Restaurant: Noodles Dimension

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

2-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
This cafe is designed with cement walls and neon lighting to create a casual dining atmosphere. It mainly offers noodles including meat and meatless items. The homemade soup bases are cooked for a few hours and taste nice. Besides, you can enjoy locally roasted coffee here. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (298)
尋日系旺角《麵賜園》度食左個CP值好高既2人套餐🤩!本身個餐包既餐食已經量大又豐富,升級埋幾款菜品,埋單都只係3百幾❣️服務同菜品質素仲要有番咁上下,真心堅抵!🌟二人套餐🌟套餐入面有:👉🏻▫️主食選一我地揀左✨原隻椰青焗海鮮飯跟椰青水一杯✨ + $30呢個招牌焗飯既白汁好重椰香味,入面又有好多海鮮配料,eg:青口、蝦仁、蟹柳、蜆肉、魷魚..非常足料!下面d飯仲要系有好多蛋碎既炒飯底,真係香到不得了👍🏻▫️小食可選兩項✨酸辣無骨鳳爪✨爽口Q彈嘅無骨鳳爪同酸酸辣辣又唔會好辣既酸汁真係絕配,食左真係醒神又開胃✌🏻✨越式松子豬肉碎生菜包小辣 ✨+ $20香辣惹味既豬肉碎肥瘦適中,炒得夠乾爽。只係比平時食開泰式個種豬肉碎生菜包稍微辣左少少,但個辣度都係可以接受既。加埋香氣獨特既松子做配料,食落更加滋味!▫️小菜可選一項✨馳名越式海南雞半隻✨+ $10呢隻海南雞皮薄肉滑仲好香雞味,正!飲品:✨鮮椰青✨ + $20呢個椰青超級清甜之餘椰肉仲好多🫶✨日出✨🌅呢杯特飲由紅糖水、橙汁、菠蘿汁、梳打同青檸制成味道酸酸甜甜,令人醒神!🟥麵賜園📍旺角通菜街36號地舖 港鐵旺角站E2出口,步行約2分鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-22
行過旺角見到呢間鋪心諗 越興園開返試下先 越南粉差極有個譜對唔住我想得太天真張圖睇落好似唔錯但現實係個湯清水加幾滴豬油就扮豬骨湯臭油味食落係食左越興園好多年 點解要咁樣破壞我既回憶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-21
飲完蔗汁就去醫肚去到通菜街見到啲LED燈幾eye-catching 就咁睇個名以為食麵嘅 點知原來仲有越南嘢食睇睇餐牌就決定叫個2人餐入到去仲見到有幅巨大貓貓打卡牆🔹️酸辣無骨鳳爪必點菜之一 幫助提神開胃🔹️牛油雞翼炸得幾脆口 重牛油味配埋炸蒜 紫洋蔥 夠晒味道雞翼亦肥嘟嘟漲卜卜🔹️馬拉盞炒通菜馬拉盞味道好濃 又唔會太辣又係大大碟 🔹️乾炒黑椒牛肉烏冬炒得夠乾身 盤碟牛肉亦唔少黑椒味如果再重啲就好喇所有特飲都打卡able 🔹️大帽山柯華田柯華田特飲 一層厚厚嘅淡忌廉唧咗喺面頭 柯華田沖得好濃 唔會淡茂茂好滑溜🔹️荔荔士士個名幾好意頭 🧧 貓貓匙羹好靚 🤩 面頭有3粒大大粒嘅荔枝邊食邊飲好爽皮最後食飽趁後面客人走咗 即刻同貓貓牆打張卡我要講 呢度啲店員全部都好好禮貌真係買少見少 😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-19
🇻🇳麵賜園 (旺角)📍今次嚟到旺角試新派越南菜😍。🍽️二人套餐 $288 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $30 套餐包一款主菜、小食兩款、一款小菜同兩杯嘢飲🥤,我哋揀咗: 🍴原隻菠蘿海鮮炒飯 +$20 🍴串燒拼盤(6串)+ $20 🍴越式松子豬肉碎生菜包(小辣)+ $20 🍴椒鹽炸軟殼蟹 + $30 🍴大帽山華田(凍) 🍴多多百香果(凍)菠蘿炒飯入邊有好多料🦐,而且炒到好乾身。而個串燒拼盤🍢,分別雞、牛、豬各兩條,雞肉勁juicy🐥;牛肉有啲位燶邊🐮,勁香脆。泰式肉碎生菜包就食得多🇹🇭,越式就真係第一次食🇻🇳,佢比泰式辣啲🌶️,同埋冇咁酸,不過佢額外會有酸酸哋嘅兜汁俾你點。嗰軟腳蟹即叫即炸🦀,一咬落去啲汁泌晒出嚟💦,而且好惹味。大帽山華田個名好得意😎,原來係面有篤cream⛰️,飲落好濃華田味🍫。多多百香果就係益力多加百香果,酸酸甜甜好Fresh🌱。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-11
🎈 建議場合:#即興食飯👤 建議人數:4人(最多可容納10人檯)💸 人均消費:<$50【1個人食咗啲咩?】- 香茅豬扒撈檬 ($45)⭐⭐「有機會會想投訴佢」食咗個香茅豬扒撈檬,真係有啲失望。首先,我要講下佢嘅外觀,望落已經唔太吸引。點解標榜係香茅豬扒撈檬,但個豬扒一啖都冇香茅嘅味道?香茅應該係個菜式名嘅一部分,不過好可惜,味道一點都冇香茅香氣。個豬扒本身亦都有點乾,冇咩咬感,令我感到失望。可能係因為烹調時間長啲,所以豬扒失咗部分嫩度。至於檬粉,佢哋痴埋一齊,好難分開,亦都唔夠彈牙,有啲過於軟爛。食落去冇啥特別嘅風味,令我覺得味道有啲單調。唯一值得稱讚嘅係服務質素。餐廳嘅服務員非常有禮貌,熱情招呼客人,確保我哋嘅需求都得到滿足。嘅確,好嘅服務可以提升整體用餐體驗,不過呢個食評主要係集中係食物本身。總括而言,香茅豬扒撈檬唔係我會再次點選嘅菜式。雖然服務質素好,但食物嘅質素同味道真係有待改進。又或者咁講,尼個價錢,唔好期望太多。📍 *麵賜園*旺角通菜街36號地舖 (港鐵旺角站E2出口 約4分鐘路程) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)