Exit B1, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 00:30
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
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Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (313)
Level4 2024-01-10
Affordable Dim Sum/hotpot all you can eat@Tsuen Wan..My families and I went to a restaurant called“Sheung Moon Chinese Cuisine” (常滿百家菜)located in 12/F, Emperor Plaza, 55 Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan荃灣眾安街55號大鴻輝(荃灣)中心12樓..it only costs HKD$198 per person to enjoy over 50 different types of Dim Sum and hotpot without time limit!!(無時限)..each customer can enjoy one abalone.."Shrimp siu mai"鮮蝦蒸燒賣.nicely seasoning yet.springy and bouncy texture.Yummmmm."."shrimp dumplings"蝦餃.incredibly huge size!!.with 3 while shrimp is wrapped inside.."fermented bean chicken feet"豉汁鳳爪.very collagenic.with a bite.."Steamed pork ribs with garlic"蒜香蒸排骨.the pork ribs are fresh and sweet.."Fried turnip cake"蘿蔔絲酥餅.with sweet ,soft shredded turnip as the filling.Golden crispy and crunchy crust on the outside..hotpot is also all you can eat woth seafood and proteins..the prawns are fresh and sweet..the beef is fresh woth pleasant beefy flavour.all in all ,value for money at such affordable price!!. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-26
加一後$174一位蝦餃好巨型,裡面至少兩至三隻蝦,但調味較淡 冇乜味道。燒賣好食好多,豬肉餡 蝦都足料,好味。小籠包 外貌麻麻 好似漏晒汁 漲晒,但食落有驚喜 裡面都係好多汁。蒸排骨 鳳爪 栢葉都正常發揮。奶黃包屬於半流沙嗰種 凍左會乾晒唔流,馬拉糕 菱形細細舊,比較似奶黃蒸糕 質地較實。小菜方面只有試幾款:咕嚕肉 粉多肉細 味道ok,金銀蛋時蔬 水煮牛肉 不難吃,醉雞 好濃花雕味 不錯,黃金蛋不是流心蛋 皮好硬 灑胡椒鹽好鹹 好難吃,京醬蝦仁 比預期中大粒同好味,芝士斑塊 其實係粟米斑塊,粟米芡汁幾乎冇味,不過想吃炸魚柳都可以嗌,賽螃蟹 就係純粹炒蛋白沒有任何調味 可以當飯吃,最後烏醋骨 啲肉 明顯用鬆肉粉嗱過味道 食得出,炒斑塊 不要嗌 好大陣唔知係咪鹼水定浸過的魚 怪味如果不介意好舊的酒樓裝修 同較差的衛生環境,食物種類多 CP值幾高 可以一試,食物都有一半以上達水準 部分質素差的食物自己避過 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-17
無限時任食點心火鍋放題,就是荃灣大紅輝的常滿百家菜, 晚市平日都是 $198/每位, 認真抵食 ∼∼坐下點完要食的點心及火鍋湯底及配料,當然是直接去自助區取熟食、飲品及自助區火鍋配料。自助區有串燒、炸物、椒鹽雞翼、炸薯條、炸蝦片……等。火鍋自助也有很多的配料,有豬潤、雞肉、斑片、牛柏葉、丸類、蔬菜、粉麵、甜品及飮品……等,自取任飲任食∼∼餐廳本身是酒樓,中午都食點心及中菜、火鍋,所以點心有質素,放題點心款式也不少,有招牌小籠包、常滿蝦餃皇、鮮蝦燒賣皇、蒜香蒸排骨、鮮竹牛肉球……等,因為太多嘢食,我隻揀自己喜愛食的……。豉汁蒸鳳爪,蒸得夠腍夠入味。招牌小籠包 ,一口一個,很鮮味。及椰香蒸饅頭……等,因為要留肚食火鍋,所以都不會揀太多。火鍋湯底的款式也有十多款,而且鴛鴦鍋也可以免費雙拼。我就選擇了澳門豬骨鍋拼沙嗲鍋。精選肥牛肥瘦適中。本地滑牛,非常嫩滑。海鮮海生蝦、魚頭、脆肉鯇魚腩,非常新鮮,最愛海生蝦,爽口鮮甜,及雖然多骨但皮肉軟滑的魚頭。豚肉片也是不錯,切得薄薄的肉味好鮮。多款的甜品及雪糕放於雪櫃,任飲任食,真是夠曬滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
$198 點心+邊爐放題有咩食?酒樓格局,座位都幾多,不過平日7點入到去已經滿座。雖然好多人都打緊邊爐,但職員話佢哋其實主打食點心。始終係酒樓,就試吓佢哋啲點心先~點心款式多,蝦餃,燒賣,牛肉球,包類都有最鍾意都係蝦餃同燒賣,真係酒樓質素,大粒又足料~邊爐我哋就冇試太多。叫咗肥牛,墨魚滑,魷魚等等,食材本身嘅質素都唔錯。除咗點心同邊爐,仲有自助區,有唔同熟食,邊爐配料,甜品,飲品可以自取連樽裝汽水同酒都可以免費任飲! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-09
朋友話呢間係佢同事推介過抵食嘅食肆,咁啱今日約喺荃灣,一於試下。一出𨋢見到二三十年前嘅酒樓裝修,完全唔係大鴻輝各層餐廳嘅風格。一開波就叫點心,蝦餃燒賣好一般,但味道還可以。小籠包皮厚,大家都食淨啲皮。打邊爐係敗筆,牛肉冇肉味,豬肉又鞋口,鯪魚肉丸散嘅,食完呢輪,已經完全冇意欲再食落去。跟住試甜品,個甜品櫃內有啫喱同桂花糕,但睇個樣就唔多想攞。朋友攞咗個青檸啫喱,估唔到佢話好食。跟住我試豆腐花,豆腐花嘅質感似豆腐多過豆腐花,失望。唯一抵讚地方係飲品,罐裝喜力,嘉士伯都任飲。汽水方面,可樂雪碧芬達都有細支裝任飲。其餘有石榴汁,荔枝烏龍同忌廉溝鮮奶等。整體來說,食物多但質素一般,食開環境嘅更加唔啱你嚟,我亦唔會再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)