3-min walk from Exit A1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB BoC Pay WeChat Pay
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (198)
記得好耐之前Duck哥🦆同阿仔嚟食過一次,記得當時餐廳老闆👨會主動同客人傾偈,問佢地意見,睇得出佢地係有心去做好間餐廳💯。今日咁啱又同阿仔經過,又見到餐廳老闆👨,佢同Duck哥🦆講,啱啱換哂啲廚師👨‍🍳,叫我入去食下,咁我就同阿仔再食多次🥰。珍寶火車頭湯河 $88非常足料,除咗有生牛肉、牛丸之外,仲有牛,札肉和蘿蔔,不得不提個湯底😍,有夠香又夠濃,但又唔會蓋過材料嘅味道🤤。越風味小食拼盤 $118墨魚餅🦑,蝦餅🦐,春卷表面炸得非常香脆,墨魚餅同蝦餅有食材本身嘅香濃味道,肉質彈牙😍。春卷同蒸粉包同樣餡料豐富飽滿。扎肉帶有淡淡嘅猪肉🐖香味,樣樣都好食😋!咖哩軟殼蟹飯 $82 (飯 轉 3件蒜蓉包 +$18)軟殼蟹🦀炸得香脆乾身🥰,裏面保持鮮味濕潤😋。最正係個咖哩,味道又香又濃🥰,蘸埋蒜蓉包一齊食,好味道到不得之了😋。芒果軟殼蟹米紙卷 $68一共有4️⃣件,用薄薄嘅米紙包住新鮮香甜嘅芒果🥭,正好中和了軟殼蟹🦀嘅油膩。鮮榨牛油果沙冰 $38由於係即榨,所以牛油果🥑味特別重,重點係唔太甜,沙冰夠綿滑,好飲🥰。新鮮椰青 $38阿仔就叫咗個椰青🥥,味道清甜,解渴一流😋。都話老闆用心經營,係餐廳邁向成功嘅重要一環🥰。換哂啲廚師,老闆親身試味,令餐廳變成了可能係Duck哥🦆食過最好食嘅越南菜館?! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-27
由中學時代到而家,喺旺角都食過唔少美食,而家諗返起,好似從來都冇喺旺角食過越南嘢🤔,今日行街見到鄰近村爺爺有間《越風味地道越南料理》,仲要全日免加一,就同男朋友一齊幫襯啦🤭店內裝潢以綠色為主,再配襯啲越南風格,6點去到仍然keep住有客幫襯😃,老闆亦好熱心推介餐廳美食,其中更大推牛油果沙冰!小妹同男朋友分別嗌咗兩份主菜、兩份小食及兩杯飲品,嚟越南餐廳當然唔少得要嗌Phở啦🤭小妹見餐牌有好多Phở選擇,經過肉眼掃描後,決定了《特級手切鮮生牛肉湯河》。▪️ 特級手切鮮生牛肉湯河湯頭甜、河粉軟、手切牛肉嫩滑,食極都仲有牛肉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻▪️ 咖喱軟殼蟹飯原隻軟殼蟹細細地、炸得好香,咖喱又香又濃,無撈晒啲咖喱醬,留番啲沾法包用😍😍▪️ 經典越式法包(扎肉為主)法包香脆,餡料有芫茜、青瓜、扎肉、醃蘿蔔絲,即使隔咗陣先食都依然咁脆!大推!沾啲咖喱醬一齊食更加好食😝▪️ 越風味小食拼盤小食拼盤兩款扎肉都好食😋、墨魚餅有粒粒墨魚㗎、春卷及蒸粉包都多料、相對蝦餅比較普通,不過小食整體都非常好食🤤▪️ 自家煲椰汁珍多冰椰子汁不太甜,珍多冰滑溜溜,平時啲凍餐飲小妹飲唔晒架,呢杯反而啜得晒💕▪️ 鮮榨青檸梳打青檸梳打有青檸汁座底,唔係齋水、冰及青檸🤭層次豐富咗❣️估唔到法包🥖,就算因Phở而食飽,依然都覺得好好食😍其中一個原因係小妹鍾意食法包🩷下午5:30前惠顧A至D及F餐奉送指定飲品,都幾抵架👏🏻日後有機會先再試吓老闆大推嘅沙冰啦🤓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
風味地道越南料理旺角砵蘭街108號地舖油麻地站A1出口 旺角朗豪坊行幾分鐘就到午餐供應時間到下午5點半仲有熱飲送凍飲加$3小食拼盤$118春卷炸到脆卜卜餡料係蔬菜點魚露非常美味越式粉包白雪雪脹卜卜咬開滿滿蔬菜餡墨魚餅有啖啖墨魚粒好有質感蝦餅蝦味濃點泰式辣醬非常惹味越式蕃茄蟹肉粉$68蕃茄湯加左茄膏非常香濃蟹棒炸完再放湯保持形狀得黎又索滿湯汁扎肉 調味夠濃,肉質好滑粉好有咬口重頭戲越式火車頭湯河$78湯河滑嘟嘟湯底係看似清湯,實則濃味的牛骨湯飲落好舒喉生牛肉肉質靚牛𦟌片都軟身唔會過火牛丸夠彈牙,好似乒乓波職員服務好,老闆又親和 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A heart-warming and rare authentic Vietnamese high-quality restaurant with free 10% off all-day takeout and 20% off😳 🍅 Fresh eggplant and crab meat bank noodle 82 Highly recommended! So good, so good, so good. The tomato soup is so thick. The tomato soup is so thick. The tomato soup is so thick! In addition to the real crab, there is also my favorite crab paste. Other toppings include pork rolls and shrimp balls. It’s so chewy 🍛 Curry pork chop with rice and garlic buns 62+18 The curry is delicious, not too spicy and has a strong coconut flavor. Pork chop is not a matter of thinness. The meat is chewy and chewy, semi-fat and lean, with a strong lemongrass flavor. Very sincere. 👍 The garlic buns are chewy and not hard, even if your teeth are scratched. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, just right The garlic butter chicken wings pass the test. It is worth mentioning that the home-made lemongrass and ginger tea contains four slices of ginger. It is slightly pungent in the mouth but quite warm to the stomach. People who love health care like me ~♥💖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-29
越風味地道越南料理旺角砵蘭街108號地舖坐港鐵油麻地A1出口, 約行三分鐘環境不錯,店員態度友善,帶笑容與交人溝通😊河來生牛肉湯河 湯底清甜美味生牛肉放在上面再加上配料😋 咬入口的生牛肉厚度剛剛好煙煙靭靭,感受到河粉滑漏,放入口好滿足! 軟殼蟹撈檬軟殼蟹切開一半,柔軟的蟹肉和蟹膏😋檬粉非常清爽加上調味配料放入酸汁很合客人口味,一口氣食完檬粉,好舒服😄 自家煲椰汁紅豆冰煙煙韌韌紅豆沙再加入椰汁,飲落喉嚨好舒服!越風味咖啡沙冰好濃越風咖啡味,吸入沙冰甜味剛剛好,飲入口好清涼舒服! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)