9-min walk from Exit B, Shek Mun MTR Station continue reading
It is a Japanese restaurant in Alva Hotel by royal. It is decorated in a fashionable Japanese style. Diners can choose Omakase or order their meals. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Wed - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (125)
帝逸酒店嘅春日料理性價比超高!觀賞美景同時享受高質美食 🌸春日料理特選套餐🌸前菜—前菜三拼盤 左:鳳螺用上3小時煮食,爽口彈牙無沙!中:螢光魷魚瑤上芥末醬,彈牙!右:法式白色魚糕,味道辣中帶微酸~食完好開胃🦪刺身—原隻北海道海膽 有30g北海道馬糞海膽!外層紫菜夠哂脆,配合鮮甜嘅海膽真喺好爽呀🤩 🍳蒸物—櫻花蝦青海苔茶碗蒸 茶碗蒸蛋滑嫩又夠香!裡面有櫻花蝦、青海苔,突出返鮮味!🐟燒物—鰆魚西京燒 魚脂豐潤嘅西京燒,入口彈牙淨實啊🥰🥰🍤揚物—白魚山野菜天婦羅 包括紫蘇葉包白飯魚、雷菜滕演蒜、紫色椰菜花,配上蘿蔔蓉,天婦羅汁及櫻花鹽,外脆內軟,炸皮薄薄一層🤩🍣御飯—竹葉蒸壽司木盒專程由日本職人購入,蒸壽司即場點火蒸,由師傅打開,竹葉味道充斥整個空間啊🤩 裡面超多餡料!鋪滿鰻魚、大蝦及海膽🤤🤤🍲椀物—竹筍大蜆味噌湯 裡面大大隻嘅蜆肉、入口鮮甜又暖笠笠,仲有有竹荀香味嘅味噌湯🤩🍓甜品—草莓櫻餅鮮甜嘅草莓🍓配上大葉櫻餅,裡面喺紅豆餡料~作為飯後甜品大滿足啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
近排睇左幾次海景,今日睇河景🏞位於沙田帝逸酒店🏨頂層既高級日本料理餐廳🥢𝟐𝟖樓大玻璃望出去勁開揚,可以俯瞰城門河🪟餐廳由🇯🇵日籍主廚石山𝐒𝐚𝐧師傅👨🏻‍🍳與團隊主理食物精緻 • 用料上乘,係勁高質既日本菜💯今次食左春日料理特選套餐🌸季節性既𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐮,即係...黎緊我有籍口再食啦😋~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• 🌸 春日料理特選套餐 ($1180/位) 🌸(供應日期🗓 : 即日起至𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒年𝟓月𝟑𝟏日)🔸(加+$𝟐𝟓𝟎)可配搭𝟑款万齡清酒 (每款𝟗𝟎𝐦𝐥).▪️前菜 • 前菜三拼盤▫️鳳螺 : 𝟑𝐡𝐫𝐬烹煮,用竹籤向外拉,好輕易就扯出鳳螺肉,食落彈牙有嚼勁🤓▫️當造滿膏既螢光魷魚🦑 • 菜之花 • 芥末醬 (*旁邊櫻花瓣🌸唔係裝飾,可食用)▫️法式魚餅(白身魚 • 野菜),食落辣中帶微酸,白色部份口感綿綿🤍.▪️刺身 • 原隻北海道海膽有成𝟑𝟎𝐠份量北海道馬糞海膽,獨享勁滿足🥰色澤淡淡橙黃,味道濃厚甘甜,好新鮮🧡用紫菜包住食🤲🏻外脆內軟綿,可加少少𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐢.▪️蒸物 • 櫻花蝦青海苔茶碗蒸滑滑蒸蛋加左櫻花蝦 • 青海苔,充滿鮮味🥄.▪️燒物 • 鰆魚西京燒比銀鱈魚魚味更濃 • 更肥美,魚皮燒至焦香✨脆,肉質結實彈牙,甜甜既西京漬調味岩岩好🤎(*配左薑芽漬 • 青之漬 • 酸酸山莓可中和油膩感).▪️揚物 • 白魚山野菜天婦羅薄薄脆脆脆漿外層,食落唔會好油💫紫蘇葉包白飯魚(最鍾意)紫蘇葉香氣好出,白飯魚肥嘟嘟🤍仲有幾款時令爽嫩既山野菜🥬除左可點天婦羅汁,亦可點少少𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤既櫻花鹽🌸.▪️御飯 • 竹葉蒸壽司令人期待𝟒分鐘😍,係我地面前即蒸既熱壽司(竹葉蒸壽司) 🔥用日本訂🇯🇵既檜木盒蒸籠,可鎖住水份 • 精華,仲會多重木香氣🪵壽司飯面撈左櫻花蝦🦐,表面鋪上穴子鰻魚 • 海膽 • 熟蝦 ,蒸過既花蝦食落都𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩住脆口感,不過最香係穴子鰻魚底個幾啖飯,𝐝魚油滲晒落去🤤,真係忍唔到口,舀完即刻再舀下一啖🥄.▪️椀物 • 竹筍大蜆味噌湯配料好豐富爽脆竹筍 • 海帶 • 大蜆 • 白蘿蔔...滿滿鮮味又清甜,唔會過鹹🥣.▪️甜品 • 草莓櫻餅大大粒甜王草莓🍓 & 大葉櫻餅🌸,(外)糯米層黏黏軟糯,包住甜甜紅豆蓉餡🫘 師傅👨🏻‍🍳教我地要"卡啦卡啦"咁食😂.~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• 🔺以上價錢 💁🏻‍♀️需另加𝟏𝟎% 服務費🔺𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡時段另☀️有𝐎𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐞/ 定食套餐供應📖~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
-源峰 🥩位於沙田帝逸酒店頂層既源峰 由日藉廚師主理主打菜式係既有承傳家鄉風味 同時亦注入西式格調位置可以俯瞰城門河 景致開揚 就算夜晚都有景睇環境闊落舒適 仲有小包廂 私隱度極高 氛圍感滿滿岩晒同埋朋友黎傾計chill 下 / 同親朋戚友慶祝近期餐廳全新推出極上日式檜木蒸鍋料理搜羅珍貴既檜木製蒸籠 以季節野菜同優質肉食入饌例如鹿兒島黑豚 / 野崎牛 / 但馬和牛等等以蒸煮方式去品嚐季節食材的原汁原味 真心推介🌟✨ 極上日式檜木蒸鍋料理 ($980-1180/pp)前菜+ 涼拌鮭魚籽之花配黃芥末味噌底部既油菜花連埋鹹鮮飽滿魚籽 食落開胃無負擔再用自家製黃芥末味噌醬來突顯油菜花既微苦甘甜🌟刺身+ 中吞拿魚腩 - 選用長崎縣產 油脂均勻 酸味溫和甘甜+ 灸燒鰆魚 - Q彈爽口 肉身肥美 外皮燒得香口 微脆+ 平貝 - 特大厚切 新鮮清甜 仲可以食到一絲絲既質感燒物+ 大正蝦選用肉厚飽滿既大正蝦 開邊燒至殼焦脆 肉鮮嫩入面仲有好蝦膏流出 仲帶點獨特的炭火香氣 🌟蒸鍋料理 配季節野菜+ 料理源自日本九州 係逾300多年歷史的高級日式料理將季節食材及肉食放於特製一式2層既木蒸籠中蒸煮木材在受熱時能鎖住水份 保留蔬菜精華及肉汁更有木香提升食物清鮮香氣 食用方式都較為健康!🥩 鹿兒島野崎牛 ($1080/200g)肉質細緻鮮嫩 帶濃郁油香 相比起但馬和牛較重肉香🥩 但馬和牛 ($1180/200g)Aka黑毛和牛中既知名品種 肉質細膩 脂肪分佈均勻當肉類蒸煮時 一滴滴既精華滲落野菜 食落非常香甜~御飯+ 海鮮太卷將鯛魚 吞拿魚赤身 鰤魚切成粒卷起 啖啖肉 鮮味滿滿麵豉湯季節甜品+ 士多啤梨紅豆麻糬 - 係DIY既甜品用煙韌麻糬片 放入自行調整紅豆蓉分量 加入士多啤梨所有材料包住再一齊食 紅豆蓉同士多啤梨都好香甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I recently had the pleasure of experiencing the Japanese Omakase lunch , and it was truly a delightful culinary journey. There are the highlights from the meal, which included the following:和牛海膽sushi (Wagyu Beef with Sea Urchin):The combination of wagyu beef and sea urchin in sushi form was a true indulgence for the palate. The wagyu beef, known for its marbling and tenderness, melted in the mouth, leaving a rich, buttery flavor. The sea urchin added a delicate brininess and a creamy texture, complementing the wagyu beef beautifully. The sushi was expertly crafted, with the rice perfectly seasoned and the presentation elegant. This dish was a standout in terms of both taste and presentation.Fat Tuna Sushi:The Fat Tuna Sushi was incredibly fresh, with a buttery texture and a rich flavor that lingered on the palate. The sushi rice served as a perfect base, providing a subtle balance to the richness of the tuna. The simplicity of this dish allowed the quality of the fish to shine through, and it was a true testament to the mastery of the chef.Salmon Roe:The Salmon Roe, or ikura, was a burst of flavor in every bite. The roe was plump, glistening, and brimming with a delightful oceanic essence. The individual roe popped in the mouth, releasing a burst of saltiness that was well-balanced by its natural sweetness. The presentation was visually appealing, with the vibrant orange roe adding a touch of elegance to the plate.Grilled Eel:The Grilled Eel was a succulent and flavorsome addition to the Omakase experience. The eel was expertly grilled, resulting in a slightly crispy exterior and a tender, melt-in-your-mouth flesh. The sweet and savory glaze enhanced the natural flavors of the eel, providing a delightful contrast of tastes. The dish was thoughtfully presented and provided a satisfying balance to the sushi selection.Tiger Shrimp:The natural sweetness of the shrimp was pronounced, and the flavors were enhanced by the subtle seasoning. The presentation of the dish was visually appealing, with the vibrant color of the shrimp adding a touch of vibrancy to the plate.Overall, the meal was a true celebration of Japanese cuisine. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-23
壽司連一般日本餐廳標準都不能達到, 更不能稱得上為Omakase,完全體驗不到主廚的用心。反而和牛天婦羅和燒日本真蠔有驚喜,但買單$3024, 食物質素遠遠低於這個價錢。食材不是特別新鮮,亦不見主廚在每件壽司上的烹調手法,不會再光顧,這個價錢有更多更好選擇。沙田果然還是缺乏有質素的鮨店。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)