唔好忘記令成個貝果更加飽肚同豐富既煙三文魚呀😆Smoked Salmon & Honey Mustard Bagel was amazing😍 It was toasted, so that the top was a bit crispy, wrapping the soft and chewy bread inside👍🏻 Not to forget the smoked salmon & lettuce which made the bagel more filling and appetising🤩評分: 8.5/10🌟 𖠿 𓈒𓏸 Green Tea Latte $48 (L)我諗平日既質素應該會好啲?👀 坦白講我都幾失望 因為杯抹茶鮮奶真係好淡🥲Perhaps the quality of green tea latte would be higher🤔 I was just disappointed with the plain and milky latte🥹評分: 5/10🌟𖠿 𓈒𓏸 Black Sesame Latte $48(L)呢杯黑芝麻鮮奶真係好啱我口味😚 飲落幾濃郁仲有黑芝麻既香氣✨In loved with their black sesame latte🖤 How rich was it!!!😳 You could enjoy the aroma of black sesame with a smooth taste🫶🏻 Must try😎評分: 9/10🌟—————————————————————————————LUNGO (九龍灣)九龍灣宏冠道6號鴻力工業中心B座地下B3B號舖𓍼 #foodietiffhk 𓍼 #foodietiff推介𓍼 #foodietiff九龍灣𓍼 #foodietiff包點🥯#hongkong #hongkongtravel #hkcafe #hongkongcafe #hkfood #hongkongfood #hkfoodlover #foodaholichk #hkfoodie #cafehopping #lungo #香港美食 #美食推介 #貝果推介 #美食攝影 #九龍灣美食#香港好去處 #九龍灣好去處 #다방 #홍콩 #홍콩맛집 #홍콩일상생활베지 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-11-26
走咗架巴士嘅早上🌞需要一個美好嘅早餐氹吓自己🥯Chicken & Wasabi Mayonnaise Bagel $54All in one 嘅bagel充滿芝麻香😌帶微微嘅洋蔥味🧅輕烤過後外層略脆唔會韌到咬唔開🥯雞肉火腿同芥辣蛋黃醬好襯😚夾埋滿滿嘅新鮮蔬菜🥬係一個好出色嘅bagel🥹💛Black Sesame Latte (small) $36比較少喺咖啡店見有黑芝麻飲品嘅選項☕️黑芝麻味濃淡適宜又唔會被奶味搶過🍼有啲後悔冇叫大杯🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-03-25
主打 bagel 🥯的咖啡小店.@lungo_hk 位於工廠區內主打bagel跟咖啡, 環境簡潔寧靜的咖啡小店, 讓附近的上班族得以忙裡偷閒放鬆一下吧。作為bagel lover早在較早前經過長沙灣分店時已被吸引但奈何當時假日人流很多, 這次就趁著休假時來訪九龍灣分店, 還好平日堂食的人不算多, 店子雖小但能安靜的坐上一個下午慢活一下。Smoked Salmon Bagel with Honey Mustard貝果用上我喜歡的everything bagel, 烤至外脆內軟, 貝果口感較鬆軟, 偏向麵包質感, 內餡滿滿的Smoked Salmon跟沙律菜配上適量的Honey Mustard酸酸甜甜很開胃, 亦令貝果口感變得較濕潤不會太乾。個人蠻喜歡他們的餡料配搭, 但貝果的口感則較失望。Flat White正常發揮, 奶泡打得幼滑細膩, 入口順滑。- Smoked Salmon & Honey Mustard Bagel🥯- Flat White continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前食過長沙灣Lungo覺得佢d bagel好好食,今次黎開九龍灣MegaBox,知道Lungo係附近,當然要去食返個九龍灣Lungo應該係做外賣多,成間店舖以木為主調,間舖好細,只得幾個位,係細到只可以放張好細既枱仔Dirty用紙杯上dirty我係好失望,完全睇唔到分層,好彩整杯唔太奶水,咖啡味幾香Smoked salmon & onion bagel沙律菜好厚,相比下煙三文魚就覺得好薄,配以蜜糖芥末醬,個bagel烘返熱後外脆又煙韌,整體味道還好Pastrami & guacamole bagel沙津菜都係咁厚,煙薰咸牛肉配牛油果醬,整體味道都夾的Bagel係不錯,但真係好迫夾,食得好唔舒服,加上店員態度都好麻麻,整體感覺非常趕客,同長沙灣分店真係天淵之別 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)