The location of the restaurant is in Tolo Harbour that you can see the sea view. And there are some outdoor seats. The ceiling height is high and spaciousness. It provides American, Italian and Thai cuisines at the same time. The chicken is tender in the Thai Hainanese chicken rice. Some of the steaks are cooked with Thai style, such as Thai lemongrass grilled short ribs. continue reading
Additional Information
Last order: 21:45
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (192)
Level1 2024-02-02
喺附近返工,間唔中都會過黎食下lunch今日黎到照舊坐outside想對住吐露港食塊扒🥩,落完單水又冇杯餐具又冇,個餐一黎到嚇我一跳,竟然用外賣兜仔裝住,碟都冇隻,然後叫我自己行入餐廳攞餐具,好啦攞緊刀叉又有職員同我講坐出面要用外賣餐具😂 冇計,餐就黎左,唯有死死氣食埋佢,點知食完個湯都未黎😮‍💨問職員話餐廳轉左型式outside係咁做,真係幾失望,成個用餐體驗十分差😭如果你係第一次食可能冇乜感覺,但以前食開真係冇對比冇傷害。以前係享受咁食,而家係寧願買個兩餸飯坐碼頭食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-19
今天我同朋友踩完單車嚟咗呢度食lunch,叫左個泰式豬扒撈濛同鮮茄肉醬意粉 呢度嘅泰式豬扒撈濛係用炸過嘅豬扒片,加左d 脆蒜,個撈濛係用幼嘅米粉,口感軟滑而有彈性。豬扒片酥脆而多汁,撈濛個汁都好開胃 個鮮茄肉醬意粉係用鮮茄同牛肉燉煮成的肉醬,拌上意大利粉,再撒上芝士條,簡單而美味。鮮茄肉醬酸甜適中,牛肉鮮嫩多汁,意大利粉唔會煮到過軟或者過硬,芝士條加左d鹹味,整體幾適合中意清淡而不失風味的人。 兩道菜份量都ok,價錢都正常,我同朋友都食得很滿足。餐廳的環境也很舒適,食完之後都可以慢慢坐下,休息夠先踩翻單車出去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-23
200多的炭燒美國肉眼扒,你確定不是大家樂的肉扒,味道還不如大家樂或者一般茶餐廳的味道,肉扒質素就更不用說了,被坑的無語。大蝦墨汁意粉,蝦是騷的,120多,一隻蝦還不是新鮮的。墨汁意粉除了油脂味,其他什麼都沒有 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-04
一大班人黎慶生預先book 咗枱加上平日冇咩人唔洗等位👍叫咗好多野食 一落完單都好快有野食都唔錯小食拼盤雞翼最出色 其他蝦餅春卷正常不過不失生菜豬肉碎包少少辣 夠入味 生菜唔夠包不過勝在夠fresh 夠大塊👍龍蝦蟹粉天使麵覺得全場最出色每一啖都有蟹粉穿插每一條麵龍蝦尾夠鮮夠彈牙份量雖少 但夠好味天使麵仲要煮到岩岩好😋😋青咖哩雞肉配蒜蓉包青咖哩唔夠味 雞肉太老 肉唔滑茄子唔係用泰國茄子 呢個麻麻有蝦片連埋咖哩上 仲以為係配埋點知食左三塊有staff 走黎問 你地有冇叫蝦片我地當然話冇 以為係跟餐職員 你地都冇叫 做咩食?黑人問號❓之後再叫既pizza 意大利飯 飲品都冇影啦 幾好味都冇用最後搵左經理反映 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-27
: If you're an avid cyclist looking for a new destination to explore, Tom Bar & Grill is the perfect spot to fuel up after a long ride. 🚴♂️🤤 This restaurant is perfectly located in Tolo Harbour, offering stunning sea views that you can enjoy from their outdoor seating area. 🌊🌅Riding your bike to the restaurant is a great way to work up an appetite and appreciate the natural beauty of the area. Plus, you'll feel even better about indulging in the delicious American, Italian, and Thai cuisines they have to offer. 🍴🍹We started off with the satay, which was perfectly grilled and served with a peanut dipping sauce that had just the right amount of kick. 🍢 The Baked Potato Skin with Cheese and bacon was also a standout dish - crispy potato skins loaded with melted cheese and savory bacon. 🥓To wash it all down, we enjoyed a cold beer that perfectly complemented the flavors of the food. 🍺 The combination of these dishes was nothing short of amazing and left us feeling fully satisfied.So grab your bike, plan your route, and make sure to stop by Tom Bar & Grill on your next ride. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)