お肉割烹 而今

Oniku Kappo Jikon
1-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
It serves Japanese dishes that are mixed with yakiniku and kaiseki elements to let you taste the umami of high quality ingredients, such as kuroge wagyu. The shop design is elegant, which is good for gathering and dating. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Tue
12:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Thu - Sun
12:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

About Reward Scheme
Review (34)
✨黎到聖誕,一年快將終結點都要吃好一點~今年就來個割烹吧✨✨おまかせ 聖誕 献立 ($1980)✨✨Wake me up - 以梨子香檳🍾 加上草莓粒粒, 薄荷配的welcome drink, 呢一杯cocktail 入口帶點清甜,甘甘地的氣泡感🫧,岩哂歡樂嘅聖誕節✨蒿燒鰹魚 日本香菜 最中餅 - 禾稈草的煙薰香味,充斥著這一口傳統的「日式三文治」!燒至微香的鰹魚刺身,加上自家製的美乃滋以及香菜,少少地一口滿足✨A5 黑毛和牛牛舌 九条蔥 清湯 - 凍凍地來點暖口的,牛骨清湯加上京都合時的九条蔥,牛骨淡淡但係香濃的蔥香味,再加入切了花紋,一口幼滑的牛舌~幸福呢✨前菜 四味(小八寸)帶點聖誕特色的擺盤,帶來日式風格的聖誕✨梭子魚壽司海苔卷 - 行政總廚大谷老師的精心燒制,梭子魚焦香搭配著秋去冬來的氣息,夾著海苔吃吧。✨北海道毛蟹 海膽 蕪菁 奶油汁 - 海膽刺身之下搭配著毛蟹肉以及蕪菁拌成的沙拉,由鮮味的海膽提味至沙拉的底香✨靜岡巨峰葡萄浸漬 - 小小花園裏來一個味道的小轉變~巨峰提子的甜味刷一下味蕾,因為下一品是肉哦✨慢煮鹿兒島薩摩和牛 - 好吃的肉肉都該細心調理,慢煮減少對肉的纖維組織的傷害,亦令和牛味道變得完美✨鱈魚白子揚出 賀茂茄子 坂本菊花汁 - 白子係鱈魚的生殖腺,食了男生進補,女生滋陰,咬一口滑如浮雲,揮之不去。配了炸香的茄子,然後以菊花汁中和一下油膩。✨A5 黑毛和牛牛柳三文治 - 「而今」名物之一,厚切的頂級和牛牛柳,燒至完美,夾上剛剛烘好加了芥末的方包,一口難忘,無法自拔,記得加埋肉醬品嚐~✨勝山 祥龍獻瑞 2024 金箔 純米大吟釀 - 金光閃閃迎接新一年,揮一揮杯子就如星河。這一杯清酒可謂打得又睇得,但米香,酒體同埋酒精度較重,反而較適合濃味菜色。農曆新年,配上味道較重的賀年菜可以配搭得更好。✨海膽熱狗 - 主廚領銜主演的モドモド時間! 一大板頂級海膽,半隻半行,一隻一行,置於海苔白飯之上,每一啖都係幸福的味道,口感鮮美,欲罷不能。未食已經想再もどもど😍✨生牡蠣 令和の怪物 - 喜歡生蠔的小弟,友人,同埋睇緊呢度嘅你,呢款日本狂熱品種你唔會陌生了吧。小弟只係第一次食,日本海的味道絕對能與歐洲出品媲美。加上櫻花,蘿白茸,美味しい😋✨日本水柿伴柚子 雪花冰 - 係食啲濃味的之前先清一清口,水柿爽甜再加上雪花冰的口感,連我自己當初都將佢誤會了做甜品。✨A5黑毛和牛寿喜焼 旬野菜 - 另一個重點,亦係我揀呢間的原因之一,就是這道寿喜焼。師傅先以牛油脂燒香起鍋,先做關西風味,油香四溢的壽喜燒,再來加入醬油製作,濃郁甘甜的關東風味。味道難分高下,東西各有千秋~野菜方面有甜度達16度的高糖度蕃茄,牛蒡,以及野生舞茸,係牛脂,寿喜焼汁的加持下,鮮香美味✨長野縣越光米 赤味噌湯 漬物 - 對於米飯,都是一絲不苟!每一鍋米都是於準備寿喜焼時為客人準備,以陶鍋煮熟,連不太吃米飯的小姐,平常晚飯半分的小弟,都忍不住要添上一碗飯,赤味噌湯濃厚,帶少少澀味,正好去掉油膩感。✨聖誕限定甜品🎅🏻 - 聖誕節點可以少了甜品?全球最小的「天之驕女」蘋果,蓋上冰糖,做成結冰的樣子。草莓聖誕公公配上牛乳奶凍餅,賞心悅目,為白雪紛飛的聖誕節來個精美的總結。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-12
肉割烹而今- ONIKU KAPPO JIKON不過不失嘅一餐仲有驚喜,反而係最後追加嘅牛舌冷皿燒牛肉 雲丹 蕪豆腐 鮮味清湯果凍椀物鮎魚女澤煮椀向付日本近海贈物刺身揚物吉列黑毛和牛柳三文治八寸筍伴木之芽味噌•沖繩太水雲酢•南蠻稚香魚•素炸澤蟹•鯛粽•鯛真子旨煮•時雨煮和牛旬彩活鳥貝•鮮北寄貝•新玉洋葱•豆乳奶凍•豌豆醬鍋物壽喜燒•旬野菜食事螢光魷魚•櫻花蝦釜飯•赤出汁香物甘味和菓子•季節果物追加牛舌お肉割烹 而今 (尖沙咀)尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號Victoria Dockside K11 Musea 5樓506號舖.....#hkfoodie #hkfood #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodlover #hkfoodpic #miffyeatwell continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-10
閒日的晚上來了個小眾聚會,幾個很久不見的朋友,來到K11 Musea享受了一場割烹之夜,聚舊一下之餘,要盡興一番。眾人選了$1480的長月。精美菜單早已安放在桌上,然了先來一杯甜的Sake welcome drink。大谷誠師傅是妥妥的日本人,帶著腼腆的笑容,低頭專注準備著食材。開放式吧枱可以將師傅的精湛刀功一目了然,有說有笑的氛圍以及時令的食材,通通都是那麼令人悅目。先付松葉蟹肉海膽最中餅,原隻蟹蓋上枱,造型已滿分!脆卜卜的最中餅夾著鮮甜的海膽和絲絲松葉蟹肉,三重口感於一身!前菜秋刀魚正值當造之時,入口肥美富油香,賀茂茄子炸漬配高湯啫喱。菊花金菇高湯漬有三文魚子鋪面,混入了4款秋天時令蔬菜,不時不食!燻製石蠔上放了西伯利亞鱘魚子,入口陣陣海水鮮味和咸香。和牛春卷炸得卜卜脆,夾著秋筍和韭菜。強肴慢烤A5和牛,伴上了茗荷、迷你番茄,佐以蒜片洋葱柚子醋,食落口好柔軟,牛味突出之餘又帶點清新。Sake送牛,一樂也。蒸物安康魚肝茶碗蒸,魚肝預先煎香再放入蛋蒸,所以蒸完仍食到甘香焦脆,出色之作!額外追加野生河鰻,外皮烤得焦脆,散發著淡淡炭火香,入口油香滿滿。燒牛舌,竟然用禾稈草燒!!!!熊熊烈火就是一場表演。海膽熱狗,不用多講的、那橙黃色的、鮮甜肥美,令人回味!!清口水果番茄沙律,用上了靜崗的Amela 水果番茄,甜度足有16度,猶如食生果,口感清甜,鋪上金箔,賣相更加滿分!鍋物A5和牛壽喜燒,想不到師傅將成件和牛托出黎俾我地影相!厚切的嫩粉紅的肉夾著雪花紋,看得到的肥美!蘸上蛋汁,肉質更添滑嫩!食事壽喜燒的肉,當然少不了一碗熱飯。這碗長野縣的越光米,粒粒晶瑩剔透,煙韌細滑,米味香濃,令人食唔停口!一再添飯!甜品前喝一口熱的赤味噌湯,吃點漬物清清味蕾!甘味香濃的自家製椰子雪糕一旁是雷電赤肉瓜伴上石榴,以香甜完美作結。度過了一個愉快又盡興的割烹之夜,依依不捨和師傅揮手道別,期待下次再回。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-09-06
全部Bar 枱式座位望住個chef 整完再放响你面前加上每道菜式也有介紹一坐低就有杯Welcome cocktail 每道菜式都很精美主角係果兩塊和牛不得了非常嫩滑諗返起早陣子去東京食過的味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-07
Tonight, I went to "お肉割烹 而今" at K11 Musea in Tsim Sha Tsui to try traditional Japanese meat cut cuisine! The menu at "文月" is extremely diverse, with every dish showcasing the delicacy and deliciousness of Japanese cuisine.Appetizers:Hokkaido corn tempura with fish roe sauceWagyu shigure-ni (simmered dish)Edamame soup with sweet shrimp and sea urchinThe tempura made from Hokkaido corn is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, complemented by the delicious fish roe sauce. It is definitely a delightful appetizer. The wagyu shigure-ni has a rich beef aroma, while the edamame soup has a distinct and flavorful taste. My personal favorite is the sweet shrimp with sea urchin, which combines fresh sea urchin with sweet shrimp in a beautiful presentation, leaving a lingering sweet taste.Steamed dish:Salmon roe chawanmushi (steamed egg custard)The creamy steamed egg custard is topped with flavorful salmon roe, releasing a fragrant aroma and a tender texture.Cold dish:Slow-cooked A5 wagyu with spring onion and basil sauceThe chef performs knife skills to freshly cut and slow-cooked A5 wagyu. The beef is tender and juicy, enhanced by the aromatic basil sauce, making the dish even more delicious.Palate cleanser:Fruit tomato saladRefreshing and pleasant, it helps to cleanse the palate after the previous rich flavors and prepares for the next hot pot dish.Hot pot dish:A5 wagyu sukiyaki with seasonal vegetablesThe A5 wagyu sukiyaki in the hot pot is memorable, with a tender and juicy texture. Paired with fresh seasonal vegetables, it is a tantalizing delicacy.Main course:Nagano prefecture Koshihikari rice, red miso soup, picklesThe main course consists of Nagano prefecture Koshihikari rice with red miso soup and pickles, showcasing the traditional flavor of Japanese cuisine. The rice has a rich aroma and is accompanied by delicious pickles with a delightful sweet and sour taste, leaving a lasting impression.Dessert:Brown sugar ice cream, bracken starch cakeThe homemade brown sugar ice cream in the dessert is made by the chef himself. The bracken starch cake is freshly made on the spot, slightly warm and incredibly delicious.Additions:Straw-grilled beef tongue with kelp pickleJapanese natural eel from the nearby seaThe additional dishes, "Straw-grilled beef tongue with kelp pickle" and "Charcoal-grilled eel," add surprise and richness to the entire dining experience.Overall, every dish tastes exceptional, and the carefully selected ingredients and cooking techniques demonstrate the chef's professionalism and dedication. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)