4-min walk from Exit B1, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 20:00
11:30 - 15:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus PayMe
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (54)
Level4 2024-01-03
Fashionistas, like my cousin, love shopping at the Lai Chi Kok Hong Kong Industrial Centre, I just found that there is a food court at the UG level, just take the escalator down and you’ll see it. Let’s try this new Japanese eatery, their menu features a variety of staple bentos and udons. We decided to get the curry rice with chicken karaage, and the pork cutlet rice with egg. Very delicious curry: the flavour has depth, it is a combination of sweet and savoury, a little darker in colour, with bits of carrots and mushrooms. Chicken karaage was very crispy, and I appreciated the red pickled radish! Both sets come with a red miso soup, with enoki mushrooms and seaweed, it’s a very hearty soup and red miso is relatively uncommon in the soups we found in local Japanese restaurants, a decent surprise! Pork cutlet and egg on rice was good, served with nori slices and onions, a staple Japanese dish. Of course we also took a plate of stir fried cabbages for a balanced diet, it’s flavoursome and cooked with bonito/ soy sauce, finished with a sprinkle of pork floss/ furikake. Friendly reminder that it closes on Saturdays, drop by on weekdays or during Sunday afternoon if you’re keen. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
哥哥鐘意食咖哩嘅程度😂已經去到係人都知..早排有fd介紹我,話香工地下有咖哩飯同烏冬都好正!可以同個仔去試下😀食物吉列黑豚肉咖喱飯我真係要好多謝靚仔廚師🥹哥哥話個咖哩好特別,好好食,我試咗一啖,真係同岀面日式咖哩有啲分別!我知啦😙平時條友唔食紅蘿蔔,今日個咖哩係勁多紅蘿蔔粒!令到個咖哩甜甜地🩷佢都食得晒👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻唐揚炸雞湯烏冬炸物真係要即炸即食😋吉烈黑豚肉外面係好鬆脆!但入面啲肉係勁juicy,唐揚炸雞都係!啲肉仲好嫩滑🩷🩷食得岀師父好有心處理個雞湯烏冬又夠濃湯,又夠滑!正😄其他小記:我哋完全唔知地庫點落😂😂😂好彩都有啲指示,原來呢個有food court 😀我哋點完餐有個機仔,哥哥就問要黎做咩🐒講完,個機就係到震😂嚇死佢哥哥仔問:你知唔知我幾個開始鐘意食咖哩😀?😂😂😂打從你係我個肚嘅時候已經係咖哩仔…食一餐大一個碼…一索到咖哩味就狂踢#荔枝角美食 #香工 #美食探店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-29
荔枝角打工仔飯堂的定食位於工商業區地庫人頭湧湧的大飯堂,集合各路美食。今日午餐特別想來吃價錢相宜的日式料理,填飽肚子才有力氣繼續上班去🤭🥰。🍗🐣唐揚炸雞定食 $55貓太太很欣賞❤️六件即點即炸的Juicy香脆唐揚炸雞,清爽椰菜絲,加金針菇麵豉湯,配日本米飯🍚。🍜咖哩牛舌拌烏冬 $68是急凍日本烏冬,彈牙軟糯。日本咖哩夾雜蔬菜🧅🥕,甘甜不辣。牛舌🥩主要是靠咖哩汁來提味,一碗也有7-8塊哦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-18
今日去荔枝角工業中心附近做facial , 因有啲趕時間, 又未食lunch , 治療師介紹我落樓下地庫食, 佢話咗到有個food court, 好多野食.我就即管試下, 去到見到選擇都多, 價錢又唔貴, 最後揀咗食烏冬.職員態度都好好, 出餐速度快,約10 分鐘已經有得食.鹽燒三文魚湯烏冬(加$5 轉三文魚濃湯烏冬): 餐廳好細心, 三文魚同湯烏冬分開上, 個鹽燒三文魚好新鮮, 煎到外脆內軟, 啲肉質-啲都唔鞋口, 個面加咗少少鹽, 味道更可口, 個三文魚濃湯值得加$5 轉, 好香魚湯味, 應該幾足料, 差唔多飲晒下次再嚟可以試吓其他野食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-10
我今日去荔枝角辦事,順道約同好友去位於茘枝角青山道489-491號香港工業中心C座地庫美食廣場CB1-B3 的《壽定食屋》食日本菜,美食廣場是食街型式,先購票,再等食物出籠,自己找空位入座。我點左三文魚炒飯$72,配味噌湯;好友點左鹽燒鯖魚湯烏冬$53。取三文魚炒飯時,已經聞到三文魚味香濃,飯炒得夠乾身,三文魚份量都好多,每口飯都食到,味道不錯;味噌湯有金菇和紫菜,好飲呀;鯖魚煎得皮脆肉嫩,好好味;鰹魚湯烏冬好好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)