Exit C1, Kowloon MTR Station, Exit D1, Kowloon MTR Station continue reading
52883133 (WhatsApp)
Additional Information
匯聚中西的高級創作粵菜,裝潢設計靈感源自中式橋樑,着重空間的 關聯性,層層遞進的設計滲入幾何元素,予人深邃高雅的感覺。主餐 區特意設計多張窗邊座位及四間獨立包廂,270 度維港美景一覽無遺。由麒天行政總廚謝師傅掌舵,曾任多間高級食府總廚,擁有超過20多年的粵菜經驗,融合了中西傳統烹飪技藝,創造出當代粵菜的完美融合,打破傳統粵菜的規範。愛鑽研,愛創新的烹調理念為核心。帶領廚師團隊,為我們的客人打開味蕾。
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (119)
Level2 2024-05-20
慶祝生日嘅一餐飯🍽️環境幾好,可能當日唔多人嘅關係,餐廳都比較安靜,傾計都比較舒服。唔記得咗影餐牌,有三個set可以揀,另外仲有 A la carte,揀左$2388 per head 個set, 另外開咗兩支Stillwater,印象中$120一支 2388 set ⬆️⬆️⬆️每樣嘢份量都好細,我女仔黎講都唔係大食,但真心食完係冇飽嘅感覺😂😂😂 男仔食量就更加唔洗講 😐😐好彩食飯當日都天清氣朗,如果唔係乜都睇唔到嘅話都幾灰,話晒都係俾錢睇個景😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨Service 方面,的確麻麻地,大廳得2個樓面。問我地開唔開水嘅時候比較積極😂😂 叫埋單都等得比較耐,但員工都有主動提出幫我地影相,而且好專業咁拎埋反光板。總結黎講,試過一次打個卡就算,冇咩特別都唔會覆桌,要靚景嘅餐廳都有好多選擇。2個人連加一,埋單$5639 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-29
今日朋友帶過嚟圓方嘅麒天餐廳環境可以直接望到維多利亞港裝修 服務 都幾好今日食咗好多嘢每樣點心都OK最主要都係最靚呢個金魚餃鮑魚燒賣都好食,可惜唔記得影相📸下次會繼續過嚟 試下其他晚餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
Located on 101F at the ICC building, the view is no doubt unbeatable and we were lucky to be able to sit by the window for the night. We were first greeted with some snacks and their sweet walnuts tasted really good. There’re both a la carte and set menus but we didn’t want to think so we just went for the 9-course dinner set at $1888/person that we got really full after. For starters, we got Hokkaido scallop and marinated abalone which were both seasoned well. Then the fish maw soup in coconut was really flavourful and aromatic which I enjoyed a lot. For mains, I really liked the hidden spice in the steamed grouper fillet whereas the crispy chicken fillet was also very soft and juicy. On the other hand, the baked crab fillet was very creamy and appetising. Even the poached vegetables in fish broth was a delight as the soup was really flavourful that I finished every sip of it and of course, the wagyu beef fried rice had enough ‘wok hei’ that I still managed to finish the whole bowl of rice even though I was very full..Last but not least, they’ve prepared some delicious birthday buns for me and a red bean soup to wrap up the dinner. Overall the ambience, the food quality and service were all great which I believe I will come again and hopefully, with a bigger group of friends or families to try out more dishes. The only thing is that their serving speed was a bit too fast.🥂Hokkaido Scallop with Scallion Sauce🥂Marinated Abalone with Assorted Onion🥂Double Boiled Fish Maw and Sea Snail Soup in Coconut🥂Steamed Grouped Fillet w/ Chilli Pepper🥂Crispy Chicken Fillet w/ Chives & Scallion Sauce🥂Baked Coral Crab Fillet w/ Cream Sauce🥂Poached Seasonal Vegetables in Fish Broth🥂Wagyu Beef Fried Rice w/ Supreme Soya Sauce🥂35Yr Tangerine Peel Red Bean Soup.Overall rating: 9/10jsv_foodie continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-25
呢間d服務都算幾差下,呢個價為唔應該係咁嘅服務。佢地竟然會係上一道菜都未食完嘅情況之下就上咗下一道,放咗係隔離都得。。。唔知係唔係趕收工呢?不過我地8:15 食,離9:30 last order 都有一段時間啦... 而且上菜時完全無介紹菜式嘅特色及烹調方式,我地完全靠估佢係d 咩汁嚟但佢個椰皇螺頭花膠湯係唔錯嘅,幾鮮甜又夠熱,椰肉都起好咗俾你方便食。最後尾嘅紅豆沙都唔錯,陳皮味香,唔會太甜,幾好味。但係!!頭盤嘅帶子係有急凍味嘅,好難食!!和牛炒飯亦都好油又無味,身為招牌菜嘅雞都好油,食完呢餐即刻cancel 咗之後嘅booking continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大年初二當然不可錯過維港煙花如果不想在露天場所人擠人不妨來Sky Dining 101可以一邊嘆粵菜,一邊欣賞煙花每一道菜擺盤都很精緻簡直就是一件件藝術品餐廳裝潢也很精美!更重要是能俯瞰整個維港!!✅蔥油富貴蝦烹飪火喉剛剛好~綠色湯汁有濃郁蔥香味摗尿蝦搭配蔥湯口感很特別蝦肉吃起來很Q彈!✅海螺烏雞燉青片翅海螺、烏雞、青片翅三種high class食材組合一起沒想到喝起來很有滋味!!真是暖心又暖胃~✅紅燒20頭南非吉品鮑魚鮑魚真是絕絕子!!太上頭了!油潤鮮香~一盤簡直不夠我吃✅蟹粉生煎星斑柳這個一定要試!!口感特棒~新鮮的星斑柳帶有淡淡蟹味好有創意的搭配!一口很滿足!!✅唐生子花生苗炒花膠花膠除了燉,還能炒著吃絲條狀花椒有花生苗香味花膠分量感人!!✅湖水黑蒜浸菜苗黑蒜口感比較特別菜苗清香,很解膩!✅頭抽鹿兒島A4和牛炒飯誰能想到王炸是一碗和牛炒飯?米粒巨香!!和牛嫩嫩很入味這碗飯很值得!✅雲海杏仁官燕最後上桌的一道甜品杏仁味燕窩很滋潤口感清甜Q彈,撈絲晶瑩剔透記住這個位置!!港鐵九龍站D出口直達商場步行2分鐘到大堂乘坐專屬電梯直接到達101樓層共有5家不同菜式高品質餐廳親臨感受香港奢華氛圍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)