Restaurant: Victoria Pearl
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
2-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Victoria Pearl located at the coastal area of North Point, the diner can enjoy the sea view when dining. The restaurant is spacious and elegantly decorated. Its offers high-quality Guangdong cuisine, deluxe dried seafood, special noodles such as Baked Seafood with Rice in Carbonara Sauce, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
10:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Accessible Environment Details
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Victoria Pearl
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (71)
Level2 2024-01-14
不嬲都有黎開呢度飲茶首先明明入面有位個帶位話要等結果佢比經理話牛柳粒好食,所以必點知今日黎到一望,牛柳粒變配菜?問下經理。佢理所當然話呢個係有啲姑但牛柳粒少到你都睇唔到喎佢條友聽完走左去不是吧?你是經理嗎?不如你再上下training/退休啦係味廚房叫唔夠貨?咁不如話售罄啦無得食都無咁嬲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-09
入咗明珠海景,首先嗰一抹海景真係正翻天,席開窗邊,吹吓海風,咪講咗!特色點心放係眼前,光聽名都流晒口水。竹炭流沙包,黑滑滑嘅外表下,夾著濃濃嘅蛋黃流沙,咬落去嘅感覺簡直係正到爆!嘩,溢出嚟嘅沙味,簡直係亂噏!🥢黑松露燒賣,肉粒彈牙,松露味嚟得夠晒自然,香氣襯托埋燒賣嘅鮮美,一試難忘。講到鮮蝦豆苗餃同魚翅餃,賣相得意,食落去仲得意,咸蛋黃係豆苗餃嘅噱頭,層次感豐富。腸粉部分,黃沙豬潤同韮黃腸粉,滑潤又細膩,每條腸粉就好似微編嘅絲巾咁軟滑,鮮蝦彈牙,配合得宜。另外,百味豆腐粒就係外酥內軟,啖啖豐富口感,揀得唔錯。腦海中仲揮之不去嘅,係嗰碗魚湯魚滑米線,皮蛋點綴增加咗想像,湯底一流,令人回味無窮。最後,個蛋白櫻花蝦炒飯嘅顆粒飽滿,香氣撲鼻,整餐飯都算係無懈可擊。食完喺度講,我都覺得過癮,值得再黎!喺呢度食飯,真係滿足咗味覺嘅同時,仲有眼福,真係一流!✨🍽🌊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-28
太差,我訂咗230,居然到咗就話3点last call. 230 就係為咗下午茶! 係呀係訂咗時告之呀⋯⋯掃興!我上次來覺得他們的環境很好,東西世界也不錯啲!想不到這次體驗咁差! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-04
節日晚飯☺️脆皮乳豬外皮經過特殊處理和烤製,形成了一層金黃色、酥脆的外皮。這層外皮帶有爽脆的口感,當你咬下去時,可以聽到脆脆的聲響。儘管外皮脆口,但乳豬內部的肉質通常非常嫩滑。乳豬是年幼的豬隻,肉質較為嫩嫰,口感柔軟。它的內部肉質經過長時間的烤製,慢慢熟化,使得肉質更加細嫩。蒸海斑海斑肉質鮮嫩,口感豐潤。它的肉質緊實而彈牙,咬下去時可以感受到柔軟的口感。清蒸烹調方式能夠保留海斑魚肉的嫩滑度和質感。清蒸海斑強調清淡的味道,不會有太多的油膩感。海斑的自然鮮甜味道在清蒸過程中得以突顯,讓人感受到清爽的口感。杏仁糊杏仁糊經過加工和攪拌,通常具有柔軟且滑順的質地。它可能含有一些細緻的杏仁碎粒,但整體上會給人一種滑嫩的口感,杏仁糊的質地通常是綿密的,具有一定的黏性。這使得它在口中留下一種濃稠的感覺,給人一種滿足感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-23
今天領取兩盒雙黃白蓮蓉,本來打算用來送禮,裝月餅的袋太細,不料到門口的職員一男一女不停口地說是2023 年的新設計,非常無禮貌,當我白癡,男職員還大笑不停好似好威,本人直覺袋太小及露出半盒月袋太寒酸,奉勸各位不要買明珠海景月餅卷,領取時職員當客人是乞丐,兩人真係不適合做服務行業! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)