1-min walk from Exit N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
A cool coffee shop in Tsim Sha Tsui, Urban Coffee Roaster serves aromatic coffees, all-day breakfast and delicious sandwiches. They are known for their sweet potato latte and green tea latte. continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 19:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Parking Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (615)
Level4 2023-12-05
法式焦糖班戟賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧甜品由三塊厚厚的班戟疊高,再淋上超誘人的焦糖燉蛋漿製作而成。上枱時熱騰騰,散發著陣陣的焦甜香氣,非常邪惡迷人。班戟食落厚實有飽肚感,帶有淡淡的蛋香,沾上甜美濃稠的焦糖漿一起食,滋味滿分。🐧❣️班戟製作需時,但值得耐心等待🥴👍雲尼拿士多啤梨批、熱情果牛奶朱古力批賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧兩款甜批各具特色,表層慕絲香滑細膩,加入酸香清新的果醬於其中,令整體甜而不漏。底層脆餅鬆化可口,為甜批增添口感嚼勁。純素雜莓鬆餅賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧鬆餅硬身有實感,口味清淡又健康,夾雜著粒粒雜莓,酸酸甜甜的滋味十分開胃。焦糖鮮奶咖啡賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧咖啡可免費改選健康的燕麥奶,口感順滑之餘又帶有燕麥的香氣,滋味頗為獨特。咖啡醇香怡人,微微的苦澀味正好被焦糖的甘甜覆蓋,頗易入口十分適合怕苦的朋友。環境:🐧🐧🐧🐧餐廳走工業風路線,牆上以不同富藝術感的文字圖案作點綴,型格又獨樹一幟。🐧❤️結語:法式焦糖班戟大份又足料,務必一試🥴👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-28
放假日最好嘅開始就是先來一杯香醇咖啡,平日可能滿足於連鎖店的出品,這天一定要善待自己。來到尖沙咀的 Urban Coffee Roaster,猜對了,是一間精品咖啡店,咖啡供應不同炒豆形式的咖啡,例如 honey process、water process、natural process 及 special process。若然閒著,真的要與咖啡師傾吓偈學吓嘢,只可惜咖啡師今日比較忙,我就乖乖地食個早午餐不礙人!平均一杯普通咖啡散點收費$40,我看中的朱古力咖啡售$53,但點午餐可省,非常化算!美式咖啡朱古力咖啡與別不同的杯子,拉花唔錯。精品咖啡之外,我相信朱古力咖啡最特色,因為六成 Dominica 多米尼克的豆,中度甜,富果香,非常香醇,不苦不酸,正合我意!英式早餐配美式咖啡 $138 如期望中分量十足,炒蛋、香腸、煙肉、車厘茄沙律、啡菇及一片酸種麵包,即點即做熱辣辣,最特色是長長肥厚的香腸,焦香惹味。煙三文魚賓尼迪配朱古力咖啡 $128 富鹹香的煙三文魚與滑溜的賓尼迪蛋是好拍檔,令口感豐富。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-21
之前已經去過位於將軍澳的Urban Coffee Roaster,今次去開尖沙咀店就順道食過靚早餐,9:30Am已經到達,餐廳已經坐左八成客人平日來説都好多人。Cafe吾算好大,勝在環境舒適,工業風設計 木系裝修 整體感覺好悠閒Veggie breakfast 素菜早餐 $128櫻桃蕃茄 大啡菇 牛油果 哈羅芝士 水波蛋 酸種多士素菜早餐款色多 最愛是牛油果 同 煙煙韌韌的酸種多士 好滿足Slow cooked pork rib burger W: Fries 慢煮豬肋漢堡配薯條 $128豬肋 茴香沙律 芥末子 蜜糖啤酒汁 軟包 薯條慢煮豬肋肉質嫩滑又入味 最細心係已去骨 細心度絕對是加分位 薯條炸都好香脆可口Vegan mixed berries scone純素雜莓鬆餅 $38純素雜莓鬆餅 酥脆鬆軟 食落都幾特別Dirty $40咖啡及鮮奶份量恰當 好有口感American $40香醇的American continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我最近到Urban Coffee Roaster用餐,但我必須說他們的食物品質和味道讓我感到非常失望。以下是我對他們的評價:首先,食物的質素非常差。無論是主菜還是配菜,它們都沒有達到我對一家餐廳的期望。作為一個食客,我希望有充分嘅時間用餐。可是他們會趕你走 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-19
French Caramel Pancake:           Each bite was a symphony of flavors, with the caramel sauce oozing out and complementing the subtle hints of vanilla in the pancake. The presentation was impeccable, and the portion size was generous, making it a delightful start to my meal.New Zealand Mussels:       Served in a savory broth infused with herbs and spices, the mussels were plump and tender, bursting with flavor with every bite. The broth itself was a masterpiece, with layers of complexity that tantalized my taste buds and left me craving for more. It was a true testament to the culinary prowess of the chefs at R-Urban Coffee Roaster.Green Tea Latte:     A refreshing beverage that provided the perfect balance of creaminess and earthy green tea flavor. Served piping hot, it warmed both my body and soul, making it the ideal accompaniment to the rich and indulgent dishes I had savored thus far. The subtle bitterness of the green tea was offset by the creamy milk, creating a harmonious blend that left me feeling rejuvenated.Matcha Mousse Chocolate Cake:            Chocolate Cake. Visually stunning and decadently delicious, this dessert was a feast for the senses. The rich chocolate cake provided a perfect contrast to the delicate matcha mousse, creating a flavor profile that was both indulgent and refreshing. Each bite melted in my mouth, leaving behind a lingering sweetness that left me craving for more. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)