Restaurant: Mini Bangkok Thai Food (Nam Kok Road)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

1-min walk from Exit B2, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
It moves to a larger area and maintains the high popularity. It offers make to order grilling food. Tom yam goong and the curry crab are two of the recommending items. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (536)
想食泰國菜,黎到泰國菜集中地既九龍城,呢次試下位南角道既小曼谷! 食泰國嘢點少得食串燒🍢雞肉、牛肉沙嗲串燒,燒得香滑,剛剛好! 燒雞全翼,係必定要食! 雞翼超大隻,雞皮金黃起油光雙骨之間大大啖雞肉薄薄醃醬香已經好入味連翼尖軟骨都有火烤香氣👍🏻🥩極上牛小排沙律爽口生菜沙律 拌上酸辣汁洋葱、蒜香辣椒,酸酸辣辣配一口牛小排,肉香鮮濃牛排烤半生熟外脆內軟🥄小曼谷炒飯試下招牌炒飯,好有驚喜! 用蛋包住炒飯好飽滿,切開外層香軟炒飯夠鑊氣蟹柳、扎肉、豬頸肉、蝦,配料好豐富! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-16
晚市$38真係超抵 抗通脹🏆🍽️泰王咖喱青口 $38 (逢星期一至二)🍽️傳統冬陰雞湯 (細)$38 (逢星期六,日)🍽️泰國熱爆火山骨$38 (逢星期三至五) 因為我哋去嗰日係星期三,所以就試咗個泰國熱爆火山骨 火山骨夠晒大份$38完全係超值之算 肉質鬆軟少少肥膏食落好香口,而佢係用泰國秘製嘅湯嚟燉出嚟嘅肉 湯汁滲入咗鹿肉裏面令到肉更加香滑而又食到湯嘅味道非常推薦🍽️鐵板豬頸肉炒通菜今晚MVP🏅鐵板嘅熱力帶起左啫啫醬嘅香味 好夠鑊氣 豬頸肉夠晒淋又好入味 通菜好掛汁 味道濃郁 好味 🍽️泰式濕炒牛河呢款濕炒牛河真係太多地道風味 河粉底喺鑊上邊略為煎香令到河粉有少少焦香嘅味道10分香口再加上用時菜新鮮牛肉加上蠔油魚露生抽老抽等等嘅醬料去做一個芡汁 淋上去河粉上邊 撈勻去食10分惹味真係食晒成碟都未夠喉🍽️串燒拼盤呢個串燒拼盤有五款唔同嘅泰式串燒,包括雞串 豬肉串 牛肉串 泰式臘腸 同雞翼匯款串燒上碟嘅時候都係熱辣辣雞肉皮香肉嫩牛肉牛味重 豬肉 爽口多汁 加上秘製嘅沙嗲醬一齊食,真係好似去咗泰國食地道嘅串燒咁好好味📍小曼谷泰國美食 (南角道) (九龍城)九龍城南角道9-11號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-13
九龍城有小泰國或者小曼谷之稱,嚟到九龍城食泰國嘢基本上就係香港人成日會去嘅地方,尤其是夜晚會特別墟冚特別多人。所以今次避開夜晚,食中午,而且地點都好方便,而家有埋宋王臺站,根本就一出就極多美食圍住我。今次有少少叫多咗嘢食,所以見到成枱都係嘢,但係每一樣嘢基本上我都食得7788 ,冇浪費。好多嘢都推薦,但係最令我驚喜嘅係香葉肉碎蝦膠皮蛋。一來份量好多,皮蛋糖心包喺脆脆入邊,食落兩種口感好正!側邊嘅香葉都炸到好脆,口感一流,又香又鬆脆!仲有餐廳正推出夜市指定菜式堂食$38,好扺。 我至愛嘅芒果糯米飯,炒米粉酸辣鳳爪佢都係好高質!海南雞飯椰青嗰啲就唔使講啦,泰國菜基本嘢都係好有水準! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-13
食泰國菜一定唔少得「小曼谷泰國美食」😜😜😜.牛油蒜蓉燒蟶子皇(3隻)🌊🌊蟶子皇大隻鮮甜爽彈😛點埋酸辣汁🌶️好惹味😬.牛油蒜蓉燒青口(半打)🐚🐚青口用牛油🧈蒜蓉🧄白飯魚燒🐟特別香口🤤.小曼谷原隻芒果糯米飯🥭🥭芒果意外地香甜😱糯米飯軟糯🍚🍚而且椰漿足夠🥥.西瓜沙冰🍧西瓜味道天然清甜🍉🍉超級冰涼😗😗.泰式冰奶茶🧋茶味獨特香濃😌口感順滑👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
九龍城南角道依間「小曼谷泰國美食」都真係數一數二係依個小泰國嘅人氣餐廳。*此餐廳收取加一服務費。小份冬蔭海軍海鮮部隊鍋(單點$138),好足料,魷魚、青口食落有鮮味,大蝦肉質爽口,內有牛肉、扎肉、火腿、肉碎、雞蛋、生菜,冬蔭功飲落充滿香料味道。泰式生蝦刺身(單點$128),生蝦肉質肥美,口感爽彈,配以生蒜、指天椒、泰式酸辣汁食用,食落好惹味。雞全翼沙嗲串燒(單點$24),好大隻,肉質嫩滑,食落好Juicy,配以沙嗲汁食用,味道更佳。牛肉沙嗲串燒(單點$22),肉質厚身,牛味濃香,食落帶有焦香味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)