3-min walk from Exit C, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station; 油麻地C出口(熙龍里進入) continue reading
Opening Hours
14:00 - 19:00
14:00 - 19:00
Tue - Wed
Thu - Sun
14:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (108)
Very unique, playful and cozy, full of stylish yet antique atmosphere in the house. It located at Kowloon area where full of historical landmarks - Yau Ma Tei. It just 8mins walk from YMT mtr station. The drinks and cakes are tasty, especially the cakes are designed and hand-made by the owner. The owners not only decorated their brainchild on every corner by themselves, but also hand-picked special items from all over the world; not only that, they design their fashion and accessories on and off seasonal. This is definitely a GREAT place MUST visit for local and tourists! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
懷舊、藝術和奇幻風格共融,位於油麻地的唐樓樓上咖啡店<媽不在家>,有仿如異世界的秘密花園感⛲️🔮🎭唐樓的古舊港味環境🇭🇰、色彩繽紛的陳設🪇、藝術感十足的人象畫作🖼️、翠綠的室內植物🪴,咖啡店的每一處都謀殺菲林,配上chill音樂使氣氛舒服又有feel~菜單、餐具、食物名稱和顏色一貫其奇異獨特風格,色彩豐富到極致🌈 規定每人低消一杯飲品和一件蛋糕ㅇ 龍蘇檸茶 (凍) Perilla Dragon Fruit Lemon Tea $50我點的凍龍蘇檸茶雖水果味略淡,但不會過甜,整體頗清新ㅇ 伯爵成熟時 (熱) Seasonal Fresh Fruits Earl Grey Tea $50朋友的熱伯爵成熟時味道帶苦澀,可能是西柚的緣故ㅇ 藍人秘蛋 Butterfly Pea Lime Cheese Cake $55ㅇ 是日推介 Lemon & Pistachio Cheese Cake $55蛋糕選擇清一色芝士蛋糕,鹹味偏重但芝士味香濃,質感順滑,是日推介的芝士蛋糕添加了檸檬酸味,搭配開心果醬濃郁的果仁香更好吃🍋🥜不過飲品和食物只是其次,來<媽不在家>主要還是享受它的環境和氛圍吧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
💛媽不在家 (油麻地)👍🏻玫莓醬蛋 $50採用韓國嘅士多啤梨🍓仲有紅莓、雜莓果醬、玫瑰花瓣味道酸酸甜甜好清新😋.👍🏻玫莓綠蛋 $50採用日本宇治抹茶🍵配上士多啤梨、雜莓果醬、玫瑰花瓣淡淡既抹茶味加上酸甜莓果,都幾爽😆.👍🏻藍人的秘密 $45蝶豆花加入青檸汁顏色會由藍收紫~幾得意😆.👍🏻抹茶奶 $45抹茶味可以再濃返少少就好啦😋📸09.01.2022.💁🏻‍♀️裝修充滿玩味藝術感十足,好岩打卡🤞🏻坐得好舒適寫意~坐係到好relax現場仲有藝術家嘅作品可以買到✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間位於油麻地的唐樓樓上café同地鐵店都幾近。一上到去感覺似古著店,因為門口擺放左一些民俗風的精品。裝潢擺設都有vintage 的感覺,當日坐的位置係沙發位。人唔多,可以周圍打卡。同朋友兩個人去分別叫左藍人秘蛋﹑薰衣朱蛋﹑薑檸啤和桔禮羅柚。藍人秘蛋﹕食落感覺似藍梅巴斯克芝士蛋糕,芝士味不太出,勝在賣相特別。薰衣朱蛋﹕呢個朱古力味好濃,蛋糕入面有朱古力碎碎口感幾好,薰衣味不太食到。薑檸啤﹕呢隻薑啤質素一向都高,要讚下佢個枝裝啤係分開上,杯子係凍嘅幾細心。桔禮羅柚﹕正常咸檸蜜,不過不失。裝潢充滿藝術感,適合喜歡打卡朋友。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-20
📍 媽不在家 (油麻地)油麻地上海街302號1樓-位於油麻地的這家咖啡廳 媽不在家 環境很特別很有藝術家的氣息 蛋糕和飲料的口味也比較特別 蛋糕有一點點乾但味道還不錯 跟一般的咖啡廳比較不一樣!-🍰 Masala cheese cake $55🍵 Strawberry and green tea cheese cake $50環境 ⭐️ 5/5食物 ⭐️ 4/5推薦指數⭐️ 4.5/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)