7-min walk from Exit B, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
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Review (14)
Level4 2023-12-28
在元朗的舊社區內驚喜發現這有格調的印度小食店,原來店主曾是名酒店的印度菜廚師,難怪裝修風格也是別樹一格。😎店內主打多款印度小食,而且更以momo為招牌菜,小店內的Momo都非常講究有蒸/煎/炸,內餡更有豬肉或雞肉選擇,適合不同宗教的人士。👍🏼與店主傾談了一下了解到他非常着重食物的平衡,希望讓客人食到每一個食材的鮮味及每一個香料的滋味,而不是只有強烈的味道。🥠脆皮油炸球$32 六粒必食之選!雖然經常都會於印度餐廳品這小食,但其他餐廳淋上脆球的香料水對於一般香港人來說都是過酸的,但這家的特製香料水簡直是讚!酸甜適中得來又帶着各種香料的香氣也不失傳統風味,而這個價錢絕對超值!🥔椰子碎薯仔包$38 餐包中間夾著炸香的薯仔蓉加青辣椒及印度香料,惹味又開胃為香港很少有的度特色小食。🥟蒸雞肉餃子 $46 八隻真心做到皮薄餡靚,而且香料味充足又不會蓋過肉類鮮味,推薦沾上老闆特製的辣醬食用。🥘雞肉椰子咖喱$68配薄餅+$15有別於一般的印度咖喱香料過盛,這個咖喱加入帶洋蔥粒、蕃茄碎及椰奶,帶出所有食材的鮮甜味,有不會像傳統印度咖喱的辣及膩。🍹芒果乳酪$30🧉椰子乳酪$38 兩杯都非常清新,用上自家製乳酪仟base,分別加上椰子或芒果,非常開胃。椰子乳酪更加入椰子碎檸檬,非常新的口感體驗,所以encore 了一杯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
元朗🚇呢間小店由前🏨酒店印度🇮🇳菜廚師👨‍🍳主理,出品夠正宗👍又高質,而且幾抵食!入面地方唔算好大,有吧枱位🪑同埋幾多人叫外賣🥡,個職員好 nice 又主動介紹同講解💁‍♂️唔同嘅特色食品俾客人👍。我十分中意飲🇮🇳印式乳酪,佢哋嘅🥭芒果乳酪同埋椰子🥥乳酪都係新鮮製作,尤其係椰子🥛乳酪加咗少少椰絲🥥同埋香料係面,風味十足好啱我🤤口味!脆皮油炸球係印度🇮🇳出名嘅街邊小食,入面有薯仔🥔、鷹嘴豆🫘等材料,食嘅時候先倒入特製🇮🇳印度香料水,一口一粒少少🤏酸辣,味道複雜有層次😋。尼泊爾 Momo 餃子🥟可以揀蒸、煎或炸,餡料可以揀豬🐖、雞🐓或者素🌱,仲有幾款唔同嘅自家醬汁可以🤩選擇。我哋揀咗蒸豬肉餃🥟,入面仲有洋蔥🧅同埋椰菜,沾上佢哋嘅自家特製酸辣🌶️醬,開胃美味,而且個🔥辣感好有 after taste,十分之😍特別。印度🇮🇳海德拉巴羊咖哩🍛入面有肉桂、腰果同埋綠荳蔻,佢哋介紹話係👑皇室口味,入口好香味 creamy,🐑羊肉又嫩又腍好入味,配埋印度薄餅🫓,perfect match!雞肉薄餅卷🌯份量十足,入面有燈籠椒🫑、洋蔥🧅、薄荷番茄酸辣醬同埋咖喱🍛,味道香濃有層次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
身邊原來頗多朋友喜歡吃印度餐。這天又在元朗排練,住在元朗的同學帶我來這家吃印度餐的小店。小店跟我印象中的印度餐廳很不一樣:感覺印度餐廳該是色彩鮮艷的橙色、桃紅色,但這裡走簡約水泥風,風格摩登精緻,簡潔舒適。店主是個能操流利廣東話的印度人,熱情地跟我們介紹各款食物。PANI PURI (GOL GAPPA) 脆皮油炸球店主推介了兩款印度小食,油炸球裡放了薯蓉吃的時侯再注入一些薄荷辣汁,很有趣。薯蓉調味很好,充滿香料的味道,加入薄荷辣汁令整體增添了味道和口感的層次,值得一試。另一款小食是加了乳酪、薄荷醬的豆蓉。豆蓉質感較薯蓉實和粗糙一點,薄荷醬和乳酪非常搭配,朋友大愛這個混醬的配搭。豬肉蒸餃原來印度人叫餃子做Momo,而這裡的店名是”the momo place” 想必餃子一定是這裡的招牌菜式吧。餃子可以選蒸/煎/炸餃。今次試了蒸豬肉餃子,配招牌辣醬。豬肉餡了調味恰到好處,味道有點像小籠包裡的豬肉餡,但較乾身,不像小籠包般油淋淋;自家制辣醬不算太辣,怕辣人士也能吃,頗惹味。牛肉薄餅卷薄餅卷卷得很扎實乾爽,不會油淋淋,內裡有滿滿的蔬菜,醬汁分佈平均,每一啖都非常滋味。藏紅花甜糕在我認知裡,藏紅花是西班牙海鮮飯的靈魂,飯裡滲著一種獨特的香氣,那就是藏紅花。沒想過藏紅花和奶也會如此搭配,吃著浸滿藏紅花奶的甜糕感覺頗特別。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Dahi Bhalla😋Dahi Bhalla is a popular Indian dish made with lentil fritters soaked in spiced yogurt and garnished with chutneys and spices. The lentil fritters are soft and spongy, and when combined with the tangy and creamy yogurt, they create a delightful contrast of textures. The dish is often topped with sweet tamarind chutney, spicy green chutney, and a sprinkle of chaat masala, which adds a burst of flavors.Pani Puri😋Pani Puri, is a beloved street food in India. It consists of crispy hollow puris filled with a mixture of spicy, tangy, and sweet flavored water, along with mashed potatoes, chickpeas, and chutneys. The experience of eating Pani Puri is unique, as you take a puri, crack it open, fill it with the flavorful mixture, and pop it into your mouth in one bite. The explosion of flavors, from the tangy and spicy water to the creamy potatoes and the crunch of the puri, is a delight to the taste buds. Pani Puri is a popular snack that is both refreshing and addictive.Pork dumplings😋Pork dumplings, also known as momos, are a popular dish in Indian cuisine, especially in the northeastern regions. These dumplings are made by filling a thin dough wrapper with a mixture of minced pork, vegetables, and spices. The dumplings are then steamed or fried until they become tender and juicy. The flavors of the pork blend with the seasonings, resulting in a delicious and savory taste. Pork dumplings are often served with a spicy dipping sauce that complements the dumplings perfectly.Coconut Lassi😋Coconut Lassi is a refreshing and creamy beverage made with coconut milk, yogurt, sugar, and sometimes flavored with cardamom or rose water. It is a popular drink in India, especially during the hot summer months. The smooth and velvety texture of the lassi, combined with the tropical and slightly sweet flavor of coconut, creates a delicious and soothing drink. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-24
元朗正宗印度菜小店🥕脆皮油炸球$32⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆印度特色必食小食,外皮非常脆口,足料,酸酸甜甜好開胃!🥕椰子碎薯仔包$38⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️食落係🐰都可以接受既辣度,餡多薯仔完全係薯仔蓉加入左好多印度菜必備香料,成件事非常惹味!🥕雞肉蒸餃子$46⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆皮薄餡多,雞肉非常嫩滑juice,不算太淡得黎肉又夠味,仲附上店家印度醬料,不夠味可以🥕雞肉椰子咖喱飯$68⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆份量足好大份,咖喱非常濃厚,多汁到夠撈飯真係好正!雞肉都算多,咖喱中帶有椰香比較creamy 奶油般順滑可口。🥕椰子乳酪$38⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆重奶香和椰香,偏杰身,可以好好地解辣~🥕青檸梳打$38⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆夠氣不會太甜太酸,微微清香青檸味,幾fresh 下~餐廳裝修簡單得黎又好精緻,非常有文青feel,多綠色植物,冷氣足夠,店員服務態度良好非常熱情!======詳情======The Momo Place元朗水車館街11號連勝大廈地下10號舖👣元朗站B出口步行約7分鐘================ continue reading
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